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Ever since the 'lawmakers' said it was un constitutional to pray in school or give god thanks, school violence and deaths have risen. What say you?

2006-10-08 07:20:57 · 14 answers · asked by Geeman 2 in News & Events Current Events

14 answers

pretty soon the north koreans will send us there

2006-10-08 19:33:49 · answer #1 · answered by acid tongue 7 · 0 0

well, although your question seems to be pointing out that "lawmakers" were wrong to do so, I believe that it was the right thing to do since it was too slanted into the neo conservative christian view. If we did have prayer in school then we would need to include many different religious views. Would we have different prayers for christians, jews, catholics, muslims. etc? Also if the class is half atheist do we send them out so the other half can pray? Also make people of other religion/sans religion say the term "under god" while paying their respects to our flag? That would be like making christians say the term "godless nation".... . Also violence and death related actions have usually been perpetrated by ultra right wing religious teens, or atheists, so the fact that prayer is no longer in school does not have any substancial proof to show that removing "prayer" from school has been the reason for this pattern. Also private/religious schools that are based on religious teachings have a much higher percentage of drug use and social development issues down the line which lead to more violent tendencies. In conclusion, I do not believe that removing prayer from school has created a more violent school environment.

2006-10-08 14:41:05 · answer #2 · answered by angrynoodleguy 1 · 2 0

I'm not sure violence in our schools has increased as much as our awareness of the violence has increased. In our society we now have a 24 hour news day and a world that can be circumnavigated via electron in mere seconds. How many people in California would have heard about the Amish school shootings 20 years ago? Not many, I can almost guarantee it.

When you talk about bringing God back into the schools, you also have to understand that many of the common religions in the US have intolerance of other religions built right into them. Even many 'christian' groups feel that if you are not the same 'type' of christian they are, you are surely hellbound. Now picture these people sitting next to my child in class.

I was raised Asatru (a traditional Scandinavian religion - a form of Odinism) so I raised my son Asatru. I do not answer to the gods of the Middle East, so I do not pray to them. Nor does my child. We do not expect others to pray to the Northern Gods and we certainly don't go out and 'spread the word'. We do, we MUST according to the Nine Noble Virtues and the Six Fold Goal, respect and tolerate other religions, cultures and peoples. However, I strongly suspect some students and their parents, due to the intolerance built into their religions, might be a bit upset by my son praying to the All Father next to them in class.

Now throw in a few Muslims, some Jews, a Wiccan or two of varying traditions and maybe even a LaVeyan Satanist just for giggles and scatter them around your typical Californian urban school of 2000+ students. I think it becomes very clear very quickly why keeping 'god' - ANY god - out of school is probably a good idea and just may help prevent violence rather than promote it.


2006-10-08 14:40:21 · answer #3 · answered by morgorond 5 · 4 0

The rise in violence was a CAUSE of removing prayer from school, not a RESULT. Actually, it is a good thing. School is not the place for religion but for education. Parents need to teach their kids proper doctrine about God. It is completely up to the parents. If schools teach religion, what religion would they teach? Hindu? Muslim? Christian? Catholic? The schools are already broke, why aggravate the issue further?

Remember, America was formed to escape the religious tyranny of the Catholic Church in Great Britain. This is the only reason America came to be a nation. Separation of Church and State is our foundation. Why do people want to regress back to a Church state with its tyrannical reign over people; forcing people to pay taxes to the Church of the government's choice and abide by rules for reasons that people do not believe in.

The freedom to believe what you want is what makes America great! So you force people to accept a certain religion; does that work? of course not! Freedom rules. There is already enough of religion trying to take away peoples' freedoms by the Catholic Church monitoring peoples' income and demanding money from its members and the Christian Coalition trying to outlaw abortion. The interference in these private matters is the most evil thing of all.

Freedom and privacy must be respected above all.

It is impossible to outlaw prayer in school, anyway. Prayer requires no outward expression to be effective. You can pray anytime, anywhere, forming the sentences to God in your mind only and no one will even know you are doing it.

2006-10-08 14:31:08 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I say you're just using this as a specious argument that has no substance whatsoever...

Each generation has had it's rebels. The 50's had street gangs (remember West Side Story?). There has been drug use among young people since the 1920's (just read some old Agatha Christie if you don't believe me). Then there was the upswing in motorcycle gangs in the 60's. These things were happening long before it was decided to remove religion from schools.

The violence and deaths in our schools can be more honestly laid at the feet of parents who are too busy to instill morals and a sense of social conscience in their children. And this lack is just highlighted by the preponderance of violence and amoral behaviour in young people's music and videos.

We have to teach our children to be conscious of their peers. And to regard others as having just as much rights as they themselves have.

2006-10-08 14:38:19 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

It seems strange to me that the U.S. changes its ways because of a small population. Most of the people in the U.S. ARE Christian, yet there are a much smaller percent of Jews, Jehovah Witnesses etc. in school still, and the government appears to be very concerned if it offends anyone. Many schools are not allowed to mention Jesus in Christmas plays etc. even though Most of the children/parents would Not have a problem with that. Strange?

2006-10-08 14:24:26 · answer #6 · answered by Ladeedah 2 · 2 1

if the schools went back to God then they wouldn't have time in the day to teach the children how to be gay

people in the 60's tried to change America in to a any thing that feels good culture , they found out that they couldn't do that in a Democracy so they went under ground and now they are indoctrinating the children through the grade schools and colleges , ( once we have the children we have you ) and they use rogue Judges that legislate from the bench and junk science and propaganda to force the rest of us in line.

remember ! it takes a village to raise a child !!!

Sig-Hile Comrade

2006-10-08 14:35:15 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

hey the student constitution protects the right for students to pray and stuff so no worries they can say god cant come in but they cant keep you from praying

2006-10-08 14:23:16 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

That was the greatest mistake government has made.

Religion helps to keep people in check. The absence of the knowledge of the superiority of a supreme being who is capable of making you culpable for your crimes and misdeeds has allowed for a lot of criminal behavior.

More so, Students have being made to believe that they are the sole achitect of their future and therefore majority do what they like when they like.

The knowledge of God, who He is and what He can do for you will go a long way in bringing the kids back not just to God, but to sanity.

2006-10-08 14:56:08 · answer #9 · answered by topgun 2 · 0 3

I just switched from a private christian school to public we dont pray or anything and the kids do watever they want and swear. I dont understand

2006-10-08 14:32:46 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

'Bunkham?' If you aren't going to observe the separation of church and state principle/law/rule, which ones are you going to observe and why the 'lawmakers'? I understand you would have been better off under the British but your ancestors didn't choose to go to Canada so until you move those are 'your' rules.

2006-10-08 14:26:44 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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