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14 answers

Porridge oats.

Put some porridge oats in a muslin or cotton cloth and tie at the top. Use in the bath. It will create a milky water which if wiped over the skin help reduce the itching and inflammation. Be aware that this is not an instant fix but will help over a number of days. Take a look at your food intake, cut out sugars and eat more healthily and this can help reduce the attacks.

2006-10-11 03:54:30 · answer #1 · answered by Lisa 1 · 0 0

An old remedy which I have used myself and know is effective - using porridge oats! I am an asthmatic, and eczema is a known secondary problem for asthmatics. In my case it was blotching on the upper parts of my arms and across my chest.
(This really is not a joke).
Take a daily bath - put about 2 tablespoons in a hankie and run it under the bath tap (not too hot) - the water should turn a milky colour - bathe and soak in this - try to remain in this water for at least 30mins and ensure that the skin is well bathed. As a final finish off use aqueous cream as an all over body wash before getting out of the bath. You can also use aqueous cream in the shower too - but make sure you wash the shower tray after as it can make it a bit greasy - we wouldn't want any slips!
Make a solution the same way - soak/stir a tablespoon of porridge oats in about half a pint of hot/warm water until the water is very milky looking - leave to cool, strain, and use this lotion to dab and bathe on affected areas at least 2/3 times daily....
Imbetween if the itch and redness become too irritable, try using a small dab of lavender oil on the areas - the smell has a calming effect and the oil has a soothing and healing effect. Don't use on broken skin though. Always use a barrier cream on your hands and normal handwashing should only be done with aqueous cream - no soap on any account. You could also use tea tree oil shampoo as tea trea oil also has a healing effect - so particularly good for the scalp.

The porridge oats remedy was told to me by my mother, and you should start to see positive results in a week or two. Prolonged usage should, eventually, eliminate or at least drastically reduce the effects and recurrences of the eczema. It worked for me... occasionally get small reoccurrences - nothing bad - and nothing that lasts for long - haven't had any since 1999.

2006-10-09 23:33:23 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hi, I had eczema for about 5 years, and like you i went to the GP who gave me lots of creams (incl. benovate) but it didn't really work.

I couldn't put up with the itching for the rest of my life so I tried acupuncture and chinese herbs. The itching stopped after about 2 weeks and after 12 weeks it has virtually gone (although because I was scratching it) I do have scarring but they should go in time. (I went to a Dr. China branch).

The chinese doctor was saying to me that my eczema was an external manifestation of something that was wrong inside my body (as it turned out I had a hormone imbalance which was indicated by blood tests). So, unless I treated the problem i.e the hormone imbalance the eczema won't go. By applying the creams etc, it is just a topical treatment that doesn't get to the root of the cause. Whether you think chinese medicine is a load of mumbo jumbo or it works - if you get to the point of scratching until it bleeds - the acupuncture and herbs are worth a go?!

2006-10-10 00:58:25 · answer #3 · answered by pet 1 · 0 0

A cure for exzma is finding the actual cause for it. You're either allergic to something or you have parasites. Have a look at www.judycole.co.uk and click 'case studies'.

2006-10-09 23:10:23 · answer #4 · answered by kedimus4 3 · 0 0

I suggest you ask for something more effective, it clearly isn't helping. If he doesn't think you need it, ask to be refered to a specialist at your local hospital; he cant refuse and dermatology experts can do much more for you

hydrocortisone cream is very soothing, and comes in several strengths. Its greasy, but is applied sparingly cos its a steroid cream. Only use this on the flare-ups

In between continue with aqueous creams and/or bath oils (try balneum - its great)

I also found Avon's Skin-so-soft soothed my skin, but that wont work for everyone

My cousin switched from cows milk to goats milk (an acquired taste I suppose) but it worked

2006-10-08 05:11:26 · answer #5 · answered by miz Destiny 3 · 0 0

I suffer from eczema around my eyes, when I lived in the UK my GP issued me a useless cream. I now live in Spain and my GP issued me "Vaspit Pomada". It works a treat and clears my eczema very quickly. Not too sure if this is available in the UK, however I would think so as it is produced by Schering.

2006-10-08 05:13:20 · answer #6 · answered by tengo hambre 1 · 0 0

there is no cure, it's an allergic reaction on your skin.... there are lots of creams that will help but you need to look into what you are doing that is causing the eczema. Could be your skin is dry and you need to make sure you keep moisturizer on it
Could be you are allergic to something you eat and it is causing reaction
Could be you are allergic to a soap..

different things.... try using only hypoallergenic soap,in the bathroom and in the laundry

2006-10-08 05:14:58 · answer #7 · answered by katjha2005 5 · 0 0

A treatment for symptoms that we have found effective is Weleda's Dermatodoron Ointment (www.weleda.co.uk) and of course hydrocortozone cream.

However eczema is always symptomatic of an underlying problem ranging from dairy intolerance to stress. It will only go away when you have identified what is causing it. For me it was dairy, wheat, food colourings and msg. For my friend it was stress.

Both of us were cured by a combination of homeopathy and complementary medicine.

2006-10-08 05:13:38 · answer #8 · answered by peeve 3 · 0 0

Try dead sea soap or evening primrose or even Hemp soap.
You can also try filling a piece of fabric or tights with oats and let the water run through it when you have a bath. Do this for about ten times and it should begin to fade.

2006-10-11 07:11:26 · answer #9 · answered by charlie a 2 · 0 0

Emulsifying Ointment, you can get it from any chemist, I'm assuming you are in the UK! works wonders, believe me, makes your skin feel like a babies & reduces itching almost immediately, use it in the shower or bath & just wash off. Recommended to me by a dermatologist & I've never had any problems since. Hope this helps you.

2006-10-08 05:34:23 · answer #10 · answered by Littlehoneybee 2 · 0 0

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