Karl Marx is out of fashion, except in China, Vietnam and Cuba, but I still find a lot of truth in his statement that "Religion is the Opium of the Masses".
You are Muslim and I respect your convictions, but just look how others use Islam to whip up masses of people into a frenzy of intoxicated religious fanaticism and terrorism.
I am convinced that most Muslims are good people, who want to have nothing to do with extremists, but they should realize that there is a cancer from within their religion that is becoming bigger and bigger and increasingly aggressive. If the "silent" Muslim majority does nothing, the extremists will end up destroying their own religion, their fellow Muslims and the world as a whole. Keeping your mouths shut equals tolerating the extremists and their deeds, equals condoning what they do, equals being as guilty as they are.
So - please - stand up and open your mouth. Do something to let the world know that is Islam is not the same as Islamist terrorism.
2006-10-07 21:49:36
answer #1
answered by Hi y´all ! 6
Islam definitely is not a bad religion...there's no religion on Earth that's bad. Each teaches us to do what's right and to be good and never to hurt others. If u've started to feel there's something wrong with your religion, forget about it and ignore the peolpe who say so. Islam is just like all the other religions on Earth and if ur frustrated by people who say stuff about it, just go back and pray to your God and you'll be happy.
I'm not a Muslim but i believe that every religion leads to just one path and at the end of it, we'll all find the same God; just believe in him and stay happy :-)
2006-10-07 21:48:31
answer #2
answered by nauts 3
those who talk filth about islam are surely the ignorant. islam is not just stories and theories, but it is an intelligent art of living, very scientific and just. It's not just once a week going to church religion, but five time prayers a day and much more. It's not just a religion that you believe someone died for your sin, but you must fight yourself each and everytime not to sin.
Islam is a religion which you experience, not just accept and convert and ur a muslim. You must live it to know it and those who have not lived it cannot know it and judging it is wrong, blasphemous, idiot.
2006-10-07 22:12:04
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Islam is definitely a good religion. It is unfortunate that it is being blamed. Why only it is called Islamic terrorist. Why dont they call a Hindu terrorist or a Christian terrorist. There is a hidden agenda behind. please I dont practise any religion.
2006-10-07 21:47:23
answer #4
answered by Rajesh 1
forget them.
There are millions of believers of Islam, and though I am not one of them, I have friends who are and they are cool people.
Dont let the comments of the ignorant few speak for us all.
2006-10-07 21:38:56
answer #5
answered by SAINT G 5
These women were happy to be Muslim!
2006-10-07 21:48:04
answer #6
answered by Anonymous