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Guy marriages should be banned because it's an abomination to God and it is so wrong like divorce is. Stop guy marriages happening , it is time to make a strong stand for what is right. Divorce should be banned also to save the ordained marriage. Marriage should not be entered into lightly because the marriage commitment is a covenant that must not be broken while both spouses lives , even if they think they may have made a mistake. No one fells out from love , they fell out from commitment.You make a commitment than you honor that commitment. Marriage is a LIFETIME commitment until death. People who does not keep their lifetime commitment should be banned from ever getting remarry and go to jail for a long time to learn not to be a quiter. Well you can't take the heat than get out from the kitchen.

2006-10-07 18:28:26 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

18 answers

YES!!! gay and lesbian marriages should be banned,,,,it is totally against religion.

2006-10-07 18:30:01 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

Well June H it looks and sounds (by the HORRIBLE GRAMMAR) to me like you are probably 15 with parents who are getting divorced and now you feel lost and turned to a church for help and a place of belonging, RIGHT!!!!! Well little girl you and people like you are the exact reason why so many people have turned their backs on the church! Now I say church not God!! Those people are way too judgemental and they honestly believe that if a person doesn't follow their rules they are damned to an after-life in hell! Well I don't believe that everything in the bible was dictated by God or that He will send me to hell for not going to church and paying my tides to the church or getting a divorce!! I believe marriage (gay or straight) is none of anyone's business except for the people entering in to it and God!! Since you're not asking a question why don't you email me the answers to mine!! How do you know that God said everything written in the bible and why does it bother you so much if a gay couple marries or if two unhappy people get a divorce, why can't people worry about their own sin and leaves others to be judged and dealt with by God, who is the only One who can do so!???? How and why do you believe this plan of yours will make the world better? Can you tell me a situation where someone was hurt or killed because two gay people got married or two married people got a divorce!????? I can;t think of one Please reply through email Please!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't believe gay marriage should be banned it's not for any human to say what God would want and if it is going to be banned at least give me a legal explaination why, Because as I understand it this is a church problem not one for the government, I believe there is a something called the separation between church and state, Right well then do not impose your sick beliefs on the government or the public!!!! I think you and everyone who agrees with anything you've said about banning any kind of marriage is SICK and needs to leave there opinions as just that THEIR OPINIONS!!!!!!!

2006-10-08 02:28:09 · answer #2 · answered by EriksSweetheart 3 · 0 1

About same sex marraigez, well... itz not the solution to ban it, i mean, just having same sex couplez iz bad enough.. parentz should teach thier children how this, like, from the start, they'd try to make sure thier kidz dont grow up in a sick imvironment.. Peope nowadayz let thier children grow up around alota' stuff that may screw up thier mindz later on.. like T.V. for example, alota' channelz broadcast moviez or anything else about homosexualiy... some music videoz send out that same idea bout how OK it iz to want the same sex.. Itz all about the raising,, so banning same sex marraigez wont really make a different .. n'about banning divorce , well.. i dont think itz such a good idea, coz some ppl rush into getting married , then realize they made a mistake.. not all ppl who marry, marry coz both sidez are inlove with one another .. Divorce could sometimez be the ultimate soution to alota bad marraigez,, & couplez end up feelin much better after the divorce... So , yea.. I don't think they should allow same sex marriagez, but about the divorce thing, though itz not the "best" way to deal with thingz, itz still a better solution than to live ur whole life with someone u don't love.

2006-10-08 01:45:07 · answer #3 · answered by CupCake 3 · 0 1

Maybe people like you would be happier if we left the word "marriage" to you--to ban gays, to determine what is 'right' or 'wrong', to forbid divorce in your 'ordained' unions. Maybe we can call it something else so you would have your LIFETIME commitment and could go to jail if you left your husband even if he were cruelly beating you. Yes, there are extenuating circumstances to everything even within your religion.

What you need to remember is that not everyone has the same religion and not everyone chooses to make a lifetime commitment. Please remember that the only person whom you have a right to tell what to do is yourself. I would never seek to tell you that you should embrace divorce or have sex with a person of your own gender if you choose not to. You definitely have a right to practice your way of marriage, but please don't try to impose your beliefs on those whose beliefs are different--they have as much right to theirs as do you.

2006-10-08 01:49:27 · answer #4 · answered by Lady Sue 2 · 0 1

Only if you ban it altogether from a legal standpoint.
Keep it in churches and casinos where it belongs.
That your morals hinge entirely on nothing more than a 15-minute ceremony shouldn't be my legal concern.
If this is supposed to be some sort of a decree by god then it logically follows that given the separation of church and state it should have nothing to do with my tax dollars or legality.
It then becomes a sole concern of the church and the church can then refuse to marry gay couples until they're blue in the face.

This satisfies all parties involved doesn't it?
Legal concerns can thus be handled by an attorney.
Gay couples can then go to a gay church and get married.
Your church can continue to condemn it and refuse to do it.
Politicians and lawmakers can be relieved of all responsibility and focus their attention elsewhere without preassure from the public to resolve the issue.
People like myself can go about their day-to-day lives without the annoyance of hearing people whine about it and be satisfied that their hard-earned tax dollars are no longer being wasted on trivialities such as this.

How is this a bad idea?

For your information, specifically DEE,

I was adopted by a gay couple as were my six little brothers. Your assertion couldn't be more wrong.
My parents were also long-term foster parents who won the Parent of the Year Award from the Iowa Foster and Adoptive Parents Association. They didn't receive this award for turning their children gay.
Your ignorance both astounds and disgusts me. I don't suppose you would care to inform the rest of Answers as to where you aquired that information?

2006-10-08 01:54:27 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I think that gay and lesbian marriages should be banned. It is not right. It says in the bible that God made Adam, and from one of his ribs God also made Eve. A mate with who they could start to populate the world. Gays and lesbians can not populate. It is quite sick that they would think that way and be with the same sex. It would be best for them to not be together. But we are just people, it is not for us to tell anyone what to do. It is up to God to judge them. If they knowingly do something wrong then they will be burned in hell. But anyways. Gays and lesbians should not be able to get married, if people finally except it all together then they should at least call it something else. Just do not mess up marriage for the rest of us. I take pride in my marriage. God bless. Sorry for seeming harsh but it is true.

2006-10-08 02:00:25 · answer #6 · answered by meesh_nicole 3 · 1 1

It makes me uneasy to hear people toss words like "ban" and "require" around so casually, as if all we need to do in order to reach Nirvana is enact enough new laws embodying the correct mixture of bannings and requirements; and when we finally arrive at the point where nobody can remember any more what's banned and what's required, we can always fall back on the credo of the totalitarian state:

All things that are not required are forbidden.

2006-10-08 01:38:47 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Sounds Like a wonderful plan to me. Don't let two people who love one another marry just because they are of the same gender. And NEVER allow those poor women to get out of those abusive relationships. F*** those B****es they deserve to be beat up because they should have known that there sweet loving boyfriend would turn on them and one day try and kill them. Yeah sounds like gods plan all the way.

2006-10-08 01:34:17 · answer #8 · answered by Fuzzybunny95531 4 · 3 0

Honey, I think you got it all wrong... Ok first what you said about marriage is a lifetime commitment... ok i agree with this... It should be at least, but if its not working out, what are you supposed to do? Stay with somebody who doesnt respect you or whatever the reason is for divorce... Think about this... If you got married for somebody who is physically abusing you, whould you stay with him because marriage is a lifetime commitment??????? By your theory you should go to jail for quiting on this marriage???? How ******* insane is this? Anyways, gay marriage I somewhat disagree... Its wrong and stuff... but if they wanna do it fine... I wouldnt let them adopt kids because kids who grow up in gay families will turn gay eventually! I really wonder how old are you? By your comments I think under 18, am I wrong?

2006-10-08 01:35:36 · answer #9 · answered by ~Dee~ 2 · 2 2

While in a perfect world, I would agree with you wholeheartedley, esp. on gay marraige, however I am going to have to disagree with your statement that marraige should be beinding no matter what. There are three instances that I think dissolve marraige bonds - Abuse, Addiction or Adultry. Marraige, the sacred union of Man and Woman, no longer makes a good home for children if any of the above "deal breakers" are happening. Children are far happier with one happy parent than in a dangerous situation.

2006-10-08 01:33:48 · answer #10 · answered by The Nag 5 · 2 2

Shut the mother ****'en hell up, you religious ****. You want to do gods work then go to school and get an education about life and the people HE created. DUMB ***!

2006-10-08 01:33:33 · answer #11 · answered by lifescircle 5 · 2 1

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