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I'm only asking the people who actually believe in the powers of the Ouija bored...
1. Can the spirits harm you?
2. Can they lie?
3. What's the proper way to dispose of one?
4. Can the spirits physically affect you? (Lift up your arm, make somebody’s hair look as if theirs a draft...)
5. Can they be sarcastic?
6. Can they be wrong about something from your future?
7. Can "good" ghosts kick the "bad" ghosts out of the room?

2006-10-07 14:59:36 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

*Board, sorry. I have bad spelling :-)

2006-10-07 15:16:05 · update #1

18 answers

Yes but there are many variables. My mother used to say if you ask specifically are you lying they have to answer truthfully, but you must always be respectful when talking with/about spirits. Also, you may think I am crazy, but not only spirits come through on those boards. Be careful, my experiences were always positive, but I have heard of bad ones. They can be sarcastic, especially if there is a non believer in the room, or someone disrespectful. Also, it opens a "portal" or door which I think is difficult to ever fully close once opened. I don't remember the proper way to get dispose of a board, if you have a bad feeling simply put it away and don't use it until you have more knowledge. I was very young, and I have seen things you would not believe, nor would I tell you. Just be careful, and do thorough research before doing anything serious that you don't understand. It's not just a game. Good luck, and yes there are good spirits/beings that can protect you, and sometimes the spirits will move your hair, blow candles, knock/tap on walls etc. to make themselves known to you.

2006-10-07 15:39:27 · answer #1 · answered by newstudent06 2 · 2 0

The Ouija board is a tool in and of it's self. It has no majickal properties or abilities. What you are doing when you use a board is inviting anyone in that wants to enter. Basically it's the same as opening your front door and allowing whomever is on the street to wander in.
Can spirits harm you and lie? Of course. Can they be wrong. Of course. Just because a ghost is present doesn't mean they know anything about your future. Why would they?
The proper way to dispose of one? Throw it away.
To, always keep in mind that someone very physical can be pulling your leg.
As far as the 'powers' of the Ouija..it's not the board but the people using it. Without people it is an inanimate object.

2006-10-08 01:23:17 · answer #2 · answered by merinass1498 2 · 0 0

1. Some can if you dont' know how to protect yourself
2. Yes
3. Dispose of the board: break or cut into pieces, burn, dispose of remains n runing water (river, creek, canal etc); spirits, baisic banishings are usually effective more most that won't leave, for more determined sprits more comples methods are approptriate.
4. Yes, can also affect inanimate objects (lights, candles, etc)
5. Again yes and often are
6. Absolutely, often will give false infromation based on what they "think" the asker wants to hear, or what the asker is afraid to hear
7. on occasion, but usually the other way around.

The boards themselves have no power, they are merely a focus for the power of the person using it, like crystal balls. Those that do not have any trainng in psychic or magical work should NOT, and I repeat should NOT be contacting spirits in the first place. Without proper training you could inadvertantly contact something that you can't get rid of and that could be problematic to have around. IF you are intent on working with such things, make certain that you eiether have someone in the group that has training and expereience in working with sprits, or that you have access to someon that can help if you get into trouble. Spirit communication is really NOT something for the novice.

2006-10-07 16:59:00 · answer #3 · answered by kveldulfgondlir 5 · 2 0

1.)Can the spirits harm you?
In simplicity yes they can. The ouija board is an advanced tool of divination. When it is done improperly it can harm the spirits being summoned. Being harmed they will view the operator of the Ouija board as an attacker and rightly defend themselves. Being attacked does not mean a spirit is evil.

2.) the spirits have similar functions to people. Many spirits I doubt would see any advantage to lieing but there are those who think its funny. Be warned spirits who have no bodies can be summoned, this includes demons. As such the nature of each soul is determined by only themselves. They can lie.

3.)To properly dispose of an ouija board is a rather tedious task. Any open rituals will remain active until that ritual is closed. Many Ouija beginners forget to say goodbye to their spirit. This gives the spirit a window of oppurtunity into this world among other less enjoyable things. After each use it should be the responsibility of the Ouija users to say goodbye. If this is the case and in every single case the Ouija users said goodbye then you can simply put the board up or burn it.

If your not sure or know for a fact some rituals have not been closed then it is imperative you do not burn the board. You will release any summoned spirits that have not said goodbye yet. Seeing they were obviously trapped becuase the Ouija user put the board away without releasing them they will be incredibly upset. You must first open and use the board. Ask if any spirits remain active with the board and await a response. If it goes to no then your being lied to or cheating. It should not move if a spirit is not connected. If it does not move for several minutes you can assume the spirits found a way out of the board and can proceed to put it up or burn it.

If it says Yes or No your going to have to make up. The spirit will be pissed off and it is your responsibility to let them know it was a stupid and horrible mistake and get them to say goodbye. If this does not work you must treat the board with spiritual water and smoke it with sage. Spirits trapped in the board will respect this act and should leave. If its a demon or a spirit refusing to leave you have a problem and should consult a professional cleaner. It is likely that any spirit like this will require a sacrifice to get it to listen. By sacrifice im not talking bunnies or little kids. I am talking about equivalent exchange. Once it has left burn the board.

4.)I have never witnessed this, however I am often the cleaner of Ouija boards, not the participant. I have much safer forms of divination I can use and they do not involve consulting the dead. Rather often I hear of boards that have acted as such. Hearing voices to shaking tables are possible outcomes. This is however unlikely, remember I only hear from people who have performed the ritual incorrectly. Those who do it correctly are in fact quite safe.

5.)Spirits are wonderful creatures and are rather funny. I used to live with three spirits. They are brothers and their favorite thing to do is scare people. They often pushed books off shelves or they would create dark globes and float about through walls and doors to get me to panick. Understand they are not evil, I understand them and they were just having a laugh at my expense. I honestly enjoy their company. They are currently away and perhaps crossed over, its been a while sense ive seen them.

6.)If you ask them about the future they are likely guessing or lieing on purpose. If they told you the future the most likely outcome is that it will change based on your response to being told. Spirits are limited by free will just like God. God did this on purpose so we could not predict or next action and do it further. If this was possible their would be no mistakes ever.

7.)Yes Spirits can fight. As far as declaring territory it does happen but is very rare, after all spirits can't die again. If you have passed ancestors that would protect you then I feel sorry for you. Spirits should not suffer the living.

I am an Occultist and among my primary studies is the arts and crafts related to magick and divination. I strongly advocate not using Ouija boards under any circumstance. Ouija boards are harmful to spirits, harmful to people, and a disgrace to the magick community. Magickians worth their salt should not be disturbing the dead. The worst Ouija board users are party players. They do not protect the board, the spirits, or themselves. They perform the ritual improperly and inevitably magickians like myself have to deal with the boards. If your curious about divination tools that do not involve necromancy I am willing to discuss this with you. There are hundreds of other much more sensible methods.

Hails to the truth,

2006-10-07 19:45:17 · answer #4 · answered by Silent One 4 · 1 0

They can do #1, 2 ,4, 5, 6. Don't know about #3 and 7. Believe me,you don't want to mess with an ouija board. My kid brothers borrowed one off their friend some years ago,when people did'nt know the trouble involved. The spirit they contacted decided to play games with me,even though I never used the board. Still get shivers thinking about it.

2006-10-07 15:08:08 · answer #5 · answered by Taylor29 7 · 0 0

I couldn't resist answering this....
The only thing about the ouija board is the way you spelled it....ouija BORED! Think about it, it's made of wood (or cardboard) by a machine. Not a fricken holy spirit of good and evil spit out of the sky and into the shelves of every Wal Mart! And I can tell the future, see?
You will sit down with the all-mighty board and it will give you all the right answers. Well, the power of your suggestion will encourage your fingers to go toward the right letters and the answers will be the ones you wanna hear! Go on, try it. Like I said, I can tell the future...

2006-10-07 15:09:22 · answer #6 · answered by jess l 5 · 0 1

Yes they can, you are opening a channel for them to come through they can lie, and they can play tricks on you. this is not a toy. It is a way to communicate with spirits. treat the board with respect. always protect your self with a white light, and never ever use one while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. If you feel that something is coming through that scares you ... flip the board over. that will stop it. the future will be what you let it be. the good can warn you that the bad is present. flip the board

2006-10-07 15:16:18 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1. Can the spirits harm you? yes

2. Can they lie? yes

3. What's the proper way to dispose of one? yard sale
4. Can the spirits physically affect you? (Lift up your arm, make somebody’s hair look as if theirs a draft...) yes

5. Can they be sarcastic? yes

6. Can they be wrong about something from your future? yes

7. Can "good" ghosts kick the "bad" ghosts out of the room? yes but likely the other way around.

2006-10-07 15:03:34 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Ouija Boards aren't something a person should mess around with as know one person can predict what the outcome of playing with one will do. If you have one and have used it you should dig a hole and drop it in.

2006-10-07 15:10:45 · answer #9 · answered by mmshall 3 · 0 0

Ouija boards are boring. And, only boors play with them.

Everybody get onboard the clue train. Ouija boards are not magic or demonic.

2006-10-07 15:06:17 · answer #10 · answered by Your Best Fiend 6 · 0 2

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