I would express how sorry I am and assure her that she can try again. In most miscarriages it's nature's way of eliminating an unhealthy fetus. Therefore make her feel love and explain to her that in time she can definitely be courageous and try again.
I don't know how old your friend is but if she is young she has time on her hand. Also it depends how far along she was. In any case miscarriages are a sad moment in a woman's life but it's not the end.
2006-10-07 21:47:37
answer #1
answered by uma 1
It seems to me that she is very upset and you should be there for her. I would suggest that you go and see her immediately. Having suffered from 3 miscarriages, I can't imagine having gone through it without my husband. You didn't really include any real details - such as, was this a wanted pregnancy, were you both happy about it. Was your relationship stable when she got pregnant? Did you two fight about it? I mean, if things were great between you two and were both looking forward to the baby - then I would say don't leave her to face it alone.
2006-10-07 21:21:45
answer #2
answered by Shadowtwinchaos 4
Your lady friend in simple terms had a miscarriage (which i'm assuming develop into yours) and he or she is emailing you? shouldn't she be in the front of you or a minimum of on the phone? Honor her needs. tell her that's ok, on each and every occasion she's waiting. A miscarriage is a anxious challenge for a lady, no matter if the being pregnant develop into planned or no longer. provide her some area, yet be particular she knows you're accessible if she needs you....
2016-12-04 09:48:36
answer #3
answered by ? 4
YOu left her alone? MAn as soon as you found out she'd lost the baby you shoudl have gone over. YOu should have been there to comfort her and hold her while she cried over her loss. It may not be too late to get over to her and make sure you go with flowers and candy. She may hit you over teh head with the flowers but then you deserve that. chocolate will help with her dour mood but you should be there to do all that you didn't three days ago. Make sure she knows you care for the loss and that you don't blame her for it. Most women think when they miscarry that it's their fault. So show her you love her and you really care. Get off your butta nd go take care of her right this moment.
2006-10-07 23:35:54
answer #4
answered by daixyflexi 3
Just be there for her, you did not say how far gone she was into the pregnancy before the miscarriage happened. She is currently grieving for the loss of her / your child. Be supportive and patient with her she is in an emotional state at the moment. You both need to talk to one another.....
My condolences for your child
2006-10-07 20:46:48
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
First let me say, I'm very sorry for your loss. It sounds to me like she doesn't want to see you right now. However, I think you should go to her. She should not be alone right now and you lost your child too. You should have gone to her as soon as you found out what was going on. She may feel hurt that you weren't there for her during this ordeal and now doesn't want to see you. Also that email is sounding a little dire, is she likely to be suicidal over this? Good luck.
2006-10-07 20:51:56
answer #6
answered by maigen_obx 7
don't do that, i have had a miscarriage before and nothing is worse than having to go through the after part by yourself. She will never forgive you if you don't go and visit her, comfort her and support her, trust me, you need her as much as she needs you. go and see her...
2006-10-07 20:50:45
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
You should take her to a dr. to get checked out....Its very hard to have a miscarriage, so dont leave her alone. You both miscarried not just her. It took the 2 of you! So be there for eachother!
2006-10-07 20:51:24
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
You both have been robbed of joy and laughter.If i was you i would go and grieve and support her.She feels bad enough for the loss. You should keep your heads up comfort each other.If you love each other both of you be fine...
2006-10-07 21:44:36
answer #9
answered by bulldog4502001 1
Visit to what? What can't go on, the relationship or her in general?
Really you need to put more detail in to your question, 'cause I don't know what to say. Be supportive. Show you care. That's all I can really say...
2006-10-07 20:43:56
answer #10
answered by Cat 2