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2006-10-07 10:27:30 · 30 answers · asked by pbt 1 in Pets Other - Pets

30 answers

The kind you're willing to take care of for at least 15 more years. :)

2006-10-07 10:29:32 · answer #1 · answered by Katie Short, Atheati Princess 6 · 3 1

I agree with Einstein. 3 years old really is too young for a pet.

If anything, start off with a goldfish. Make sure to ask the fish specialist how to take care of it though - because it's not as easy and throwing him in a bowl of water and just feeding him.

- Buy a chemical called stress coat. It will declorinate the water. All tap water has clorine in it and this kills fish. So fill up the bowl (5 gallons at least please - one small goldfish, OR two guppies) and add the stress coat according to the directions.

- Each time you clean the bowl out you have to put stress coat in it.

- Goldfish are very dirty. If you have a tank/bowl without a filter you will need to take 50% of the water out weekly. If you have a filter two times to one times a month you will need to clean.

***Do not get a turtle!!!!!! Turtles are horrible pets for anyone without a large ponds. Red ear sliders are very popular, esp when they are babies.. But they get big! And require a tank over the size of 100gallons at full grown. Plus they are DIRTY! You will need to buy large filters and clean the water very often. They also carry salamanila. A 3 year old will not understand to wash his hands everytime after holding his new pet.***

Basically do not get anything he can hold. He does not have the abilities to know if he is hurting something yet. He doesn't know if he is squeezing too much.

2006-10-07 17:51:09 · answer #2 · answered by Miss. Kitty 3 · 0 1

Honestly don't get a puppy or a kitten in tell she is at least five. A great first time pet would be a hamster or a dwarf hamster. They are neat to watch and you can get fun things to put in there cage. They can be stinky but if you keep the cage clean and provide fresh water everyday it should be no problem. Plus you can kind of start teaching her responsibility and she can help you clean the cage and change the water. I hope this helped you and good luck.

2006-10-08 14:05:46 · answer #3 · answered by Barrelracergirl 3 · 0 0

I agree with a fish. Read up on how to keep their tank clean and healthy.
Children that age LOVE to watch fish and can touch the outside of the aquarium, GENTLY. Let your little girl name her fish!

Other pets at this age are are a bit much for a child of 3 years. Children of that age do not know not to squeeze or drop pets, so it is most likely the pet would be injured, which is unfair to both the pet and the child.

2006-10-07 20:00:30 · answer #4 · answered by LittleBitOfSugar 5 · 1 1

Hey there. I have to say absolutely no no no to a bunny. I had gotten my son two and one of them bit him while he tried to pet it!! Blood everywhere, I got rid of them that day.
My kids have a kitten ( cat ) and a chihuahua. The kittens are good because if you get them at a young age with the child then the cat will be very patient of the lil one. They really don't require that much attention and they aren't too much work for you. (cleaning the litter box) The chihuahua isn't the best because they are more of a one person animal, and they are skiddish.
I would also suggest a turtle. One that doesn't snap of course. Kids love em, they are quite easy to care for, and need almost no attention. Plus, the kids can't really hurt them. My son (2) loved his turtle, it wouldn't bite him, and if he dropped it I didn't have to worry about it. They can't run fast and get away if the kid looses it. And they can survive over a month if it does get lost in your home. ( it'll show up eventually LOL ) Plus they aren't expensive, and easily replaced should something happen to it, after the child is attatched.
Not a fish, they wil want to take it out and play with it, and then it will die. Not a dog, too much responsibility for even a 7 yr old. It'll wind up being your dog. Not a hampster, they bite, and she'll loose it if she takes it out. Not a lizard, they are fragile, she could pull it's tail off and it could run away and it would die, because they need sustainance regularly. Not a bird, they are noisy messy, and she won't be able to play with it, ect....a turtle is perfect and just her speed. Tough enough to withstand her playing with it, slow enough to not get away, and easy to care for!
A turtle is my answer.

2006-10-07 17:43:54 · answer #5 · answered by Amber 4 · 0 2

Toddlers tend to be very rough with small animals. They don't know how to handle the animals with care yet and the animals sometimes suffer because of this. Wait until your child is old enough to understand how to handle an animal safely. Visit a petting zoo so she learns how to handle animals with love and care. When she's old enough, get a pet that will be appropriate for the whole family.

2006-10-07 17:31:58 · answer #6 · answered by TJMiler 6 · 4 1

I think a cat is good. They are very self sufficient, yet need enough care to begin teaching compassion. They are great companions. They can be left alone during the day and be less likely to destroy things in the house, and they are quite adorable.
Dogs are great, but initially they take more time to house train etc, they have to be walked and are just more suitable for an older child. of course, three is pretty young and no matter what you decide, most of the responsibility of caring for the pet will be yours anyway. good luck.

2006-10-07 17:31:41 · answer #7 · answered by leavemealonestalker 6 · 0 2

much too young for the responsibility of a pet unless you are willing to monitor the pet and child 24/7.
Children can be cruel to pets without realizing it. Pets can retaliate in unpleasant ways and then the poor animal would end up being put down.
Please reconsider this.

2006-10-07 18:04:20 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

uh.......hopefully she won't be the only one caring for it. 3 year olds would pull, poke, squish, and possibly even kill a pet if they were strong enough. a medium sized dog would be a good pet to have if you have smaller children. 3 years ago when my cousin was 4 he killed a gold fish and when he was about 5 he killed a hamster in a really gross way. your kid might not be as messed up, I am just giving you some instances.

2006-10-07 17:35:38 · answer #9 · answered by queenE 3 · 0 1

A goldfish will be a good leason to the parents that a 3 year old isn't responsible enough to care for another being yet.

2006-10-07 17:30:16 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Honestly goldfish!!!

Dogs, cats, etc. ALL will turn into ya' responsibility!!! At 3 yrs. young...Way to young for that kind of responsibility!!!

In essence...Who's really getting a pet!!!

2006-10-07 17:31:44 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

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