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The polls are important to them,what other countries think are important to them but having a back bone sure isnt.If it were up to them we would be more like france and be good at two things cooking and surrendering.

2006-10-07 11:20:59 · 22 answers · asked by halfbright 5 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

Bunchkik,you want to ridicule my education but apparently you think all people are stupid and cant control what they eat so you want to govt to step in.Gee did you make it to 2nd grade widdo boy?

2006-10-07 11:30:22 · update #1

22 answers

Because they have no value system. Their leaders; like Bill Clinton had to get up every morning, read the polls and check the focus groups to decide what to think. Conservatives do not need to ask, they have their own moral compass and the Constitution.

2006-10-07 11:29:55 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

By 'more like France' do you mean *not* bogged down in an illegal war of your own making which simply distracts you from the real threat to America (hint: it was not Saddam) and according the US intelligence community, has made the threat worse? You should have listened to Jacques Chirac!

I guess you don't worry what others think since your party's going to stitch up the election anyway and don't care if most people vote against you (again).

2006-10-07 11:37:03 · answer #2 · answered by Dunrobin 6 · 2 2

Typical Republican...
4th grade education,
unable to write down their
thoughts intelligently!

As to Libs cooking...
Libs may cook but
Repugs in the
trailer Red States
are leaders in obesity!

As for a lot of people, the nation's weight problem is settling below its waistline. The states with the highest percentages of obese adults are mostly in the South: Mississippi, Alabama, West Virginia, Louisiana and Tennessee.
The South has a larger percentage of people from minorities, who have shown an increased risk for obesity. She said Southerners also tend to lead a more sedentary lifestyle than their counterparts in states such as Colorado or Oregon. People will find fewer jogging trails in Little Rock than in Denver, she said.

2006-10-07 11:26:56 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 4 3

It doesn't matter what random people "think" about anything, all that matters is what the facts are, how the experts in that field interpret the facts, what goals we are trying to accomplish, and how to go about that, including bringing those facts to the people necessary to get the job done.

Your problem isn't with "libs," it's with your facts and your goals. What do you value, what do you want. Here's a fact Republicans are ignoring: America trying to police the world puts itself in a very dangerous position. Maybe your solution to that is to bomb whoever doesn't like us, but my solution would be to work on my own problems before presuming I have answers for anyone else's country.

2006-10-07 11:48:41 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Just in case you have not taken notice, it is what people think that gets politicians elected. They are not interested in what the choir thinks. They want to turn the minds of the true free thinkers to their side. And you know what? The ultra right wants the same thing!

Sign me, A free thinking Independant!

2006-10-07 11:29:05 · answer #5 · answered by It All Matters.~☺♥ 6 · 2 1

probably by way of fact Obama is a real-leaning centrist flesh presser, so US Liberals haven't any criminal accountability to guard him as they are on the left of the political spectrum and disagree together with his regulations on gay marriage, Afghanistan, the Cuban embargo, South American foreign places family, nuclear disarmament, and exceptionally lots each and every undertaking.

2016-11-26 23:34:02 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes!!!! At one time, I thought it was because they could not think for themselves and had to get an average of what others thought to make their decisions.But, alas, when they started getting opinions from other countries where the citizens did not know much about our politics in the USA they were misinformed and lost a few elections. I think they may change their tactics to mud slinging and negative reporting.

2006-10-07 11:45:05 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Panty waisted --- I checked...my waist is way bigger than I would like it be...

Polls are a big of hooey anyway. They rarely reflect reality as far as this Liberal is concerned.

And the French are good at three things food, love, and thinking for themselves.

2006-10-07 11:39:10 · answer #8 · answered by KERMIT M 6 · 3 1

Republicans Preying on Children and the

Weak is Nothing New

PageGate is less about Rep. Mark Foley sexually harassing minors than the Republican leaders who covered up the abuse and put young boys in danger. But the truth is that Republicans have long been doing the very thing to America's youth that Foley wanted to do to his pages.
Take a look at No Child Left Behind. This legislation was supposed to help students learn with improved oversight and standards. However, Republicans have benefited far more than the children from the political points they accrued from ignorant voters swayed only by the catchy name. Just yesterday, as George Bush made public appearances touting his education agenda to those very people, House Education Committee Ranking Member Rep. George Miller blasted Bush for massive underfunding for the program.

Bush and his Republican Congress have already sold No Child Left Behind short for $40.4 billion less than they promised, and a pending appropriations bill would increase this deficit another $16.4 billion next years, according to Miller.

"Schools, children, and parents simply cannot afford more of the same from Washington Republicans," Miller said. "It is time for a new direction for America, one where we keep our promises to invest fully in schools and children so that they can truly succeed."

Meanwhile, this excellent LA Times op-ed points out that Republican economic policies have also been devastating for millions of America children:
From 2000 to 2005, the number of American children living in poverty went up by 1.3 million, and the likelihood that any given child is poor increased by 9% . . .
There are now more American children without health insurance, as well: From 2004 to 2005 alone, the number of uninsured children went from 7.9 million to 8.3 million children, with the uninsured now accounting for 11.2% of all American children.
The piece goes on to discuss the Republicans' failure to create more, good paying jobs and their refusal to increase the minimum wage. The resulting worsened conditions directly affect the children of poor families.

Then there is this article in the Sydney Morning Herald, noting that Americans are horrified by the allegations against Foley for soliciting minors but generally unconcerned about the recent series of school shootings:
What seems unlikely to be discussed is whether or not America's gun laws and gun culture plays any part in these school tragedies and the 20,000 or so gun deaths in America every year . . .
Gun control is a non-issue in the lead-up to the mid-term congressional elections and the tragedy in that little school house this week will not change that.
The NRA has holds such a strong gag over gun control debate that politicians are absolutely terrified of merely talking about it, even in light of the brutal murders of several young students. The only politician making the news about the story is the Wisconsin Republican who wants to address the problem by giving guns to teachers.

There are a variety of other issues in which Republicans have had no problem hanging our children out to dry. Global Warming has been ignored to promote big business in the present despite serious threats to future generations. Social Security, trade deficits, and the national debt have also been shrugged off, damning the youth of today to incalculable problems tomorrow.

Republicans have a long history of not helping the helpless. Their health care policy is "don't get sick." Their economic policy is "don't be poor." But they will be first in line to stand up for those who need it the least.

It's the same thing with Mark Foley. His Republican brethren cared only about protecting their own, not the greater good, regardless of the costs.

2006-10-07 11:50:34 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Oh, I don't know, you think the panty waisted liberals, as you call them, could actually love their country and really care what the citizens think, unlike the conservities who have been in charge for the last (6) years and EVERYONE has seen what they really care about. COVERING THEIR OWN ***

2006-10-07 11:37:19 · answer #10 · answered by firewomen 7 · 2 2

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