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I was in Peace Studies and I was presenting my project on Colorism(racism against skin tones) and this white girl was telling me if black people have this problem with skin color they need to get over it. I'm so sick off so many white people saying that! White people don;t understnad what some non-white people go through living in a all white country. I've been called blackie and burnt choclate by my own people, how can I get over it? And my great-grandmother used to tell me "don't stay in the sun too long or you'll get dark" I can't ust get over it. White people never had to deal with changing their hair texture to fit in. I went to a ob interview for Starbucks and the manager said that my hair isn't apporapiate because it was in braids.

2006-10-07 16:35:32 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

23 answers

ahw! i feel so sad to hear what you have to say about this. i got a Perm when i was 10, and NOW I'm like,why did i want that in the first place? i love my African hair!

I'm not dark brown, so no one has ever called me that. there is at least 6 black students in my class who have perms. (the others are white, and ave straight hair already). these american children keep making fun of my nigerian name! it's wrong, but i don't care. atleast i don't have a slave name like some of them (sorry, but they do. example: blackmen, fields, johnson)

keep your head high miss! there is nothing wrong with being brown! maybe you should think about visiting some place in Africa, where you will not see any perms . they are proud over there

2006-10-08 06:29:17 · answer #1 · answered by ipodlady231 7 · 3 1

Hi Queen Izarra,
I agree with you, until someone has walked a mile in your shoes, they do not have the right to tell you to get over yourself... My best guess to her reaction would be this.... A lot of whites feel sorry for what our ancestors did to peoples of color, however, a lot of them do not. Since none of us was alive 141 years ago, there is nothing that we can do to change all of that. Thank God there were some whites back then that thought as you and I do, and got the slaves freed.
Now, some blacks seem to throw the discrimination card out rather carelessly at times, and all it takes is one biggoted white person to hear that to start the stereotypical chain reaction over again...... for example, "the blacks are always complaining about being discriminated against." ... or "the whites are always telling us to get over it".
For both sides, it all boils down to the fact that "All men are created equal", and no one alive today can change what happened 141 years ago with the abolition of slavery. Thanks for the great question.....and do NOT change your hair... they may have you wear a hair net, because it's a food establishment, but only if the whites have to wear hair nets, also... Good Luck

2006-10-07 23:54:20 · answer #2 · answered by taterliquor 3 · 1 0

Well let me just start by saying that before i read this question of yours i came up on a response u had given on an immigrant issue, and you gave a VERY RACIST ANSWER . Hmmmm now let me get this straight u hate when people make these type of comments to you. You have to realize that now a days people are not so tolerant of others peoples, beliefs,religion, or race. Im sorry that this bothers you but i mean if you do hate how people tell you to "Just get over it" how would you feel if u were an immigrant and people woud tell you go back to your country and try to get a job there, just deal with it, doesn't seem fair does it, well all i can say is that sometimes we have to deal with this f**ked up world of ours the best way we can.

2006-10-08 02:47:42 · answer #3 · answered by onelove 4 · 0 0

1.)Stop generalizing. You don't like it when people treat you different for your race so don't do it to others.
2.)I have heard more then just "white" people say "get over it". So your statement is wrong on so many levels.
3.)You said "White people don't understand what some non-white people go through living in a all white country."
Where do you live that there is only white people there? I'm sure if you open up your eyes you will find more then just white people. Likewise I have not been called some of the names you have because of your skin color however I have been called names for the color of my skin. It's a two way street.
4.) You do NOT have to "Get over it" you just need to find a way to go about it so that you don't become one of those racist people that you don't like. Cause when you are casting out "white" people that is a racist. Racism is for all races not just one.
5.) Sorry that you have to deal with incompetent people. However Please stop generalize cause I am white and I don't tell anyone to "get over it" when it comes to this topic. You are who you are, you can't change the color of your skin just like I can't.

2006-10-07 23:49:16 · answer #4 · answered by larrys_babygurl_4life 4 · 4 1

the only thing i think you should get over is worrying about what others think. I'm from the deep south and i went to school were i was the only white girl in the school. The school was 50% hispanic and 45% black and i was told to get over it when they all called me cracker and whitie and bleach stain and i just had to get over it. so dont make to much out of what people say. I got my as s kick by a black girl because i was white and the movie roots came out and i was the target but i still have all types of friends. Im sorry about people telling u to get over it. but racism is not only targeting one group white people have to put up with racism to, and the guy at starbuck needs to be turn in to the head office.

2006-10-07 23:52:02 · answer #5 · answered by jr2kris 2 · 1 0

Oh waaaa, Cry a river for all of us EVERY race on this planet has been miss treated in one way or another over time.. Just the same EVERY race on this planet has been a slave at one point an time, by another race... Whats more appalling than anything is to hear a black person calling another black.. The ‘N’ word.. But if any other race does it then it’s a bad thing.. I use this race ONLY as example it goes on in all of them.. And your comment that this is a ALL “White America” is ludicrous.. The last time I walked down the street I saw people of all different races... You talk about how non whites have to change there hair an there this an that to fit in.... BULL! If you feel that YOU have to do that, to me you sound like you are embarrassed by YOUR race more than the ones around you. And Im NOT white and I fit in JUST FINE!!! In America!!
OH One last note... PLEASE "Get Over it!"

2006-10-07 23:57:14 · answer #6 · answered by D L 2 · 0 1

I think you're absolutely right. And as for why those people are acting that way, they're rude, ignorant, and lacking in empathy. I wish I could say f*** 'em, but the sad fact is that it's everywhere and it has to wear a person down after awhile.

I hope you didn't have to take the job at Starbucks. If the manager is a jerk about something minor like the way you style your hair, there's no telling what else he (or she) would be a jerk about.

Good luck. And you know what? I take back what I said. If somebody doesn't like your braids or your skin color or whatever, f*** 'em.

White people need to get over it.

2006-10-07 23:57:28 · answer #7 · answered by IrritableMom 4 · 2 2

I'm NOT one of those "White" people, in fact I'm constantly telling other whites to "Get Over It"! I am so sorry for all you've endured, it isn't fair, neither of us had any choice what "color" we were born, but we DO have a choice in speaking out to make a difference. Come On People, it's the 21st century and TIME to put these issues of race, color and religion behind us forever. It's time that racists learn the world has changed and that THEY no longer control it. (BTW, if I were you, I'd sue Starbucks, that was outright discrimination!!!!!!!)

2006-10-08 00:22:58 · answer #8 · answered by Daydream Believer 7 · 1 1

It isn't just people of color that go through racism,now a days white people are put down constantly, we get called names all the time,but if a whtie person uttered a slur to another race they would end up getting beat up or something,personally you cannot just catagorize "white people" like you just did. it isn't right. no matter what color you are you can be put down in this country. and this is not an all-whtie country by any means. if it was do you think there would be a channel just for black people...BET..black entertainment television. there isn't a "WET" channel on tv. racism is relevent all over to everyone not just colored people. to everyone even white people.

2006-10-07 23:44:37 · answer #9 · answered by mascara_runs2much 1 · 6 0

Because people really do need to get over it! No offense but you didn't live through anything so you need to get over it! I didn't do anything so why should I always hear stuff from people like you?
And, are you kidding white peole don't have to deal with any of that stuff? I did, I grew up around mostly black people and they treated me the same way.

2006-10-08 20:08:51 · answer #10 · answered by geeeezzzzeeee 3 · 0 0

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