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I saw this on TV, the moon looked like the Arizona desert, no stars in photos..the flag waving with no wind on the moon and no blast crater under the "Eagle" after it landed...makes me think...just an American Morale booster at the time..with the Vietnam War, trying to beat the Soviet Union in space, so what do You think...

2006-10-07 21:00:43 · 21 answers · asked by ? 2 in Science & Mathematics Astronomy & Space

21 answers

Pete, get this straight and don't be foolish about it any more, okay? The basic technology required for a manned flight to the moon was developed in Germany in the late 1930s through the mid 1940s. This technology needed a lot of refinement to make a safe manned flight a reality.

We worked on that technology through the 1950s and 60s, and made the first moon flight in 1969. It all fits together, and if you read all the history and don't let the wackos lie to you, it will be impossible for you to continue to be fooled into believing that the moon missions did not take place.

The American people were much better educated and more intelligent in the 1960s and 70s than they are now, and it would never have occurred to NASA engineers and managers that 35 years later a bunch of ignorant dolts with nothing to do would come up with a stupid conspiracy theory stating that the moon landings were faked.

If that had occurred to the engineers, I suspect they would have gone to the trouble to create a larger and more visible object of proof, to compensate for the decline in the quality of the American mind and its education that occurred during and after the Reagan presidency.

But there is a real physical proof available. The astronauts who landed on the moon left behind reflectors that are used every day by astronomers to measure the irregularities of the moon's orbit. This is done by bouncing laser beams off reflectors at known locations that were left by the astronauts. Ask your science teacher for information about these experiments. You can arrange to see this done with your own eyes.

Let me put the question to you this way: If you think the moon landings were faked, when did they become "fake?" When did the idea become popular that NASA had invented the idea of an imaginary moon mission and created a huge technological empire to fool people? When was all this fakery done? In the 60s? 70s? 80s?

And why? What was the point? And how did they fool all the people that reported the news, operated the machinery, built the moon rockets, and watched them take off and land?

Do you realize that one American in 500 was a part of the Apollo program? Millions of them are still alive. Are they fooling you? Why? If you go out to a football game, look around you. In the stadium there are people who worked on the Apollo program.

Ask around. You are surrounded by people who know for sure that American astronauts stood on the moon more than 35 years ago.

And the "why haven't we gone back?" argument doesn't work, either. We don't go back because the cost is enormous and right now we don't need any more information about the moon.

We beat the Russians in the cold-war era, and now why spend the billions?

2006-10-08 16:55:26 · answer #1 · answered by aviophage 7 · 1 0

Another conspiracy nut who believes everything they see on TV. The Arizona desert is beautiful and colorful. The moon is basically a rock in space devoid much beauty. And have you noticed that the stars aren't seen during the space shuttle EVAs and pictures taken from the shuttle? The reason is that the camera's focal length were not set to reach the stars. And a blast crater is created after the LEM "blasted" off from the moon.And the waving flag theory fails to mention the possibility that was created by the lighting effects buy unsophisticated lightd to record this historical event and probable solar wind activity.

And do you think a secret of that magnitude could have been maintain for 37 year? Right....

And TO: Terry Yucky, Bapboy, Tango and meday, you clowns know nothing of US space history. You claim that if the Apollo11 landing was real, why then didn't we retun to the moon. Well then but down your childish video games, stop watch WWE and all the truly FAKE things and open a few history books.

Guess what? Well surprise...we did return to the moon, land, walk and return to earth safely.

Apollo 12 (Nov 1969) Conrad & Bean, brought back pieces from the Surveyor 3 moon lander
Apollo 14 (Jan-Feb 1979) Sheppard & Mitchell
Apollo 16 (July-Aug 1971) Scott & Irwin w/the lunar Rover
Apollo 17 (Dec 1972) Schmitt & Cernan the last time we went to the moon

Why not try to learn or research a question before listing an answer that clearly demonstrates your ignorance and failure to believe in the abilities and greatness of America and its people.

2006-10-07 22:08:45 · answer #2 · answered by iraq51 7 · 0 1

NOT a hoax, and here's why...
First question to ask is, would the US government have tried to lie to its own people like that? Er... probably, yes.
Second question, could they have pulled off such a huge stunt (remember thousands and thousands of people would have to have been in on it and not said a word) and got away with it all this time? Mmm... unlikely, but let's give the conspiracy theorists benefit of the doubt - after all, Kennedy seems to have been killed in a conspiracy and still noone's ever come forward to say what happened.
Third question (and this is the clincher) - seeing as the main point of getting to the moon, (given that there's nothing useful for us on it) was propaganda against the USSR, and that the Soviets would have pounced on the slightest suspicion of fraud to debunk it all and reassert themselves as scientific masters of the world, and given that the KGB had infiltrated every section of American society in the 1960s, could the conspirators have carried out such a huge hoax without the USSR getting a LITTLE bit suspicious? This is where it falls apart I think - there's just no way you could have realistically stopped the Soviet spies blurting out the whole thing, and they would have had every reason to do so (it was 1969 and the tide was turning against them in the Cold War). So sorry, but it looks like somehow that tin-can actually made it all the way to the moon.

P.S. There's no reason there should be stars in the photos - light from the Sun (which is more or less as bright as it is on Earth given similar distance) would have been easily bright enough to create what appears to be a blank sky. And the flag waving? Easy - the movement isn't created by air but by the movement of the material as it was placed into its mounting. Paradoxically, you'd actually expect a flag to wave LONGER on the moon than on a still day on Earth, because air resistance on Earth would stop it waving sooner. If you waved a flag in space it would carry on waving long after you'd stopped. As for the lack of a crater, remember the Moon has a lot less gravity so the downward force required to stabilise the landing is considerably less.
Or... could be that they did get to the moon but all their film came out funny (ever had a camera film like that?) and they couldn't really admit to the public that they'd lost the most expensive pictures ever filmed, could they? Maybe a less exciting conspiracy theory but a lot more realistic than the idea that they never went at all.

2006-10-07 21:23:12 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The first astronauts on the moon would have been left
to die in silence if they had been stranded by
technical failure, according to documents just

Washington Correspondent Tom Carver: "Nasa's secret
The American space agency has confirmed that extensive
plans were laid in case Neil Armstrong and Buzz
Aldrin, the first two men to walk on the moon, were
unable to return home.

With no rescue mission planned, their communications
to Earth would have been switched off and they would
have been left to die or commit suicide, the BBC has

President Richard Nixon even had a speech prepared for
the watching world if the Apollo XI lunar landing
module could not take off from the moon's surface.

A memo found in America's national archives reveals
the extent of emergency planning for the mission by
Nasa and the US Government.

Astronauts say they were not told of disaster planning

President Nixon's speech would have read: "Fate has
ordained that the men who went to the moon to explore
in peace will stay on the moon to rest in peace.

"These brave men, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, know
there's no hope for their recovery. But they also know
there is hope for mankind in their sacrifice.

"For every human being who looks up at the moon in the
nights to come will know that there is some corner of
another world that is forever mankind."

Greatest danger

The astronauts insist they were never told of any
disaster plans.

The greatest danger to the mission's success came from
the lunar landing module. Nobody knew whether it would
be able to take off from the moon.

Nasa historian Roger Launis said: "Had they not been
able to launch the ascent part of the lunar module
they would have been stranded on the surface. There
was nothing that was realistic that could be done [for

President Nixon's disaster speech has remained secret
for 30 years since the two astronauts first set foot
on the moon on 20 July 1969.

And instead of a sombre address Mr Nixon was able to
congratulate them on a successful mission.

The two men spent 22 hours on the moon after landing
in the Sea of Tranquility. They returned safely home,
with Michael Collins, the crew member who did not take
part in the moon landing, as heroes

Also,It gets pretty deep quick. But considering they are
using the mirror on the moon with the laser to measure
distances between one point on earth and another, it
pretty well says we have been there.


2006-10-07 21:15:35 · answer #4 · answered by Mr Cellophane 6 · 0 2

SO many people saying "If it was real, why didn't they go back then?" Well, they did! Or at least they tried. Apollo 13 orbited the moon but was unable to land due to an exploding oxygen tank and the myriad of disasters that took place afterwards and NASA had the expertise to get their men back from that. The stuff you see in the film isn't even half of the stuff NASA had to overcome to get them home. If they can do that, it seems a rather small step in reasoning that they could actually land on it.

2006-10-07 21:25:29 · answer #5 · answered by Bapboy 4 · 0 2

Okay, every point made in that documentary has been picked appart and debunked.
I am an astromoner, and take it from me, you can do science with the data the appollo missions brought back. That means every Astonomy dept in the world would have to be in on it. Tens of thousands of scientists, engineers, technicians and workers were involved in the project. The scale of the fraud would have been so huge, it is easier just to go to the moon.

Here is a link to a very good site that kicks the snot out of the stupid hoax theories!


2006-10-07 21:09:58 · answer #6 · answered by Avondrow 7 · 2 1

I have always been sceptical about the moon landings, especially knowing the sort of technology they had at the time.
Everyone I know who watched it live really believed it happened, and that makes me more suspicious as if maybe they were actually brainwashed into believing it was true.
However there are conspiracy theories about a lot of things and so in the end you need to research things well yourself and find out what you think, as everyone else is biased.

2006-10-07 21:14:22 · answer #7 · answered by meday 2 · 0 1

Hoax, we will find out soon when the Russians land on the moon, be funny when they dont find a buggy and flag and all the stuff that the yanks left behind. Typical American rubbish, maybe they should stick to invading weaker countries, they are good at that

2006-10-07 21:09:22 · answer #8 · answered by Mr Tinkles 3 · 0 2

Back in the late sixties calculators were the size of bricks and computers the size of a bungalow do you really think that they had the technology to get to the moon and back. Just think about it we have never been back very strange that we cant get there now even if we wanted to.
As for Neil Armstrong the first man he is a recluse ever wondered if it is just guilt eating him up as it was just a lie.

2006-10-07 21:10:46 · answer #9 · answered by simjam31 2 · 1 1

I am not convinced as well.Is neil armstrong telling the truth?are those rocks which they've gathered really from the moon?.Why don't go back there and and video it and see if the american flag was or still there.They just want us to think how superior the american race are.Which in fact are just plain bullies

2006-10-07 21:19:44 · answer #10 · answered by Terry Yucky 3 · 0 1

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