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Why in the hell do we women gravitate towards these low life, rediculous, good for nothing, childish men who that treat us like crap when we know there is way better men out there that will treat us right?

I married this clown several years ago that did nothing but treat me like dirt and cheat on me all the way through dating and our marriage until I finally had enough a left him. I knew he was garbage before we got married but like a fool I was so blinded by love I thought he would change once we got married, but to my dismay things just got worse. Now here I am, not to be besides myself, but a very nice looking woman and he made me feel like the ugliest thing in the world most of the time. I look back now and can't believe how I let this idiot destroy me mentally and I see a lot of my girlfriends going through the same crap. I keep trying to give them advice from my experience and damn if they don't listen. I just don't understand why we women put ourselves through this!

2006-10-07 14:12:29 · 20 answers · asked by Simmy 3 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

Oh I forgot to add I left and divorced him 3 years ago and now I have a good loving man who treats me like a queen. I just see know that a lot of my girl friends are going though the same thing I did and won't take my advice on getting out their bad situations.

2006-10-07 14:21:40 · update #1

20 answers

Oh my good ness did we marry the same man? It sounds like your discribing exactly what happened to me. I wish I knew the answer to that, for I have wondered the same thing. What is worse, is if you make the same mistake twice, I personally did'nt but I know someone that has. We see the red flags go up yet we choose to ignor them. May be it's a mix of things. I had an emotional rollercoaster in my mind By the time I figured out he wasn't changing and I couldn't make him change it was to late my heart was to far gone I was still in love with him. My thoughts were I deserved it,no one else wanted me, he was the best I was going to do, gosh just a ton of things went through my mind.Till one morning I went to get out of bed and the minute my feet hit the floor a light come on (as they say). I said you know what today is a begining this is bull s--t, I own my life!, I am in control and by god I'm taking control back. If I live the rest of my life by myself so be it, because thier wont EVER be any one disrespect me again- I love me, so that means I'm not letting you s--t on me or make me think or feel degraded and worthless. Always remember the issues lies deep inside the person doing the distruction, It is'nt our problem.We as women need to form a support group and boost each others self esteem, so we are strong enough that we will never let ourselfs sink in the black hole again(thats what I call it).

2006-10-07 14:41:38 · answer #1 · answered by SANCY 2 · 0 0

I think some of the new problems women face is that now they are just as equal, most of the time, earning the household money. But still are expected to get dinner and take care of the kids, clean the house. Men are also I noticed are less likely to work and expect the wife to take care of them. Men are afraid to open the door for us, I guess either from fear that we will yell at them that we can do it ourselves, they don't give nice compliments due to fear that we will charge them with sexual harassment. We are lucky to find a man that cares enough to want to be at home, and is a little old fashioned about taking care of us but still allows us to be an equal. I also think that women are pressured to look a certain way, because of false advertising that Hollywood has shown us with the perfect women. When in fact this is an illusion that without 50 people working on her for 5 hours will never achieve.

2016-03-28 01:14:32 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Its a self- hatred thing........and there is something that is appealing about the "Bad Boy" face it.....In the words of Cindi Lauper "Girls just want to have fun".....Most women are addicted to their emotions of jealously which is why U are attracted to players......its a story U wrote in your head along with many others......a story U probably already know the ending to as well as many others.....U feel thats its probably impossible to be happy with a partner so U choose ******* because there are so many of them....the quiet dude that seems nice and can't really dress well isn't much of a match 4 a women who wants to have fun.....don't judge books by their covers and believe U can be happy and U will be....

another thing is women put themselves on display like in a department store waiting to be selected....and of course only the consumers "bad boys" are the shoppers......try being the shopper 4 once.......get some guts go to the Good boy department and take the man U want.........Good Boys dig the whole role reversal forward women thing as well.....

2006-10-07 14:30:04 · answer #3 · answered by macrominded 3 · 0 0

Probably because the "nice guys" equate masculinity with what they were told women wanted, and became emasculated in the process.

In other words, there are nice guys out there, but women aren't attracted to them because they're FREAKIN' WIMPS. So they go for the strong ones, but for the most part, what's left over from the emasculated nice ones are the jerkish controlling ones.

You can thank the feminist movement for castrating all the nice ones and making the jerks worse. The nice guys listened to what women said they wanted, the jerks did not. What's funny, is women found out that what they said they wanted was not very appealing after all, but cannot do anything about it now because it's been ingrained.

2006-10-07 14:18:33 · answer #4 · answered by You'll Never Outfox the Fox 5 · 0 0

You know, I went through the same thing and really, there isn't a darned thing you can do to make them listen. People tend to want to try things on their own and make their own mistakes. They think the same things that we did, like they will change down the road. I am glad for you that you got away unscathed. I, myself, wound up in the hospital and him in jail. I learned not to ever believe anyone who is abusive and to have more confidence in myself as a person and as a mother. The only thing you can do, sweetie, is be there when the time comes that they might need you.

2006-10-07 14:19:49 · answer #5 · answered by swtz69drmz 5 · 0 0

i went through the same thing a few years ago. i was with him for all most 9yrs. he was a little older and that had a lot to do with it.at the begin it was perfect, than he start cheating. i heard about it but i was so blinded by love i would not believe it. i wanted him to marry me so bad, but he didn't want to. i wanted to get pregnant, but never did and im a sexy lady myself so i don't know why he made me feel like i could not get anybody else. now i look back on all those years i lost, i could have done so much. but i got over him. i don't know why women put themselves through these things, i do know I WAS ONE OF THOSE FRIENDS WHO WOULD NOT LISTEN. IT IS HARD YOU SHOULD KNOW, BUT JUST BE UNDERSTANDING AND TELL THEM BE CAREFUL, SOON THEY WILL GET THROUGH IT. YOU AND I MAY BE JUST A LITTLE STRONGER. IT TAKES TIME. KEEP YOUR HEAD UP. GOD BLESS!

2006-10-07 14:54:38 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Big DITTO!!!! Been there - Done that! In fact more times than I want to count! I guess we just already think low of ourselves and somehow we are like a homing pigeon that these guys pick up on to make themselves feel better becuz they have no self esteem for themselves!

We really need to empower ourselves, keep telling ourselves that we ARE beautiful, wonderful, sexy, intelligent people and we deserve to be treated as such and not to take anything less!!

2006-10-07 14:26:16 · answer #7 · answered by yokrem 2 · 0 0

sweety my first marriage was like that i was only 19 and we got divorced in 2004. I met the love of my life after i got divorced there are goos men in this world and my husband is proof. i have 2 girls from my previous marriage and my husband loves and treats them like they were his. you can find a wonderful man that will treat you like the queen you deserve to be treated like. i wasn't looking when my husband and i met and boom it happened. my husband is 4 yrs younger than me and this is the best relationship i have ever had we are best friends and i am more in love with him now than ever. all men aren't alike it's just those few that give the good ones a bad name DON'T GIVE UP ON LOVE !!! it's out there and it will happen when you least expect it.

2006-10-07 14:27:05 · answer #8 · answered by l.clark79 2 · 0 0

I believe people who are wound inside, and have not taken time to allow themselves to heal and learn to love themselves tend to gravitate towards men and women who treat them bad, because they do not know or realize they deserve better. When you don't love yourself, you don't know how to love or receive the type of love that is nourishing. Your friends will not heed to what you are saying until they want change in their own lives. Until then, just be there for them and hopefully they will come around and see their lives for what it is.

2006-10-07 14:31:21 · answer #9 · answered by LadyJ 2 · 0 0

It is not only the women, we men also fall for some ridiculous, stupid women who destroys out live with their mean and cheap behavior which kills us. With the hope that one day she will change, but the change never come. Then she starts demanding that, you are a man work and feed me since you have got married with me. So don't think that only women who suffers, we men also suffer.

2006-10-07 14:22:16 · answer #10 · answered by dotab 4 · 0 0

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