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In a persons quest for success in life, what do you feel are the most important things they need to practice or focus on to get there? What do you feel are the biggest road blocks or hurdles that people have to overcome in their lives in order to achieve personal success and which of these trouble spots do you feel are the most under-emphasized? What do you feel are the most helpful resources people can turn to? Personal success stories would also be appreciated.

2006-10-08 08:24:11 · 103 answers · asked by greengirl 3 in Social Science Sociology

I'm trying to get a feel for other peoples ideas of success...want to compile a list of the most popular & most obscure answers, for research.

My own idea is success in making ones way through life, achieving personal growth & reaching ones full potential, and finding ways to achieve ones dreams, goals and desires, whatever they may be.

Example: Hard work, good comunication skills, good interpersonal relationship skills, persistence, etc.

2006-10-08 08:48:02 · update #1

103 answers

This is a very personal question

1. School Education
This will definitely open doors and opportunities for you but does not guarantee success. There are Harvard graduates who do not have a job and many people who are successful that do not have any college education. But in this day in age life is competitive and its importnat for you to have a college degree, I woudl say at least a master's degree.
2. Experience in Work
Working hard and being professional goes a long way. If you are on time, look nice and take your jobs seriously you will always have good references for other pursuits. Learning how to treat people in a professional manner, conduct meetings, do presentations is important.
3. Experience in Social Relationships
Having good friendships, personal relations, family relations and work relationships will always help you acheive more and give you a base of support in tough times. Focus on work but make sure your family and social relationships don't hurt too bad.
4. Living a healthy Life style
If you are not alive to experience success you will never benefit, eat healthy, don't drink or party TOO MUCH and get some exercise.
5. Passion for what you do.
You must love and have passion for what you are doing in life, never compromise for something that doesn't thrill you and never choose a path because your parents, a friend or lover asked you, because you may regret it.
6. Taking Risks
Sometimes it is important to take a risk in life when you feel very strongly, sometimes you will make the wrong decision but the risk may pay off in the end!!


2006-10-11 01:57:28 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

Here is part of what you asked:

"What do you feel are the biggest road blocks or hurdles that people have to overcome in their lives in order to achieve personal success and which of these trouble spots do you feel are the most under-emphasized."

The biggest road blocks or hurdles that people need to overcome is the belief that their lives are a cross between a soap opera and a beer commercial. How does someone even begin to know what their full potential is when most people walk around with an over-inflated self image and self worth is determined by an unrealistic scale? There are far too many people walking around with the same speech you display here who are extremely unhappy and unfulfilled.

Really there can only be one goal: happiness at all costs. When happiness becomes the goal, people tend to see the real value of life and drop their "act."

2006-10-10 11:43:15 · answer #2 · answered by Perfectly Said 3 · 2 0

You Were Born into the Metal Element You are an energetic, active person who values ambition. You think success is important. You are very unique and competent. You know how to live a good life, without following anyone else's rules. You have to watch out for anxiety. Sometimes you find it hard to let go and relax. You are stubborn and persistent. You won't give up out of principle, even if it's the right thing to do.

2016-03-18 06:35:21 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Initially, one has to determine what success is to the individual. From a purely economic view, being able to support ones self in a lawful manner is success. I would think that many would desire personal development in either a spiritual or knowledge approach.
In a material manner, I am both blessed and successful, I can go to the grocery store and buy anything I want to eat. I have a nice home(luxurious by the world's standards) and have a good vehicle.
At this point, I have come to realize that spiritual development is the primary reason for existence. I am not at the spiritual level I feel that I need to be at.
That is why religions are practices. One has to work on them everyday.
In some part, I am proud to have put myself through college. I am not the brightest light, but have over come that weakness to some extent by working hard.
It is important to me to have goals and objectives. One will not meet all the goals and in fact one may learn more by failure and scarifies.

2006-10-11 01:36:41 · answer #4 · answered by david42 5 · 1 0

I think first you need to figure out how you define success. To some people, success means having all the big toys in life; house, cars, boats, etc., the material things. To others, success means something much more deep and meaningful; being productive and helping others, being a person of integrity, leaving a legacy of love and hope for family members, etc., the most important things in life.

I have known many people who "had it all", the material, but were very unhappy people. I also know folks with little material things, but very rich in goodness.

Having said all that, I believe success is being true to yourself. Respecting yourself. Doing the best you possibly can in life by making good choices; taking into consideration the future and how those choices will affect not only you, but others too. Being an asset to the world, do good things for others. Be honest. Treat others well.

I thought this was a great question. Good luck in whatever you do.

2006-10-10 14:42:17 · answer #5 · answered by MadforMAC 7 · 1 1

To find success in life you must know what is that you want. But is success the most important thing? I think a valuable person is much more greater than one with success. Of course, one comes with the other, but is a big difference between finding success and your own culture and value.
To be a valuable person, you must know how to choose between good or bad. Because life is all about left or right. Trying to find answers,arguing on different matters, building ideas and structures throughout time, for our children to have something to learn, that is very important.

2006-10-11 07:44:26 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Letting go of feelings, having a detached yet concerned view of people, taking chances as rabid dogs, trusting those who provide to general success. As a personal clue, examining all concepts and determining how hard to want something, then let go, have a good laugh and after a little while getting to the idea and knowing why. This is not education, is apart from it: kin. It will give the unattentive sorrow and the taker his richness. They are both proper and good for each, yet one seems to have more at a time, such is success, we never have it all, but the way we see it in every perspective will give fulfillment and wisdom which are the only traits rich and successfull people ever want for their time.
I may add rich is that who knows he has enough, and successful is that who takes what is his and no other´s.

2006-10-11 07:51:03 · answer #7 · answered by Manny 5 · 1 0

I think the first thing is an analysis of your values, so you know what success means: is it money, recognition in your profession, a happy marriage and beautiful children, or some balance of all of these things? I spent a long, long time deciding what my values really are, so I never considered myself a success until recently. Then I came to recognize that (a) I liked my job, (b) my bosses thought I was good at it, and (c) none of that interfered with or contradicted my ethical values or standards outside of the office. (Still, I got laid off from that job after 16 years, so . . .)

I have come to accept that in order for me to make a lot of money, I would have had to consider that goal more important than my other, more subtle values, and I'm just not going to bother. Perhaps if I had decided to pursue money earlier, and had been successful at that, I would have found other ways. But we never do get to know about the paths we don't take, do we?

2006-10-10 12:36:47 · answer #8 · answered by auntb93again 7 · 2 0

I guess we are not here just to exist but to find the strenght to coexist and for this to happen, one must be in peace with all the options taken in life, know they were never random.
My idea of success was, some years ago, all about achieving professional goals, and because of the area I work in - cinema - I thought success derived from professional growth and social communication skills.. but I think that in the end, I was wrong. Success is something much more profound and it starts when you Stop to apreciate little things of life - your children laughter, the way the light changes your skin, the glow surrounding every human being and how everyone is so close connected in the same web of energy - success is knowing and feeling these little things by heart and being grateful to be part of it All.
Success is in giving and not necessarily waiting something in return and loving all things, because that is our true nature.
Maybe it will sound cliché, because Im just stating the obvious for so many - but for those still blind in a wild/cold world of objectiveness, I hope this might help you to stop and ponderate for a moment? Success - be true to yourself, always.
Thank you for your question.

2006-10-10 13:58:40 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I believe it's all about following your heart. It's the feeling you get when you've done something that's made a difference and get a sense of prise from it. It's not being self absorbed, it's about the success of being a part of something without any expectations. People have a tendency to believe they are owed the world for the minor contributions they made and that is mot always the case. the most helpful resource a person can turn to is empathy for others. Like me for example I believe my purpose on earth is to help people so I am looking into going back to school to become a counselor or either become a police officer. I've always been approachable and in return have been of great help to those that have come to me for various reasons and that is where my satisfaction comes from, knowing I've made a difference in someone else's life so I can't stop now. I speak not only from life experience but from my heart as well with great empathy.

2006-10-11 01:50:20 · answer #10 · answered by Tanya 2 · 1 1

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