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A question about martyrdom and patriotism?
I was in the service, and I support and respect our soldiers, sailors and airmen, so please do not think that I am being disrespectful to them or their families in any way by asking this question

The extremists suicide bombers are looked at by our people as being ridiculous (for lack of a better word) for blowing themselves up and killing people to further their cause. The families are sad, yet they see it as an honorable death. Our people die for our country, and we get sad, yet we call it an honorable death. Our military is an all voluntary force, and each member knows that they may have to die in the name of our country, and that they may have to kill other people in the name of our country.
So what, really do you think is the difference in being a martyr and being a patriot hero?

This question was asked earlier under a different topic. sorry for the duplication.

2006-10-07 22:38:18 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

7 answers

I think it's all about perspective. There really is no difference except that one has a negative connotation, and the other means something good. In the US, most people consider our soldiers to be patriotic heroes and the suicide bombers to be martyrs. On the other side, Iraq probably regard the bombers as their patriotic heroes.

2006-10-07 22:43:12 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You are perfectly correct. Calling a person hero, patriot etc is dependent on who is evaluating that person. In the view of an enemy country, this person is anti hero, villain , murderer etc.. where as in the person's own country, the same person is a hero !
This happens with freedom struggle against a foreign rule, also in the case of a spy working at a foreign country for his own etc...
Yet, what gives ultimate satisfaction to a soldier is that he does his duty out of loyalty to his country, and if his country happens to fight or engage the soldier's services, use the sacrifices for a noble , justified, and human cause, then the soldier can feel more satisfaction ! These things are so relative ! The character of a nation is very important to thus boost the morale of its soldiers too !
That is why better cultured nations consciously decide to use the soldiers only for self-defense, and stay by the principle of non-interference in other country's internal affairs... not even to find a dumping ground for defense related excess productions !

2006-10-08 06:48:49 · answer #2 · answered by Spiritualseeker 7 · 0 0

Ask not What big business can do for you, Ask waht you can do for big business.

"Freedom is just another word for nothing else to loose."

Suicide bombers exist because of a lack of other resources to deploy the bombs. They are commited to their objective. True Freedom fighters.

US soldiers are invaders. They have always been invaders with the exceptions of 1776 when they were usurpers and 1812 when they were being attacked.

They really have not fought a war where they were out manned or out gunned. Maybe out stratagized, out smarted, or out fought. US soldiers have fought because someone told them to fight, but not for freedom. They have never really fought an evenly matched fight even in the Civil War. They might be inept if heaven the day ever comes that they must fight an evenly matched war. So far attrition and technology has been on their side.

Bully-ism is part and parcell of the US conciousness. Remember how they acquired the reamining 37 states? They bullied people who were not well armed. It was so easy that they fought these people at the same time they were fighting the Civil War against the Confederates whom they had outnumbered, & out gunned.

Most wars fought by the US are wars of pretense. Economics of a few is the engine. The lies are spun to get recruits and support.
Those who stand to make money on war are not the ones to fight it. A REAL war would mean that those who have the most at stake would fight it. It would mean that those who vote for war, would lead it, and not make more legistaltion for more war for others to fight. After those who send others to fight their fights are cowards and con-men. Those who profit from it are worse.

Follow the money.

Small's submission might be "blunt," but it is accurate.

2006-10-08 06:04:50 · answer #3 · answered by LeBlanc 6 · 0 0

A martyr dies for God, any other misuse of the term is wrong. A patriot fights for a country, any other use of the word it wrong. The difference is you have to die to be a martyr and it has to be for God. Patriots can live on and never fire a shot so long as they fight in some way for the country they believe in.

2006-10-08 07:42:12 · answer #4 · answered by LORD Z 7 · 1 0

To me martyr means dying for your religious beliefs while patriots are for your country and as said in the above answer patriots do not necessarily die.

2006-10-08 05:50:36 · answer #5 · answered by mkc 2 · 1 0

Martyrs must die to be considered martyrs. But with patriots, it is not necessary to die, to be considered a patriot.

2006-10-08 05:46:00 · answer #6 · answered by MrZ 6 · 1 0

Soldier is a soldier - low IQ - whether patriot or martyr.

Puppets in the hands of a few powerful bosses who do a lot of things for their own benefit in the name of God or Country.

Pardon my blunt submission.

2006-10-08 08:09:58 · answer #7 · answered by small 7 · 1 1

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