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Imagine, if we are not answerable to any authority or for that matter God, Himself. What will the world be like? Will you do that which is right or wrong? Please use imagination and answer.

A tenner for the best shooter.

2006-10-08 04:42:33 · 8 answers · asked by Chief of sinners 4 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

Thank you all for the inputs. Now this is getting somewhere, I am liking it. Morality, Good, Evil..I love to work on these topics. More answers please.

An open ended question, indeed!

2006-10-08 05:04:31 · update #1

8 answers

It is exactly what the atheists are shooting for. A world without compassion or accountability. So convinced of their own superioroty they can't predict the breakdown that comes as a result of removing a spiritual sence of guilt from people as gullable and pliable as a religious minded man. It is the basic reason that Hitler was able to order the physicians to perform horrible experimentations on the Jews and how modern day doctors are able to experiment on children and the sick up to at least the last decade. Without a moral accountable to SOMETHING kind of responsability, atrocities have been done in the name of science and will continue to be done. All the statistics in the owrld cannot adequately predict the chaos that would come as a result. Yet the Bible predicted it thousands of years ago.... For all of its contradiction, I'll take it over the alternative any day!

Where was the moral accountability when children were used by atheistic, science-minded physicians, to conduct love and touch deprivation experimentation ON HUMAN, HEALTHY CHILDREN? I wonder what kinds of altered monsters they let lose into society as a result and what monsters were bred as a result of them and that?

It is the very reason Jeffrey Dahmer felt that he was able to do what he did. He said in his final interview before "Finding" God. That he was raised without religion and God and taught to believe that science and experimentation was all their was. He felt that becomming a murderer and a cannibal was his choice and he wasn't accountable to anyone but his own moral sence and structure so he didn't believe it was wrong.

The Bible actually alludes to this very thing. It says something to the effect of; Sin is only sin unto a man if he believes it to be so.

That... Without a sence of moral or spiritual responsability and accountability to SOMETHING other than the self (no human being has that much control or backbone to be emotionally correct all the time. Is a very dangerous concept. It is noble to BELIEVE and HOPE that man can exist free of a command center so to speak, but it is only a remote possibllity considering the humanity we are dealing with... not a probibility. All of the evolution in the world can't take the monkey out of the man apparently... Monkeys perform violent homosexual acts and beat each other to death too. The only difference is that they don't have the presence of mind or the spiritual, higher intelligence that Dahmer misused in the form of using tools and drugs and trickery to entice other morally compromised people into his trap. Harsh... but true! It is what it is like to look at it or not!

Im not saying that all atheists are going to become Jeffrey Dahmer... not at all, that is an extreme scenerio but it runs along those lines and that is the worst that can happen, but oh what a worst case scenerio it is! The Gray lines that exist in between are just as dangerous socially.

At least inall of their incorrect assumptivness and feelings of superiority, the religious are somewhat controlled by their own guilt and sence of responsability... even they however fall very short obviously.

I believe in truth... If people were honest with themselves and everyone else and everyone wasn't always trying to mute real and raw into a subdued state of control then we would be able to look at life a little more objectively and stop thinking that our way is the right way just because it is ours.

The religious are lemmings in their sence of moral superiority and everyone knows that an atheist is born of a theist. Atheists take that ego to another step and put themselves in the place of the very God that they do not believe in recreating a society that lacks the very accountability (or creates loose boundaries for it at best) "removing the cause but not the symptom." (As Dr. Frankenfurter once sang in Rocky Horror)

Dangerous. All of it is just as dangerous! Truth is the only answer. How does one create a unified sence of truth and or honesty? By using the very structure of science, in that we should all be constantly searching, constantly asking questions and constantly learning and leaving the final outcome up to where it will lie anyway in the end. Death. None of us will know emphatically if our convictions and beliefs are right or wrong until the moment after we die and no one should ever be so bold, presumptious or aroogant as to ever stand solid on one belief or the other until that time. Keeping ourselves open to all possibility and all reasons and rational in the argumets both for and against the inner sence of accountability that comes with spirit and a higher power.

I do not agree with religion either because of the nuts that adopt it conceptually and yet hide their degenerative destructive morality behind it... BUT for those who honestly follow and stay true to the basic premise... thay are at least in their correct, perfected form. Tolerant, open and accepting of everything less the heavy handed dogma.

2006-10-08 05:05:52 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Wow, a very open-ended question, but... I think this is where the world is heading. Most people are accountable only to themselves nowadays, or so it appears. It's becoming an "every man for himself" society. I don't know why people refer to the '80s as the "Me Decade" because it has only continued up to this very day.

Now, people focused mainly on themselves could lead to paradise or hell, depending on their intentions. Ideally, there would be no authoritative government in the world. This is a Buddhist/Taoist view. If everybody minded their own backyard and took care of improving themselves, being a better person, and not worrying about what other people are doing, and not bothering others, the world would be a perfect place. It's when we interfere with others (after making a judgment about them or what they're doing) that problems, strife, and war occur. But remember, in this ideal world, they wouldn't be doing anything to bother us in the first place, because they'd be making good decisions. So we'd not feel compelled to "correct" their behavior. And I guess people would feel accountable to maintaining this peaceful society, so that would discourage them from making bad decisions, etc.

Now of course, on the other side of the coin, people without anyone to be accountable to could just start murdering, raping, stealing, and doing whatever else they want because they are full of pain. Again, in the ideal world though, they wouldn't have that pain to begin with.

I'm not necessarily a Christian, but maybe this is what God had intended with the flood - to try and start over with a good family. It didn't work though, did it? ;)

In the real world, and in my own painful life, I have seen how not having much accountability at all, and doubting that there is any, has led me to do things I'd never thought I'd do when I was younger. But that's because I've already been living in a painful world. If we were starting in that ideal "fresh" world, I think I have good intentions in my heart and would do right.

2006-10-08 11:58:15 · answer #2 · answered by charleston chew 2 · 1 0

What dukalick didn't consider is, most of our actions or deeds have effects on others. Society holds the cards there. I mean if you want to pick your nose and not have to feel embarrassed or defiant, or any other emotion because someone saw you is one thing, but killing someone without consequences, that's involving at least 1 other person. What if everyone was held accountable for mans progression from lower life form to enlightened beings who wouldn't have to worry about accountability because the whole human race has decided on a course of action, or a common goal, if you will.
Wait, you wanna know if there's a hell... If God created all, He would have to have a pretty good reason for creating beings that He knows are gonna spend eternity in hell.
Jesus was supposed to pay for our sins, but He ain't burning in hell for eternity, so He must have paid cash.

2006-10-08 12:13:06 · answer #3 · answered by thrag 4 · 0 0

Without God,who is to determine right and wrong?Societies would crumble so to speak because of wars. There would be no more organizations like UN that fight for peace. Life would be just another hierachy archieving journey. We will then be subjected to the law of the jungle. It would be the survival of the fittest. The question of whether you would do right or wrong can't be answered. With God out of the equation there is no right and wrong. To perfectly paint the picture of what would happen,look at the recent Hezbollah & Israel war. We don't need imagination to reveal something that's already at our doorstep. See...even with laws people don't necessarilly follow.

2006-10-08 12:04:08 · answer #4 · answered by christian_87_15 2 · 0 0

Even now we are accountable to our own selves for all our actions. Every action of ours produces a reaction. So what we are experiencing now is the result of our past actions.
You know the law as you sow so you shall reap. If you sow Tamarind you cannot get a Mango tree. This is law of nature. God has made the world like that and he has given you freewill to choose your own actions.

2006-10-08 11:53:43 · answer #5 · answered by Brahmanda 7 · 1 0

If you are not a sociopath, you have a conscience and know right from wrong. Therefore, we are accountable to ourselves for evil deeds. A decent person is kind and good.

2006-10-08 11:53:50 · answer #6 · answered by notyou311 7 · 1 0

Morality is just a large word and anything goes.

It would be hard to stay moral in a word where I could kill anyone for any reason and no concern about retribution

2006-10-08 11:46:51 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

When we step beyond the limitations of our ego perceptions, step outside the limitations placed on us by our society, traditions or religion, we can begin to see who is really responsible or accountable for our life choices - our own self.

And that is when we realize that we are never really accountable to anyone, for all our life choices, and are free to make choice only according to our own conscience, as that is what freewill constitutes, a realization that we really are free to create the life we want to live thereof, through our life choice, is what true empowerment is all about.

As the only person who will ever undergo the consequence of our action will be our own self so naturally the only person who is responsible for our life choices is our own self.

So it is only wise to make only those choices whose consequences we are willing to undergo ourselves, in other words we should make choices whose responsibility we are willing to undertake for ourselves, that is what the theory of Karma dynamics speaks of so eloquently and also what the Newton’s third of Motion in Physics speaks of - Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, so our choices are only consequences in making.

Be careful what are you choosing for yourself - right now. What ever we do right now would come right back to us only we would have by then forgotten our original choices. Each Karma or action of ours has to ultimately be borne only by us, and no once else. Not even God can do anything about it.

So it will be only wise to make choices we are willing to experience consequences of later in life, or in subsequent lifetimes as the case might be for certain large or important life choices. When we become aware of our identity as a soul and as an eternal being of energy we stop making choices without responsibility and escape of eternal hell of choices and their consequences.

2006-10-08 12:19:59 · answer #8 · answered by Abhishek Joshi 5 · 0 0

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