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2006-10-08 06:59:03 · 14 answers · asked by Sam 2 in Society & Culture Holidays Halloween

14 answers

To eat candy!
Like Garfield!
Candy! Candy! Candy! Candy!

2006-10-08 07:02:24 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I reccommend reading the book or watching the movie adaptation of Ray Bradbury's Halloween tree. It sums it up rather nicely. Actually, I think maybe the movie did a better job. As to the candy companies- Easter makes them much more money than Halloween does.

First off, isn't the fact that it's fun enough? Honestly a lot of our other holidays have so much emotional baggage wrapped into them, it's like you're OBLIGATED to have a perfect Christmas, for instance. And how much fun is Thanksgiving if you don't get along with your family? Halloween is a pressure free holiday, and we all need those.

It does celebrate some things that are important to bear in mind, also. FIrst off, it is a day where you can get away with eating too many sweets, dress up in an odd way, and cut loose a little. A lot of people don't connect readily to their Id- but this will help them to loosen up a bit. It also celebrates death in a positive way. The ancient Celts believed that Halloween (Samhain) was the day that their ancestors might once again walk among them. The jack o lanterns are a modern version of the turnip "punky lights" which would light their way. The point of the masks is that you don't KNOW who's a spirit and who's your neighbor- you might be giving charity to a deceased family member, and in spirit, that's what you are meant to be doing in giving to trick or treaters. Frankly, our culture fears death more than is, perhaps, healthy. Halloween is a fanciful way of easing some of that.

2006-10-08 07:19:33 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Well, if you have children, I think that's the point. Picking out and carving the perfect pumpkin The excitement on Halloween day waiting for night to come. Leaving the house all dressed up in their "awesome" costumes. Being able to run from house to house in the dark saying "trick or treat" And of course the ultimate payoff, checking out how much stuff they got at the end of the night!
p.s. Of course the candy companies make money...they always do.

2006-10-08 07:08:50 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Halloween (IPA pronunciation: [hælə'win], [hælo'win]) is an observance celebrated on the night of October 31, most notably by children dressing in costumes and going door-to-door collecting sweets. It is celebrated in much of the Western world, though most common in Canada, the United States, Puerto Rico, Ireland, the United Kingdom, and with increasing popularity in Australia and New Zealand. Halloween originated in Ireland as the pagan Celtic harvest festival, Samhain. Irish, Scots and other immigrants brought older versions of the tradition to North America in the 19th century. Most other Western countries have embraced Halloween as a part of American pop culture in the late 20th century.

The term Halloween, and its older spelling Hallowe'en, is shortened from All-hallow-even, as it is the evening before "All Hallows' Day"[1] (also known as "All Saints' Day"). In Ireland, the name was All Hallows' Eve (often shortened to Hallow Eve), and though seldomly used today, it is still a well accepted label. Halloween was also sometimes called All Saints' Eve. The holiday was a day of religious festivities in various northern European pagan traditions, until it was appropriated by Christian missionaries and given a Christian interpretation. Halloween is also called Pooky Night in some parts of Ireland, presumably named after the púca, a mischievous spirit.

Halloween is sometimes associated with the occult. Many European cultural traditions hold that Halloween is one of the liminal times of the year when the spiritual world can make contact with the physical world and when magic is most potent (e.g. Catalan mythology about witches).

2006-10-08 07:57:49 · answer #4 · answered by Hater 3 · 1 1

Halloween is a holiday where you dress up in different costumes and have a good time.You drive around and get candies.You go to the people you know to get candy!!!But sometimes Halloween can be scary and spooky!!!!
Halloween is a spooky holiday where you scare people!!! Not exactly!!!

2006-10-08 07:41:14 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Halloween was a holiday first started in Ireland, by the pagans. it was kind of like the day you remembered all that died in your family and supposedly you could see them. when the Irish came over to America they brought their holiday with them. the people decided to celebrate it and over the years it became more and more commercialised. before i go too far I'd like to say that Halloween is a christian holiday.the pagans wanted to convert to Christianity so the holiday we call Halloween they called all hallows eve. I am 12 years old but i love to read and Halloween is my fav. holiday so i got out as many books as i could on Halloween. each book had a small fact in there. one book said that hallow means saint. i went to a christian school at the time and found out that Nov. 1 the day after Halloween is all saints day. i pieced together the puzzle. all means all hallow means saint and eve or even is short for evening as in day or night before eg Christmas eve. so all hallows even means day before all saints day. that's how Halloween originated. people got sick of saying all hallows even. and probably just called it hallowe'en. Halloween. i know you didn't ask for the origination of Halloween but, this tells you that the meaning, really was just to remember your loved ones that had passed. every holiday has been commercialised Christmas, Easter. Halloween included.

2006-10-08 07:13:29 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Forget all that historical garbage. The point of Halloween is that it's the one holiday with no sentiment attached. Even Valentine's day with its commercialization is "love day". Halloween is just a day to act like it's a holiday without having to go to church or thank somebody for crappy cranberry sauce.

2006-10-08 08:37:23 · answer #7 · answered by tomstrong83 2 · 5 1

Halloween is rid off Evil Spirits.

2006-10-08 07:02:40 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Personally I like to dress as a scarecrow, sit in my front yard and scare the crap out of small children.

2006-10-08 07:01:32 · answer #9 · answered by Thanks for the Yahoo Jacket 7 · 4 0

Nowadays when they speak to us of “Halloween” we thought about a celebration with subject related to the demon, monsters, magic, candies, disguises and without I number of other things. But in truth as they will be the origins of this celebration and it is related to the Christianity.

The origins but deep of this festividad come from the old tribes celtas who were in Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England. For celtas first of November it was the beginning of a new year and celebrated the festival of “Samahain”, gentleman of deads. During this festival celtas thought that the souls of deads returned to the Earth with the alive ones. In order to frighten malignant spirits, the people used you chewed and caught giants bonfires.

But in where this the Christian aspect in all this?perhaps, they are asked. In year 835, the Pope Gregorio IV moved the celebration of all the saints of May 13 to 1ro. of November and I name the previous night “All Hallow' s Eve”, or as “Halloween” is known today, that means the eve santa. In November 2 the day of the died souls is celebrated or.

The intention of these celebrations is to remember those that are dead, are those that officially are recognized by the Church like saints or no. It is a celebration of the “comunión of the saints”.

Now they were asked that it is the comunión of the saints. The catechism of the Catholic Church says that it is the connection and communication that exists between that they are in the sky, those that they are in purgatorio and those that we are here in the Earth. It is union that is produced by the love of Mr. Jesus as the death is greater than.

This union does not happen as we see in the films, that it appears to us a ghost and we began to speak with, but happens in which we do every day. In the ORATION. When the saints in the sky interyield by us and we requested by the intercession of which they are in purgatorio. It is an interchange of intentions good mutually between alive and died.

Now you can understand better the origins of this celebration and the true meaning. But also now you are thinking that it thinks the church on the things that nowadays relate such as the devil, ghosts and magic.

He is natural to explore the supernatural thing, specially in youth. After all, we also have a spiritual soul like a body. Now it is the time normal to question to us on God, the spiritual world and the life after the death.

But like everything, there is a correct way and an incorrect one. The Church does not want that one grows with an exaggerated fear nor a bad curiosity of her.

The first subject that I want to comment to them is the one of the devil. The Church if it believes in which the devil exists but is smaller and the opposed thing of God, that is to say, that is no power that can before putting itself to the one of God. For that reason no baptized person must be scared to him to the devil.

But that then says of the exorcism? The church if it provides the exorcism. Although it is of the last options. In this process it is the formal extraction of the demon, presided over solely by a monk with the approval of the bishop. This is not taken to joke since struggling with the true one badly.

In September of the 2000 Pope I make an exorcism to a young person in the seat of san Pedro. Definitive mind was not so sensational as if outside a film of Hollywood. Simply the gold with authority on her, commanding to the demon who fence itself. Most of the people who happened that way nor they gave account of which it had happened.

Changing another subject, now it will speak to them on if a person really can see the future. The Church yes says that, since to our history this flood of prophets and saints who have seen the future.

In the 500, san Benedicto had a vision of when her sister died saw raise her spirit the sky. Here we see an example of a vision that has had east santo.

Entering another subject, The Church believes in the ghosts? If you think about a ghost that is like a savannah, definitively that no. But you talk about the spiritual soul that continues living after our body dies, because yes

These are not angels but souls of people like the one of us who will live for always. Until for when the end of the times we receive our glorified body.

Good in short paragraphs we have seen some subjects more showy than the celebration of Halloween and power are related to to include/understand better this celebration. That it is not a satanic celebration, as many think, or to scare and to do of hers, since many it does, or simply to gather candies. But it is a celebration with after religious winches and very ample and interesting subjects including/understanding of which one thought.

2006-10-11 11:01:42 · answer #10 · answered by Gulembo 1 · 0 2

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