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2006-10-07 20:02:57 · 20 answers · asked by None 2 in Politics & Government Politics

The invasion of Iraq was unlawful & unjustified.

Bush's supporters agreeing with him did not make it lawful or justified. Al Qaida agreed with OBL that they were justified on 9/11/01 (accepting GOP version at face value).

Every death that resulted from the invasion of Iraq is murder and GWB is the murderer.

GWB has murdered more people than OBL.


2006-10-07 20:14:13 · update #1

George Bush is a terrorist.

Nearly every speech he has given since 9/11/01 was intended to terrorize someone, usually Americans. And, he has murdered far more civilians than OBL or anyone else.

2006-10-07 21:21:10 · update #2

20 answers

Bush has been called a terrorist by a lot of people, and rightfully so. Why he hasn't been impeached is beyond me. Has has made countless mistakes and doesn't have to account for them.

After 9/11, why did we go into Iraq? Iraq and Sadaam had nothing to do with 9/11 or Al-quaida. So it's ok to kill Iraqi citizens that get in the way because we're trying to get them freedom.

He spies on us, tells us he has to to protect us, and constantly violates our constitutional rights. We spend billions on Iraq, when our kids in school are failing. America needs a Democrat. ;)

2006-10-07 20:07:36 · answer #1 · answered by moocowsforever 2 · 4 1

Yes, Bush has the blood of maybe 100,000 innocent people on hands. He sends Americans into life threatening circumstances and determines the length of their stay based on what personally and politically benefits him and conservative gang of murdering thieves.

Yet, according to his own wife, he goes to sleep easily every night by 9:00. Anyone with a shred of humanity in their soul would find sleeping difficult, even if they knew they had made the correct, proper, and only possible choice. Bush has no feeling whatsoever for the life or wellbeing of anyone he does not personally know (and I doubt he has those feelings either).

Bush is an ill-informed (and uninterested), reckless, very sick man who believes he is the chosen instrument of God. Combined with the almost incomprehensible political, financial, and military power at his disposal, this makes him dangerous – to the world, certainly, but especially to America.

2006-10-08 03:44:05 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Yes, GWB does belong in jail. He should at least be brought infront of a war crimes tribunal. But lets face facts, we're the #1 country so the international community isn't really going to do anything. Did Bush lie and lead us to war, yes and he has publicly stated that even if he had known the intelligence was false he still would have taken us to war. And yet with the Republicans in charge it isn't like we're going to be able to impeach the man, maybe if the Dems take over Congess in the upcoming election.

Our country is nothing but hypocritical, instead of leading by example we tell the rest of the world do as we say not as we do. Its friggin bullshit to try and make the rest of the world live by our ideals when we don't even do it ourselves. We are the big brother on the block and should lead by example and its a shame that we don't.

2006-10-08 03:21:31 · answer #3 · answered by hamlet_girl_21 2 · 2 1

So, if you are right, and OIF was unlawful and unjustified, how hard have you been working to get those members of Congress (whose consent is required for war) that "allowed" it out of office? Another thing to think about: U.S. Troops who have died over seas were not "murdered" by the President, they gave there lives serving a higher purpose (part of which is, unfortunately, garaunteeing self-righteous jack-asses like yourself the right to say stupid things in public).
Finally, while it is very regretable that there has been such a high civilian deathtoll in Iraq and Afghanistan, this is a realistic part of war. That is the problem with people like you. You have no idea about the realities. Instead you are content to sit stateside, safe behind your picket signs and your theory's while those of us who actually care about changing the world for the better are left to do the actually work, burying our friends along the way.
How many Iraqi's have you actually spoken with? I have spoken with plenty, and while there are some who aren't too excited about the fact that we are in there country, the majority are very happy, and above all, grateful.

2006-10-08 03:51:08 · answer #4 · answered by Dingus 1 · 0 2

Why can't some people answering this realize that the soldiers he marches out there in Iraq to DIE is indirect murder...? *sigh* And I totally agree that Bush should at LEAST be impeached for all the sh*t he's gotten away with thus far. I REALLY don't understand why he hasn't been assassinated yet.

2006-10-08 03:43:47 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Leaders in a war do not get jailed unless they lose. If you lose, tough. Suck it up, you cry baby. That is the way. But no, Bush won (well, generally speaking, according to the public-relations of the waring sides' leaders - Bush - hated, Saddam - in court so no one cares, and Laden - French newspaper, basically dead) the wars, and he will not be jailed. Who gets jailed for war crimes is determined by the victors. If the Nazis won the WW, then the "UN" would be different, and those trialed Internationally for war crimes would also be different. In short, no he should not be in jail, because if he is, then the US lost the war. If the US lost the war, you will not be able to sit there and complain about your "elected" leader.

2006-10-08 03:19:02 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

Yes, but that is just the way hippocrates work. If Bin Laden had any chance to capture Bush alive he would either lock him up forever or have him executed for his crimes against civilians. Bush if he can catch Bin Laden will do the same to him.

2006-10-08 03:07:06 · answer #7 · answered by Jason 6 · 1 3

Bush hasn't murdered anyone...for him to murder would require him to break the law and commit it out of hate. However Bush has killed thousands of Americans due to this incompetence as a president.
+3,000 during September 11th.
+2,700 for invading Iraq, a country that was irrelevant to the war on terror.
+1,400 during Katrina.

Bush, supposedly, only broke the UN's law. Considering international and American law haven't tried him for mass murder it is true that Bush is not a murderer...yet.

2006-10-08 03:07:56 · answer #8 · answered by rian 3 · 2 4

In a just world....yes bush WOULD (or rather should) be held accountable for his law breaking...especially as president, he has put us all in great peril....

2006-10-08 03:22:12 · answer #9 · answered by Pie's_Guy 6 · 3 0

If U R An American ? Shouldn't U Be Dragged Off And Shot For Treason....

2006-10-08 03:04:47 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

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