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Pro gay marriage, supporters of N.A.M.B.L.A, supporters of gay rights in general.

2006-10-07 14:02:50 · 19 answers · asked by babe 2 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

19 answers

The asker and several of the answerers need to rethink their perception of the Democrat Party, because the Donkeycrats do NOT stand up for gay rights! The last time the Donkeycrats held all 3 of the elected, political chambers of Wash. D.C. -- the White House, the House, and the Senate -- they couldn't even pass a bill to lift the ban on gays in the military. In 1996, about 2/3s of the Donkeys voted in favor of the Defense of Marriage Act. And it is the fact that they did vote in favor of that law is why the Donkeys have "political cover" to vote against the constitutional amendment. So the fact that they do vote against the amendment doesn't mean that they are IN FAVOR of gay marriage.

Donkeys are not overwhelmingly in favor of gay rights!

2006-10-07 14:13:08 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

The Democrats are NOT supporters of N.A.M.B.L.A., which promotes pedophilia, but obviously you are trying to sneak that lie into your attack on Democrats.
Frankly, I think many of the Democrats are hypocrites, but not nearly as many as the sanctimonious "righteous" Republicans. Democrats did not bash their own "gay", New Jersey Governor Jim McGreevey. I think people in general are bashing Foley for his hypocrisy. It kind of reminds me of good old boy Republican Newt Gingrich, who divorced his wife while she lay dying of cancer in the hospital.
Probably we should all just lighten up about this and laugh it off, as long as it doesn't turn out that Foley was soliciting anyone underage.

2006-10-07 21:18:23 · answer #2 · answered by Zelda Hunter 7 · 3 0

What cover up, dummies? The page was 18, thus there was no crime, they didn't even have sex. So, what was covered up?

Are you perhaps having trouble keeping Bill Clinton apart from someone else?

The hue and cry about Foley is indeed gay bashing. Since the pageg was 18, and not a minor, the messages were no more than gay mail. Thus making all the fuss about it as if Foley were a pedophile is indeed gay bashing.

Oops, there are lieberals here, better explain. The supporters of gay rights have lied for years, telling us being gay does not make one a pedophile, and now when Foley sent disgusting messages to an adult page, they claim its pedophilia. Sorry you can't understand this!

2006-10-07 21:10:56 · answer #3 · answered by retiredslashescaped1 5 · 0 3

Gay sector now comprise a large portion of the voting population in the world. Studies show that political groups supportive of gay cause have larger chances of winning in electoral posts.

Obviously, the Democrats are becoming very desperate of securing majority of the seats in the government. Thus a pro gay campaign is a new strategy for them to attain popularity.

BEFORE: Let all the people's VOICE be heard!
NOW : Let all the people's BOYS be heard!


2006-10-07 21:12:44 · answer #4 · answered by Solomon Grundy 3 · 0 2

I don't think that I understand your question.... I always thought that it was the republicans who were gay bashers and the democrats were pro gay marriage and supporters of gay rights. In my opinion, both parties should support gay marriage and gay rights. It is disgusting the way that they think that they can just come in here and take our rights away and totally violate the Constitution. We are Americans, we have rights.

2006-10-07 21:06:07 · answer #5 · answered by Caribbean Blue 4 · 4 1

I see you read from the republican party hate mail machine. A republican hack gets caught being a perv. His bosses are so afraid of losin their majority that they cover it up just like the catholic church did with the perv priest. And some how Democrats are to blame. What happened to the party of responsibility and family values and morality? Liars every damn one. Would love to see a republican in the congress stand up and say how they are just as power hungry, selfish and selfserving as the rest of humanity.

What kind of freak are you that says the democrats support NAMBLA . Are you that stupid by nature or do you have to work at it ???

2006-10-07 21:14:07 · answer #6 · answered by Libertarian56 2 · 4 0

Who's gay bashing? If you're referring to Foley, no one's bashing him because he's gay. If people are bashing him, it's because he's a freaking pervert, which is in no way related to ones sexuality. Any person, male or female, straight or gay, that takes advantage of a person that young needs to be kept under close watch. I would have been livid if that was my son.

2006-10-07 21:06:04 · answer #7 · answered by davega7 4 · 5 0

You are full of it, the issues of gay marriage and gay rights are almost as divisive to Demos as theyare to republicans. Please note, I said almost. As for NAMBLA, you neocons seem to know more about that than we do.
There is no reason to beleive that Gays are more likely to be pedophiles then hetro-sexuals. If I were you I would back up my claims with proof before making blanket statements. Most mass murders are straight , sexually repressed white men. Now , that is provable!

2006-10-07 22:07:05 · answer #8 · answered by saltydog 2 · 2 0

It is typical Liberal behavior, they profess their love for gays, swearing that they are fighting for their rights with all of their might. Yet, whenever they want to smear a person they accuse them of homosexuality.

They have insinuated that Ann Coultier and Matt Drudge are gay, no evidence just a smear job. I do not have time to list all of the instances but it is standard procedure.

2006-10-07 21:11:39 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Only when the 'gay' is a lying Republican pervert! That's politics, not even 'gays' get a free ride!

2006-10-07 21:09:42 · answer #10 · answered by Tokoloshimani 5 · 1 0

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