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ok, my friend nicky might be pregnant, she's 13, and she doesnt wanna abort it cause that murder, but she says that if she goes through w/ the birth she's so young she and the baby might die...... what should she do................................ also....... i didnt get her pregnant, she's my best friend thats why i need some advice to help her...... she's in trouble..... what would you do

2006-10-07 15:02:03 · 45 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

45 answers

It would be most helpful for her to speak with a counselor at "Planned Parenthood".


2006-10-07 15:03:52 · answer #1 · answered by Quixotica 2 · 1 3

First, relax and take it easy, as it's not the first case of that kind and probably not the last.
As your friend is Minor and I suppose you're too, you MUST go and consult the mature people you confide on, parents are best, sister, brother, other mature relatives. If that's not possible, there's a school consular or you can always call a local youth service over the phone to get "first aid", look it up in you local directory.
Pregnancy is a secret which can be kept for only a very short period, so avoid keeping it as such.
It is, not so recommended to go through labor in such a young age tough it's possible. This is something only a doctor can say.
Take responsibility over the case and get the grownup help you, and it all be over soon.
Take care.

2006-10-07 15:11:36 · answer #2 · answered by Shiyeh 2 · 0 0

First of all, why does she think she is pregnant? Is it just because she had sex, or has she missed a period and is having other symptoms? At her age, it's not really unusual for her period to skip months sometimes, and the stress of her being afraid she is pregnant can make it not come.

But if it is skipping, and she has has sex, then she needs to take a pregnancy test. She can buy one very cheap at a dollar store (they're only $1 at my local dollar stores), or she can go to a planned parenthood.

If it comes out positive, she really needs to talk to an adult, if she doesn't think she can talk to her parents yet, maybe she could start with an aunt or grandparent. But she'll have to tell her parents eventually. They may try to talk her into an abortion, but if she is against them, then that is a desicion she will regret for the rest of her life. But at the same time, 13 is much too young to try and raise a baby. I would suggest looking into adoption.

If she takes the test and it comes out negative, then you should help her by convincing her not to get herself into this situation again. Hopefully, this will scare her into not wanting to have sex again until she is really ready, or at very least she will make certain to use protection in the future.

2006-10-07 16:00:16 · answer #3 · answered by Queen Queso 6 · 0 0

Well her best bet is to go to a family Planning office and talk to someone there even go with her if you want to help her. She will need a friend. They can help her decide what she should do. I was 16 with i had my first hes now 8 years old. You have to grow up really fast!! I ended up dropping out of High School cause i didnt want to be the "pregnant girl" (big mistake) i shoulda finished school. Theres alot to think about. and I mean theres also Adoption. Maybe to a family that cant have children. Best of Luck to you and mostly her, and you are a great friend for wanting to help no matter how young you both are..

2006-10-07 15:07:53 · answer #4 · answered by Marcia 2 · 1 0

wow...She should make sure first by going to a doctor. Then she should talk to her parents. She really is too young to be goingt through this by herself. Yes, abortion is murder but there is another option- adoption. However, her parents may think differently so talking to them is very important. She needs to take responsibilty for her actions and tell them her concerns no matter how hard it may be. She is young but she should be able to carry a baby. It happens all the time which is really sad but......After she finds out whether or not she is pregnant, in the future, abstinence is the safest route at least until she is older and financially able to have a child.

2006-10-07 15:08:27 · answer #5 · answered by northerntweet 3 · 1 0

I'm 30 years old. I may not financially be ready for a baby until I'm 35 years old. At that point, I may be too old. There are MANY couples in this world who will adopt. She should tell her parents she may be pregnant and that if she is she wants to put the baby up for adoption. OF COURSE, this really needs to be her decision. But wonderful couples are out there waiting for a miracle she can provide. I even think that our medical insurance would provide for all her medical care and her hospitalization during birth if she's willing to do adoption. Some wealthy couples may pay for all her maternity clothing, homeschooling and after care (medical and counseling). Her family could place an ad in the paper for interviews. She has the right to choose who she will carry the baby for. Then, have the right couple, PAY for the lawyers fees to draw up legal paperwork to MEDIATE between the two parties.

2006-10-07 15:08:28 · answer #6 · answered by 30 year old 2 · 1 1

Well the only way she will die is if their is a serious problem with her or the pregnancy but many young girls go through it and are fine. My suggestion is that she needs to tell her parents and seek adoption and let a family enjoy the life. If you really want to help suggest strongly adoption do some research on families who would love to have a baby to care and love. This is going to be the best for her and the baby. If her parents and friends really care for her then they'll do what is best for her and the baby.

2006-10-07 15:06:03 · answer #7 · answered by medevilqueen 4 · 0 1

first of all..she will not die because she is 13...There must be a pregnancy shelter around where you are. Or call the crisis hotline, who would have numbers of places she can get in touch with. Or, first..buy a pregnancy test to make sure she is pregnant or not.
More and likely, whatever she does..her parent(s) will find out sooner or later. Be honest and talk to one of them first. There are so many responsible people out there hoping so much for a baby..but can not have one. Adoption is something to look at if your friend is pregnant.

2006-10-07 15:07:57 · answer #8 · answered by ? 6 · 2 0

She should use a home pregnancy test to determine if she is really pregnant. I don't like abortion either, but that might be the best thing for her. 13 is very young to be carrying a child, her body is not developed enough and a pregnancy will be difficult and painful. There's a high chance she will end up hospitalized and/or lose the baby anyway. Your friend must talk to her parents and to a doctor.

2006-10-07 15:05:51 · answer #9 · answered by Blue Jean 6 · 1 2

Have her tell her mom.........she is 13 for gods sake and wants to play adult games so now its time she acted like an adult and went to her parents. If shes not pregnant her mom will get her on birthcontrol. If she is then she has to be act like an adult now. There are alternatives to surgical abortions, there is a pill she can take that will cut off the hormone that allows the embryo to remain in the uterus.....abortion is aborition but its a safer alternative...however this is best done up to 9 nine weeks.

2006-10-07 15:07:31 · answer #10 · answered by WitchTwo 6 · 2 0

I would say she should go see a doctor and someone at planned parenthood. She most likely wont die from being pregnant or giving birth but its not something a 13 year old should feel they have to do.

she should also learn about birth control and use it from now on! Even if she never gets pregnant again she could get something far worse like HIV.

Get her to talk to the school nurse at the very least.

2006-10-07 15:06:18 · answer #11 · answered by knowitall 3 · 1 1

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