you already answer your question
2006-10-07 12:12:11
answer #1
answered by Everona97 6
I think that we forget how much good we get from immigration, only the affluent and educated have the money to travel. If we look at the amount of doctors, nurses and professionals which have come from different areas we would soon realise that the problem is not necessarily immigration but the people who already live here or could be considered (native), the ones who do not work and do not even want to consider working. If all English people had the drive to improve themselves as the people who immigrate to this country there would be no problem at all and we would all share a more affluent society.
People believe too much in the press, everyone has a motive to sell more papers! There are enough rapists and murders in this country already without having to pick on specific ethnic groups to look for them.
I think immigration is a good thing we are getting a more culturally diverse society of people legitimately wanting to improve their lives and the lives of their children.
2006-10-08 00:26:45
answer #2
answered by cassie s 2
I am not a racist to begin with. But i do agree with some things said here, but what we should do is narrow things down a bit. There are a lot of different immigrants in this Country and the majority of them are a great drain on the economy. But if you look at it the main number are from Muslim Countries, and most of them when here then find some way to bring the whole family in and the little by little take an area and turn it into little Islam. Just look at the number of Mosques we have in Britain and these are paid for by large islamic countries with plenty of money and bigger plans.
Don't assosciate all Asians as one. I know there are a lot of Muslims that are a good but it doesn't take that many to bomb a bus or bring a plane out of the sky. The goverment and all those do gooders should stand back and say, become part of our country or go and find a country that has your beliefs.
Albanians are to be watched as they sneaky and back stabbing criminals who if allowed will bring the area they live in into the gutter.
2006-10-07 21:46:10
answer #3
answered by vasag2003 2
I want them out!! It is getting to the stage where it will be too late to reverse the massive damage already done.
For too long this country has listened to woolly minded misguided liberal 'thinkers'
Thousands come from Pakistan supposedly bringing skills and helping the economy. In fact many cannot even speak English and have virtually no skills.
Why are Pakistanis still being allowed in?? Given recent events (7/7) and the recent attempt to commit mass murder by blowing up planes it does not take a genius to understand that we must be exposed to further risk.
We need action - not talk. It is sad to say it but the parliamentary process in this country has outlived its' usefulness. It no longer works for the English.
And as far as the meaning of English is concerned, we all know damn well what it means, and it does not mean Asian or African - and I don't care how many generations are involved.
2006-10-08 03:52:50
answer #4
answered by George 3
Like every other true British person in this country its about time we started getting it back and stop been scared to say how we all really feel about they way this country is been divided by ethnic communities who don't want to integrate into this country they just want the money and the benefits that we stupidly still give them. They have no flex in anything that they do but expect us to bend over backwards for them in everything and if we don't then we must be racist, but when its the other way its not in there religion so its OK. they hide behind the religion in everything they do , could you really see other countries bending for foreigner's like we do ??? Way i see it is not a problem coming to a country but you should live to there rules not make up your own and scream racism when somebody disagrees with you.
2006-10-07 12:24:16
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I am a medical doctor with full GMC registration and I was born in an African country. The UK government has made a deal with my government that stops me from immigrating to the UK.
How is it that people with the same history and who can make a constructive contribution to the UK get turned away whilst embracing those that have nothing to offer?
It's all political point scoring by your government and I think UK citizens should demand to know who gets citizenship and what it is that they bring to the country.
2006-10-07 18:08:01
answer #6
answered by mila 1
I'm English too, although my parents arrived as immigrants. I don't feel there is anything wrong with a person wanting to better their lives in which ever country they feel is condusive to realising their hopes, dreams and aspirations. However, if they are unwilling, as citizens, to participate in the development and progress of their 'host' nation, there ought to be a system in place to return them to their former homeland. I believe it's the responsibility of every individual of every nation to conribute towards the well-being of the country in which they choose to reside.
2006-10-07 12:23:20
answer #7
answered by Fragile Rock 5
immigrants come in 2 varieties - expats who come for a specific reason as visitors, retain their culture, stay a while and leave and secondly settlers who come and expect to settle down long term and make a home.
The expats are fine assuming they are here for a good reason (asylum, business, military posting etc) that is controlled and regulated and limited to reasonable numbers.
Settlers are my probable problem area, I welcome their existence and arrival but settlers are not transitory and therefore should integrate with the culture of their new home as they intend to become part of the nation state (whatever you think of nation states). Both settlers and the recipient state have a duty to integrate these people.
Worst offenders have to be islamist immigrants who seek to live separately. this is intolerable and bad for both them, their descendants and the host state.
In short let people come, we need immigrants (they are often the most dynamic part of any society) but if they are staying more than a couple of years and seeking residence they must integrate.
2006-10-07 12:31:12
answer #8
answered by questioneer 2
I'm, Welsh and I hate it. Im sick of jobs being taken by foreigners (no they don't just take the jobs "natives don't want" we would have full employment if that was the case and no native people in low paid jobs - I know many "natives" doing really shitty low paid work, my boyfriend is one of them!!!! And as for creating jobs they only employ their own) and reading that 30% of British Muslims support the 7/7 bombings. It makes me sick.
Also this Muslim policeman refusing to do his duty and the muslim taxi driver refusing to carry a guard dog because of their "religious objections" - they really need to **** off out of this country is they are not prepared to abide by our laws and do their jobs properly,
2006-10-08 07:35:13
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Well having read the poison and vitriol spat out by most of the people who answered your question, I have a question of my own.
What on earth must their lives have been like for them to come here and be hated and put up with intolerable racism and be grateful that they can now live in peace!?
I think the British Media have a lot to answer for, in fact I can think of one or two newspapers who should be prosecuted for, Inciting Racial Hatred - the only problem there is that racism is ingrained into our culture and quietly approved by our governments.
Personally I am ashamed to call myself British and now refer to myself as a European.
2006-10-07 16:45:38
answer #10
answered by libbyft 5
Not all immigrants are the same!!!!
Immigrants are supporting the NHS and doing all the jobs natives don't want to do, or creating businesses and jobs.
But we are letting in criminals and terrorists at the same time. And people who have no intention of integrating. Why should we let these guys in?? Why aren't we kicking the illegal migrant criminals out?? I am fed up like you and have arranged to leave the country
2006-10-07 12:43:43
answer #11
answered by Freelancer 2