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Why must you chastise the Bush administration when your young kids are dying at an alarming rate? Do you care for the kids on the streets, or just the war? Soliders have a job to do, kids just go out and kill each other just because it is fun. Please, worry about our kids, not the war. Why not protest against school shootings, pedophiles, rapists, murderers? Those are the people breing down our country, not the war.

2006-10-07 12:04:06 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

15 answers

Your are so correct. The biggest issue is the lack of parental supervision. Kids wouldn't be in gangs if their parents took more of a role in their lives. Ignore them, and they're going to find a social clique where they are accepted. Like a gang. The kids should be in school, supervised, and coming home to dinner. Not wandering the streets.

Whatever happened to graduating from high school and going to a college, even if it's a community college?

2006-10-07 12:23:26 · answer #1 · answered by chefgrille 7 · 1 2

If I remember correctly the republicans have control of both houses of congress and the executive branch and a majority on the supreme court. If they for protecting our children, why is it we still have these problems when they could easily pass bills to solve them? Oh yeah, they were worried about gays getting married.

Since we are spending an inordinant amout of time fighting two wars, (starting one without finishing the other was a brilliant strategy), there is little left over for domestic policies.

So it's the pedophiles and their protectors (congress) and the war which are messing things up.

2006-10-07 19:37:33 · answer #2 · answered by Dr. Nightcall 7 · 1 0

Minorities killing each other is not a big deal, they blame economics, guns or racism. The killing continues without abatement.

The liberals have made the same excuses for years but the problem still gets worse. It was Albert Einstein who said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over yet expecting different results.

The kids keep dying and the same thing happens nothing. I often wonder why the minorities tolerate this situation and remain loyal to the Democrats who have handed this to them.

2006-10-07 19:10:44 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Please learn that liberals as well as conservatives do care about our young people. Case in point, liberals have been in favor of gun control as "a" means (not "the" means) to reduce violence. Most don't advocate taking away people's guns - with this current administration it is a stark reminder that we need to maintain the right to take up arms when it becomes necessary.

You can support the troops, be against the War in Iraq and for the War in Afghanistan, against violence in America, against Torture, for wiretapping terrorists, against "illegal" wiretapping of Americans all at the same time and be a liberal all at the same time.

AND you can also do all that and be a conservative Christian.

2006-10-07 19:11:45 · answer #4 · answered by Lisa M 3 · 1 1

why can't we worry about both?

both are problems and many are dying in both...

the kids are in gangs due to one main reason... poverty... and that's a major issue on the democratic agenda...

working on educational programs, working on programs to get the kids off the street... things are being done and there are programs out there...

but that doesn't mean that we should just ignore other problems...

I'll tell you what... when you start ignoring immigration and worry only about terror... we'll stop worrying about the war...

what have the Republicans did to help the situation in the past 6 years? oh, that's right.. .NOTHING... if you ask them "there is no problem"

2006-10-07 19:13:31 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Alright then... why isn't more being done about the gang wars on the streets of California? I do believe that's a Republican governor in office.

It's our jobs... as AMERICANS... to concern ourselves with ALL matters of policy, both foreign and domestic. Our leaders are voted in to represent US, and are obligated to inform us of their actions and their rationale for doing so.

The day we accept our fates without question is the day democracy dies.

2006-10-07 19:11:21 · answer #6 · answered by spire2000 2 · 2 0

well i dont think there really is anything you can do about street violence, I mean what can they possibly do? Its sad though, just three nights ago, two blocks away from my house, eight guys were shot and killed. EIGHT! It didnt even make the news! Theres so much gang violence around that they dont even bother putting it on the damn news. Its sad you know, even though they may have been criminals because they are gang affiliated, I mean they still have families and all that, its just all stupid and sad

2006-10-07 19:18:10 · answer #7 · answered by Esme 3 · 2 0

Yeah! And infants, mothers, fathers, grandparents and teen agers being killed and maimed in Iraq are just a bunch of losers. In fact they're such losers, we should kill a bunch more of them for the sake of holy Halliburton. They are just mindless savages and don't have compassion and a sense of justice like you do. They don't accept that Bush is actually the second coming of Christ. They all deserve to die.

2006-10-07 19:18:38 · answer #8 · answered by beast 6 · 1 0

It is true that it is just as dangerous here as in Iraq. I have heard of several people who had been over there and when they returned home, they died another way.
One person died in an accident
another got beaten to death
another shot
I believe, if it is your turn to die, you will die in war, or some other way when returning, because it is your time to go.

2006-10-07 19:51:44 · answer #9 · answered by pixles 5 · 0 1

There is only so much the Governor can do, California is
infested with Liberals, You make an excellent point, they are
just to blind to see it.,

2006-10-07 19:13:20 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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