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a) had as many indiscretions, made as many mistakes, been so unpopluar, presided over such a corrupt administration (includes associates) as GW BUSH?
b) who is to blame?
c) Do you think he will go down as worst PRESIDENt ever? Because I do.

2006-10-07 09:47:11 · 16 answers · asked by meldorhan 4 in Politics & Government Politics

DAVID B. "The facts speak for themselves.."ever heard that expression. Seems your thinking is in the minority these days. Look at the numbers and look at the profound and astute answers by our fellow yahooers here!

Then try this expression; "the proof of the pudding is in the eating!"

Then try this one: "Its a wrap" :)

2006-10-07 10:12:53 · update #1

CASSANDRA - Nice going

2006-10-07 10:31:12 · update #2


2006-10-07 10:41:02 · update #3

TANNER 11 your turn...
Actually I was born and raised in South Africa. Been living here as a proud American for 20 yrs. Left South Africa because of the APartheid laws. They included the Detention without trial acts, the ones that caused US to divest from SA - and the same laws that the BUSH ADMIN, now 20 years later is actually implementing.

I know you are trying hard to justify your vote and existence, but aint gonna work on me and my earstwhile high IQ Yahooers...

2006-10-07 10:45:54 · update #4


2006-10-07 19:33:33 · update #5

16 answers

It is without hesitation that I say GWB will be remembered as the worst President to have ever held office.

A president that has used his executive powers to curtail the freedoms of his own people,

A president that has had no compunction in lowering the threshold of operation by both the army and the security services,
A president that has brought a trade deficit of trillions of USA dollars,
A president that has brought the stock of America and Americans to dangerously low levels.

I could go on but I am ashamed to say that he is not entirely responsible, but he has been egged on by uncompromisingly stupid people around him and those that support him.

EDIT: The President was bought and paid for. Allowing for the many people who question the IQ level of the President, I have often thought, Bush's actions cannot be those of an individual thinker who has the best interests of his country or the world at heart. How else would he have sanctioned some of the things that we have experienced over the past six years.

Mr. Bush will be remembered as the first open puppet to have occupied the White House.

2006-10-07 10:00:13 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

put down the kool aid

you sound unhappy why not go live in another country with
Alec Baldwin
your unhappy because your out of Power

ask yourself this How come?

the voting public are idiots ?
its a conspiracy ? ya that sounds good
your blinded by the pearls of wisdom from people like
Barbara Streisand
You believe all the left wing propaganda

keep reading all the Lame Stream Media polls
that will make you feel better

the fact is this
President Bush could solve World Hunger
personally cure Aids and get the Isreali's dancing
with Hezboolah and you would still blame him for something else

thats because your filled up to your eyelids with Hate

its really just too bad

2006-10-07 16:59:49 · answer #2 · answered by tanner_1122 5 · 0 1

I think Bush is the only one who actually came into office as the front man for a criminal enterprise.

I believe the American people are largely to blame. On election day and the day after in 2000, anyone paying attention could see the vote was being stolen. Instead of asking "Why are republican congressional staff members flown down to Florida to block vote counts with physical threats and intimidation? Why are these staffers on cell phones with Dick Cheney? Why has the Florida legislature's Republicans announced they were sending Bush's electors to congress regardlesss of the count?" they were chanting Sore/Loserman. It was pathetic.

And it let Team Bush know that, when 9/11 (was allowed to) happened, the American people would lie down and think what they were told to think. All the way into the murder and torture and infrastructure destruction and theft on a titanic scale that is Iraq.

Despite the obvious propaganda ocean swamping over us begining then, Americans for the most part refused to let in objective information from the foreign press and denigrated and attacked Americans who did. Until Katrina swept the ocean over New Orleans and people finally got it.

Bush's criminal conspirators are the guilty party, and they are Orwell's rogues to a tee, but the American people should see, like the Czechs faced in Wenceslas Square, that we the people, who hold the power when we choose to exercise it, are to blame.

I hope worst president ever is the worst title he earns, because I'm still not sure he intends to leave office.

note to David B - when scanning answers, I saw you say 'let bin laden get away.' i thought you meant bush's decision to pull our troops back as they had bin laden cornered near pakistan and brought in the afghani militias to load bin laden's bags onto the escape planes. not clinton and his multiple cruise missile lobs at bin laden.

2006-10-07 17:13:49 · answer #3 · answered by cassandra 6 · 3 0

a) No

b) I now hate the word blame, its used for anything and everything. Not one person is to blame for one or many things. Hitler is not the sole reason why we had a second World War, Johnson isn't the sole person responsible for Vietnam, and George Washington isn't the sole person responsible for our Nations creation. So the question is not who, but whom and all the other factors in the equation.

c) No, because we have only had 43 and number 44 could do worse and I also believe other Presidents in certain areas of leadership and decision making have done worse, but this question is bull crap anyway, how can you say something is the worst ever when tomorrow is another day?

2006-10-07 16:56:38 · answer #4 · answered by KindomCome 2 · 1 1

Hoover (a Republican) and Poke (a Democrat) go down in History as being pretty useless, too. Grant (GOP) was the most corrupt, but Teddy Roosevelt is considered to have the least corrupt government in US history.

Bush and the Fundamentalist can-do-no-wrong mindset are to blame for the failures of Bush.

I think that in 50 years he will get his legacy spelled out for him. He is defiantly down there with Hoover and Grant. And I still think he may face War Crime charges once he is out of office.

2006-10-07 17:05:36 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

You don't have a single fact to back up any of your claptrap. Indiscretions, I think that the Clintons cornered the market on that subject. From Monica, Paula and Gennifer to Hildabeast looting the White House to wagging that "I didn't have sex with that young lady" finger in America's face to Berger stuffing documents down his pants.

Mistakes, how about letting Bin Laden get away while getting his saxophone polished to letting the troops get killed in Somalia, and more

Corruption, how about Whitewater and Web Hubble and all the others. The Clinton Administration was the worst in the History of the USA and the Bush Administration has done NONE of that. Do you really think that because you wrote it, it's true?

Take your Prozac, finish your Kool Aid and turn up the volume on the Air America station and maybe Stuart Smally will drown out the voices in your head.

2006-10-07 17:02:48 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

a) depends, because Bush is an accumulation of problems...he is myopic, self centered, arrogant, detached from reality...he fancies himself a modern day Andrew Jackson, who broke a few laws and thumbed his node at Congress and the Supreme Court
b) the American people are to blame for being so uncaring and uniformed, also for being basically blind....the dems are responsible because they, until recently, sat on their hands and did very little.
Bush and his ilk are to blame for ignoring the Constitution, and republican shills are to blame for repeating political lies over and over and over until "the people" believed these lies as facts.
c) that depends, we have two plus years left with Bozo, so he may yet destroy us or kill us economically. He is no patriot as he cares more about power and money than he does about the people.

2006-10-07 16:56:28 · answer #7 · answered by Iamstitch2U 6 · 2 2

Yes to question "A" The blame is wide spread. Historians will probably treat him kindly, critical, but kindly Corruption unpopular how about Nixon, yes also a republican.

2006-10-07 16:53:39 · answer #8 · answered by longroad 5 · 0 1

No, Jimmy Carter is considered the worst president ever.
Even a bigger failure than Clinton.

Bush will go down as one of the Best.
Study presidental history. It's interesting.

2006-10-07 16:53:26 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

a) Abraham Lincoln
b) No one, but if you really wanted to spread it around, you could do it to about everyone, in politics in the past 40 years
c) Nope, In fact it is very possible he oculd go down as the greatest in history, but only time will tell

2006-10-07 16:53:04 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

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