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this might sound kind of weird but i know i am a lesbian and i am getting kindof depressed about it. i really dont know what to do and i dont know who to tell..it takes up all of my time thinking about it and i wish it wasnt such a big thing but it is. i dont understand why people cant accept it because it is not a choice that i am making it is just how i am. i am just really confused and i dont know how to handle the situation and i am only 15 years old. does anyone have any advice at all? please?

2006-10-07 12:50:41 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

23 answers

I am not sure you will even read this, but I do understand- i knew I was different at a vry young age I just didn't know what it was- I did all the expected things of me and was in a marrage for over 10 years miserable- I came out when I was 28,
Be happy you know who you are... Remember you are still young and though it is hard- time will take care of most of those worries- The world is changing and even though not very fast when you meet the right person- what the world feels dosent matter!
I hope you find happiness and be proud you are who you are- even if you don't feel strong enough to show the world - It is what YOU think that matters!

2006-10-07 13:44:31 · answer #1 · answered by admiredi 4 · 3 1

allison s,
I am wondering if you have other interests? That is: isn't there something that you could focus on that's not of a sexual nature? I know that sexual inferences are everywhere, but you get to decide what you want.

Fifteen is young and perhaps not the best age to be dwelling on that subject.

I know that sex can hurt, not the physical part which can as well, but the emotional part. I would call that normal that you would be feeling strange about all this. Because at 15 you are bound to get caught up in a bunch of confusing things, and a lot of heartbreak.

So don't go down that road. Get up, look around. Do what you can do to brighten up your life. I do that by getting into the word, you know; the Bible. And I'm Bi. Jesus is my joy and nothing else is really. My "Friends" are Christian, and they don't want me around either. And it's not like I want to go slut around, I have found that it hurts me too.

So I spend time on here, trying to help people and stay deep into the word, trusting God. That for me and I benefit from it.

You get tough, okay allison s? You e-mail anyone you want here that makes sense. And then there is this:

I had to look around. It seems like they are a good place to get some support. Do not feel alone, okay?

2006-10-07 23:37:04 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Allison, take a chill pill NOW...go to bed and call me in the morning! Your being a Lesbian is a gift, not a curse! IF you want a refresher course on what your poor straight sisters go through, then go to Romance section and click on Marriage and Divorce...what you read there is REAL, is the life that at least 50% of your straight sisters endure! I advise, that since you are still in High School, you tell NO ONE! NOT your best friend, for she will have the whole school informed within an hour. There is nothing wrong with being Gay, in fact, it is a blessing. BUT, there are many, many stupid kids in HS, and you do not need the harrassment to interfer with your education. Turn your attention to learning all that you can learn, be the best in every class..the ulitimate revenge on those who would put you down is SUCCESS in life, and certainly with MONEY! Look forward to that class reunion with all these jerks where you drive up in a fancy car wearing designer clothing, and have something to talk about besides what the lastest and greatest thing your rug rat did yesterday. STraight women are cast into a tiny mold of being subserviant to a husband who is more stupid than they are...not much of a life. YOU, on the other hand, have a glorious future if you handle TODAY right! And do not tell your parents..you have no way of knowing how they will react..there is no reason to spill the beans today. There will be plenty of time for that once you have a great education and are on your own. There are a world of great, wonderful women out there who will love loving you..your day is tomorrow, not today..so be patient and wait quietly. Good luck, I do know what I am talking about . Goldwing110083 (the real one)

2006-10-07 20:25:57 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

Dear Girl~
Among these responses you'll find certain comments which have a special attraction, a 'ring of truth'. You'll be able to figure out how to manage/handle your situation after considering the options (guidance) offered to you.

It is so natural to communicate with one's ''creator', however one perceives that entity, and whatever method is used to express one's thoughts (prayer, meditation, wordless bonding, ancient or your invented ceremonies, etc.). If you pray (I like it), be as specific as you can. Ask for help, blessings, direction, comfort, a friend, just any, any, anything you need. Bring your concerns (and thanks) out in the open, in your heart. Where there are questions, there are answers . . . sooner or later.

I know that if you can feel there is support (and you can find it now that suggestions are brought up), you'll make it. I think you'll meet other young men and women who are likewise suffering because their immediate environment (like society in general) isn't conditioned to deal with all of reality in a --shall I call it-- pro-functional and wholistic manner. Don't lose heart. Don't give up because things feel tough. Get through only the day at hand, 'coz sure as you're born, each and every tomorrow is a brand new day, and you just never know what's gonna' show up on the menu. Darling girl, life is a banquet, there is so much out there that is good. You're learning how to sift out the negative as you mature, and will likely be using that skill the rest of your life (providing you can stay focused on keeping YOUR NEEDS met).

I can't imagine how difficult the situation is for you. But I care that it hurts you and I'm sorry. I'm sending thoughts of security and warm fuzzies your way. Best wishes to you.

2006-10-07 22:00:13 · answer #4 · answered by Zeera 7 · 1 0

Listen hun...I was in the same spot just as yourself nearly 3 years ago. I knew that I loved women and I was so scared to tell a single soul. I knew what I wanted in life and I knew that was what I was going to get but it was so hard to figure out who to tell first. I started with my parents because I was living with them at the time and I had decided to move out to go live with my wife, girlfriend, at the time. They did not take it too well but they eventually got over it and came to terms that I was not going to change nor was I going to give my dreams up. They are now open and acceptive and understanding. It is not easy to be in the so called gay world but dont you ever give up. If you know that you want a woman than go for it hun. Live to make yourself happy first then sooner or later everyone else will be happy also. Good luck and dont be so down on yourself!

2006-10-07 22:24:23 · answer #5 · answered by mr/ms_romance 1 · 1 0

First of all if you arent in a relationship, you dont need to be in this state of mind. If you start something you arent ready to see through (with a partner ) you will end up hurting someone you care about , and you dont want that. If this is a question about finding your sexuality you should realy get a vibrator and test that to see if that is the way you want to swing. You know the men or women thing If you think you are to young to purchase one console your mother to purchase you one .Tell her about your desires, and you rather be safe than sorry. When you do get one, if its not for you no loss no foul. Be true to yourself and your fellings. You can never lie to yourself because you will always know you are lying. If it has to do with a relationship mabey its time to change partners with a new woman who will relight that fiery passion in you that use to make you happy about your sexality. I hope I helped.

2006-10-07 20:12:45 · answer #6 · answered by michaeldavid1973 1 · 1 0

If my experience is any indication, your tendency to focus on this area of your life is quite normal. I would advise you to keep your thoughts to yourself or only tell one or two people you can trust, like a counselor or extremely trustworthy _older_ friend, until you've worked it out some more. And you will work it out, it will just take time. Check out some books on the topic in the young adult section. "Am I Blue?" is a good one to start with. Surfing to get a sense of community helps but beware the sarcastic or hurtful interlopers.

2006-10-08 03:40:04 · answer #7 · answered by lucy_ritter 3 · 0 0

First off ignore the first two answers you received, you are young, and if you already know who you are that is fine, just be yourself.Would your parents be accepting? Do you have any siblings that would be accepting? If the answer is no don't give up there are support groups that can help you check into them and just be you, there is nothing wrong with being a lesbian, you deserve to be happy and live your life, you just might need some support, check it out good luck!!

2006-10-07 19:59:35 · answer #8 · answered by Finally home 2 · 5 1

There's nothing wrong with being gay, and I totally understand where you are coming from. Most people really don't have a problem with being gay, but those that have a problem with it seem to be much louder. If you want to talk, I'm always willing to help.

my email is kamikaze_glintz@sbcglobal.net

just email me or IM me and I'll be more than willing to talk. My parents don't know I'm gay either, so we've got alot in common.

2006-10-07 22:55:44 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Your feelings are perfectly normal. We are raised in a straight religious naturally discriminative society. Due to all of this it is really hard to accept yourself as being gay. As you say, it is not a choice. It takes time to get through these feelings but believe me, you do and you will find someone that will love you and make you feel special. Try to join a lesbian support group in your area, it will help to share your feelings with others. Be true to yourself.

2006-10-07 20:01:57 · answer #10 · answered by Cichlid 2 · 5 1

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