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I'm 31 weeks pregnant with my first baby (due December 8th) and like most first time mums I'm crapping myself at the idea of giving birth - I have no idea how bad it is or how I'll cope.

I don't know whether to watch the live birth on Five tommorrow. On one hand it would be good to see it from start to finish because I'll have a good idea of what I'm in for.

On the other hand its likely to just scare the living crap out of me!!! I kind of just want to wait and see how it goes for me rather than watch someone else do it and maybe get scared out of my wits. After all, her birth might be worse than mine!

What do you think? Especially women who've already had children. Will it be a help or just a really bad idea???

2006-10-07 11:13:48 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Television

14 answers

i used to watch every programme about babies and birth,while i was pregnant,you might find that its actually very useful,ie seeing the different positions that help ease the pain,different reactions to the pain relief,believe me,no 2 births are the same,and i was still scared on having my 4th baby even though i'd had 3 easy births before,its natural to worry,personally i'd watch it,if you dont like it switch it over,i'm not going to lie to you,childbirth does hurt,but with the right pain relief for you,you'll be fine,you'll soon forget about the pain when your holding your little bundle of joy.my first baby i was petrified,had everything,epidural,pethidine, gas and air,and ended up having a longer birth because with the epidural i was too numb to push(worst pain relief i had).with my youngest 3 children i only had gas and air,and had really quick births,it'll all come naturally to you when your in the delivery suite,and you'll do your own thing,you'll look back to this question and think,"what was i worried about?good luck and hope everything goes fine;-)

2006-10-07 11:33:31 · answer #1 · answered by stokies 6 · 0 0

I wouldn't. When I was pregnant the first time, we all trooped down to the hospital for the 'fathers night' where they showed a video of a birth and I'm not joking, most of the mums to be didn't look at the screen.
I still can't watch any entertainment programmes with women pretending to give birth let alone even consider the idea of watching a real one. It's a very personal experience and watching some other woman give birth isn't likely to prepare you for it anyway.
The second time I was giving birth, I had a very short labour, and the lady I ended up sharing a room with said she had heard me giving birth and almost passed out with fear and actually my second birth was over and done with so rapidly it really wasn't that bad, but apparently I had managed to scare a first time mum senseless anyway.
It's going to hurt, but you're going to be so busy you aren't going to have time to consider how much and once you get that baby in your arms it isn't going to seem that bad anyway.
I rang a friend who was pregnant a couple of hours after I had my first baby and she asked how it was, and I really couldn't remember that vividly.

2006-10-07 11:34:00 · answer #2 · answered by Eden* 7 · 0 0

I wasn't even aware that this programme was on, so thanks for the info! I will be watching it, just out of curiosity really...I seem to like anything birth related!! I have two children, and before I was pregnant with my first, I'd have cringed at anything like that, but whilst pregnant, I watched every single birth programme on Sky that I could...that included several labours, some nice, some nasty...and I can only say, that it helped no end. It made me aware of what could happen, and more importantly what I wanted out of my own birth. It's nearly impossible to create a birth plan, when you've never been through labour before...but after watching so many of those programmes, my birth plan was very thorough, and I actually knew what some of the "jargon" the midwives used meant, so felt I was actually present at the birth, rather than just being a piece of meat.

So, to sum up, I'd say watch it. Be under no illusions, labour isn't easy or pleasant, so you're not going to see anything that's not true. Whether it's bad or good, you're still going to have to go through it, and at least if the one on TV is bad, you might actually see yours in a more positive light once you've been through it.

2006-10-07 11:25:09 · answer #3 · answered by Anon 4 · 0 1

I never watched anything- to be honest your either that high on the gas or elated from the birth its all irrelevant!-
you'll be fine!- I've had three births!- its very painful- each time I think no more- but then as soon as the Little one pops out and you see your new baby- you soon forget!! and the pain stops!!- nothing beats seeing your new baby!!
as for not coping- I'm the biggest wuss going-- seriously this time I just had the gas and air lay on my side and kept taking deep breaths I didn't talk to anyone just kept quiet- until my husband started handing out advice- but that's another story!!-
you'll be fine and in another 9 weeks you'll be that uncomfortable you'll be glad to give birth!!!
good luck!!

2006-10-08 12:07:30 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have two children both by natural birth, and as you said every birth is different. My advice to you is not watch the video, have your own experience especially if it's your first child. You want that memory with you always ,even it's the most painful. Tour first time you don't know what you are in for ,but it's the thing that you most cherish after your chilmd is born. DON'T SPOIL IT BY WATCHING SOMEONE ELSE'S BIRTH AND MAKING YOURSELF SCARED .(and your unborn child).

2006-10-07 11:40:03 · answer #5 · answered by Lisette R 1 · 0 0

I think every woman and every birth is different. There's no way you can truly prepare for the unknown.

I didn't read or look at that stuff while I was pregnant as I just didn't want to know. I think then you start on the 'what ifs' and panic yourself unnecessarily.

Maybe record it and then you can decide at a later date...or watch after your birth.

Good luck!

2006-10-07 11:20:25 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hard to say. It's true that every birth is different, and whatever way it goes tomorrow, that's probably going to be what's uppermost in your mind on December 8th.
If things go well tomorrow, will you feel cheated if they don't go the same way for you?
Or if they go badly tomorrow, will you be stressed out and terrified on your due date?
It's probably better to skip it.
I often think birth is one of those things that looks worse than it is!

2006-10-07 12:01:09 · answer #7 · answered by RM 6 · 0 0

don't do it i watched one two weeks before i had my son and it frightened the life out of me when it came to mine it was nothing like that i know some people have it rough and others don't but i think you can worry too much over something which takes over the actual joy of whats happening i paniced for a start then thought to myself ive got to do this theres no going back and just concentrated on getting it over with as quick as i could and that really worked for me ive got 2 kids now the second was even easier .
i only had gas and air it worked fine for me!
good luck!!!!!!

2006-10-07 11:32:38 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I wouldn't watch it if I were you. It might terrify you. All births are different. If this one on TV is really bad it might freak you out and you will be expecting that on your delivery day. Stay positive hon, it is all worth it in the end :-)

2006-10-07 11:30:25 · answer #9 · answered by cyndi71mom 5 · 1 0

Dont watch it. Childbirth is natural and everyone has a different experience. When the time comes I am sure you will cope very well. Enjoy your baby when it arrives.

2006-10-07 11:22:31 · answer #10 · answered by deirdredonkin 2 · 1 0

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