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17 answers

Because it's part of their constitution - don't forget they gained independence through violent rebellion - and they believe that they must have guns to protect the constitiution.

Now here's the irony. The founding fathers forget that an idiot with a gun is only as effective as an idiot without a gun.

Look at what Bush is doing, eroding all their civil liberties. Are their guns helping? No. Do they even know what's going on? No. Is there any point in their having guns to defend the constitution? The freedom they used to have? Can't see any.

Get rid of your guns America, the dark ages are over and you are not the visionary revoloutionaries that your forefathers were.

2006-10-08 06:36:27 · answer #1 · answered by airmonkey1001 4 · 0 2

1 - Well, when you come home to find a predator raping your wife, it's nice to know that you can take direct action instead of running away to call 911 and then waiting for a police officer to show up. Ideally, of course, your wife would have already shot the mf to death.

2 - Oh, no, most definitely not!

3 - Check out Great Britain and Australia; they've both essentially banned handguns in the last few years and have seen a significant rise in crimes involving firearms. You see, the law-abiding are just that - they obey the law and turn in their guns and the predators do not; there's just no getting around that fact.

In addition, there are estimates ranging from 200 million to 350 million firearms in the US - what this tells me is that there are always going to be a LOT of guns in the US, regardless of what laws are passed to control them.

Here is an extreme example to make a point: just imagine if every citizen (not including felons, drug users, the mentally ill, etc.) were required to own a handgun, know how to use it through throrough, professional training, and pass a rigorous certification test demonstrating a responsible ability to carrry and use the gun. Those who couldn't pass the requirements of the training or the certification test would remain among the unarmed.

What you'd have is (I'm guessing here) about 125 million demonstrably responsible adult citizens carrying handguns each and every day as they go about their business. (Right now, there are approximately 3 million US citizens with concealed carry permits allowing them to legally carry handguns, except where prohibited by law.)

I'd like to suggest that certain crimes would become much less common if the predators knew that a good deal of the adults in sight at any particular time were, if fact, armed and prepared to act in the event of specific acts of hostile behavior.

Now, I know this scenario isn't going to happen, but I believe that we'd be a safer society by not having to rely so much on the handful of police officers we employ to protect us.

2006-10-08 13:47:06 · answer #2 · answered by Walter Ridgeley 5 · 1 0

In England we have a ban on guns. There are still people who tout them, but it is criminal. The police only carry them when responding to firearms incidents.

This means there are far less guns lying about for people to abuse. I don't miss having them. Might have been appropriate in the USA 100 years ago, but can't see why they still think it is a good idea when nutters keep going into schools and killing innocent kids.

2006-10-08 15:39:22 · answer #3 · answered by Andy 1 · 0 0

They think they are protecting themselves and their "freedom". In the five years since 9/11, the Bush administration has carried out the greatest attack on rights and liberties in the history of the republic -- without disarming the population. Isn't this curious? Shouldn't that fact tell us something? Might not the entire debate over the right to bear arms be a diversion, a smokescreen, encouraging U.S. citizens to reduce liberty to the right to bear arms? To lull them into a false sense of security: "I have my gun, therefore I am free"? What liberty is left when one's only defence against false arrest, unlawful detention, and torture is to force a stand off at gunpoint when they come to take you away? Most Americans have been so brainwashed and emptied of the ability to think critically that they are willingly going to the slaughter, still metaphorical at present, but for how long? While they have their TV's, iPod's, SUV's, and fast food, they believe they are free. They send their sons and daughters to far-off lands to die for what they are told by pathological liars is a noble cause. But people have been disarmed of their capacity to think. By the time it gets to guns, it is too late, those freedoms have already been lost, so that concentrating on the right to bear arms is looking in the wrong place. That is what I mean when I say it may lead to a false sense of security. People could think that because they are still armed, they, and their freedoms, are still safe even though those freedoms have already been lost.

2006-10-08 13:29:41 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I as a honest, hard working citizen of this great country fought 2 wars (Viet Nam, Gulf 1) for the right to carry firearms for protection of my family & hunting.I love deer meat, moose meat , bear meat grouse, & duck meat. I help keep nature in balance with man.Never mind PETA. They dont seem to under stand that animals were put here to feed us.I also dare anyone to try & hurt my family because there will be one less criminal to try.That is why I own guns.

2006-10-08 13:39:22 · answer #5 · answered by BUTCH 5 · 2 0

Umm, where did you get the impression that Americans want guns so badly? Or are you getting your knowledge off of the simpsons?

Don't generalise.

2006-10-08 13:26:46 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

When do guns ever not cause harm? Honestly, it would make perfect sense to me to ban guns.
Think about that crazy guy that shot those poor girls in PA last week. With guns being legal, anyone has access to them. Even the mentally instable.
Americans want guns for protection, which is understandable. But must a confrontation always end in gunfire?
Outlaw guns!!!

2006-10-08 13:29:27 · answer #7 · answered by x-a-n 3 · 1 3

The original idea was that if the government started taking away Americas freedoms then the PEOPLE would have a way to fight back.

2006-10-08 13:37:38 · answer #8 · answered by 76tb97t6ht 3 · 0 0

I think that Americans are steeped in the very thought of governing their own lives. And that they are afraid. Split up in the wes and them. I think they should giver up their weapons.

2006-10-08 13:43:16 · answer #9 · answered by KirstenP 4 · 0 0

It gives them a feeling of power, the whole world would be safer without guns.

2006-10-08 13:25:31 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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