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29 answers

Outlaw of outlaws,
Score a little coke?
Leader of free world,
Another treaty broke!

Speak of our problems;
As these multiply?
Open their borders !
Let us inside. Let us inside. Let us inside.

Not knowing if to doubt,
Doubt if he’s a friend.
Not knowing when to stop,
Stop while you’re ahead?

Bush is in the white house again!
He has paid the price,
So don't be naughty, be nice,

Cowboys that shoot from the hip,
now read the president's lips!
War is his dictatorship!
No charge and no lawyer, he has the power to torture!

Planned Demolition
orTerror Attack?
He's on a mission
to bring war back!

Promise protection,
in exchange for gold?
Give us your money!
Do as you're told!

Not knowing if to doubt;
doubt if he’s a friend.
Not knowing when to stop;
stop while you’re ahead?

Will we find ourselves between IRAQ and a hard place?
IRAQ and a hard place!
Will we pay the price,
when George decides what is nice?

Cowboys that shoot from the hip,
now read the president's lips!
War is his dictatorship!
No charge and no lawyer, he has the power to torture!

2006-10-07 12:24:26 · answer #1 · answered by H.I. of the H.I. 4 · 2 2

respond to VOTINGISUSELESS: the CIA style of torture does not harm the guy by any skill. Waterboarding only drips water down the guy for decrease than 30 seconds, yet by some skill makes the guy experience like they are drowning. this is an affective device that purely motives some soreness to the sufferer. It has worked very effectively on interrogation and it does not call for inhumane acts. additionally if Bush is undesirable then each and every of the eu worldwide places are undesirable. Britan France etc. all have hundreds of cameras for the time of their us of a spying on their finished us of a. additionally no bush isn't committing impeachable offenses respond to NO TO D: Andrew Jackson. He disobeyed concealed accountability as president. whilst the final courtroom ordered that the Cherokee us of a ought to not be relocated by making use of Georgia Andrew Jackson did not something to stop the human beings of Georgia. And in the consititution it states that the president is had to uphold the guidelines of the form.

2016-10-19 00:04:14 · answer #2 · answered by corl 4 · 0 0

First, he was rich BEFORE he even became governor of Texas

Second, he is not evil. Stupid, but not evil.

Third, he's not a murder -- this implies he is dead, having been killed by someone else. Maybe use a dictionary next time.
He is also not a murderER; people die in war -- it's one of the hazards.

Fourth, there was no election fraud. Gore lost, thank Heaven and all things good. Even Gore's HOME STATE went to Bush. If Gore could have just carried that he would have won, but fortunately the good people of Tennessee knew better. And who was the cardboard, no personality, cookie-cutter Democrat he beat last time, what was that idiots name?? Think, think, who was it???

OH, YEAH, JOHN KERRY!! THAT'S RIGHT!! THE KETCHUP HEIRESS' SQUEEZE!! Even his WIFE'S deep purse couldn't get him elected.
If you are still whining about lost elections, you need to get a brain and a life.

2006-10-07 12:33:48 · answer #3 · answered by Lonnie P 7 · 1 1

For the most outrageous, easily disproved, yet highly effective lies, such as the Iraqi connection to 9-11, sometimes the wise course is to assign personnel far removed from the president to push the lie. That way, the president’s credibility won’t suffer when the facts — known to the administration months before it stopped peddling the lie — come out. And in a perverse fashion, the man at the top of this disinformation pyramid, the president, GAINS credibility for the disinformation in his own speeches, because commentators will note what a cautious and careful performance it was, given that he steered clear of the not-yet-confirmed 9-11 connection.

The farther out of the loop the designated lie-pushers are, the better: The administration can more easily keep from them the intelligence data that flat-out refutes the lie, which helps those lie-pushers who are more convincing when they THINK what they’re saying might be true than when they know for a fact it’s not true. For our purposes, whether the speaker believes what he says is irrelevant. What matters is that the administration is consciously deceiving the public.

The most aggressive pushers of this story have been neoconservative extremists Richard Perle, James Woolsey, Ken Adelman and Frank Gaffney, who either serve on the Defense Policy Board or are otherwise tangentially connected to the administration. (Gaffney has even tried to link Iraq to the 1995 terror bombing in Oklahoma City.) See this article ( http://slate.msn.com/id/2070410/) for details on how this myth stayed alive long after intelligence pros definitely disproved it. Of course, now that the Atta link has petered out, another al Qaeda “connection” of comparable validity is being spread — this time by Powell and Bush.

2006-10-07 12:23:48 · answer #4 · answered by dstr 6 · 3 5

Yes, fathers son, the fcuking daddys boy. rule the world he says but look at that contradiction,
give up your bombs or we'll nuke you first...
he's a child running another iron curtain full of it either way can smell it everywhere almost.
and to get the public richer class employing dictator.
lose the class system by killing of those who need to be paid to stand in his place ya definitely a cohart of cowards he runs with...

2006-10-07 12:28:26 · answer #5 · answered by Jon M 2 · 1 1

If you are an ignorant, easily manipulated simple minded person then yes. To everyone else that respects the position and knows that George Bush by no means makes any decision himself, then no.

2006-10-07 12:25:45 · answer #6 · answered by ? 2 · 1 2

That's a question? Appears to be more like a inflammatory statement. Any evidence to support those allegations?
Familiar with the term "libel"?

2006-10-07 12:25:56 · answer #7 · answered by Dane 6 · 3 1

You got it very close. election-yes- richer--yes.
Can't call him a murderer per se.
He lied about Iraq to start a war.
About 40,000 people-- American and Iraqi are dead.
Is he quilty? They are dead-
No war---no dead..
American and world people have to decide--

perhaps there will be a day of accounting.

2006-10-07 12:27:43 · answer #8 · answered by cork 7 · 2 2

He himself is not the murderer just was a decisive fact in it. Remember he is not alone. He may have gotten richer but has many poorer.

2006-10-07 12:26:59 · answer #9 · answered by righton 3 · 1 2

Actions speak louder than words.

2006-10-07 13:13:02 · answer #10 · answered by PS Drummer 3 · 0 1

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