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Why do muslim leaders not have pride and provide for their people, Gadaffi, Ahamijead, all have oil. The arab/muslim nationalisim must be made to work, they should be forced to take all their unemployed and give them jobs. Its not rocket science instead of channeling their energies into funding terrorisim the oil that the white man discovered for them and developed for them and then bought from them with european currency should be made to look after their own people from europe and resettled in muslim countries. Now whats wrong with that.

2006-10-07 08:42:16 · 21 answers · asked by sdsadfa s 1 in News & Events Current Events

21 answers

Good point! I have also wondered why won't muslim refugees (like Somalis, which we have to a nuisance) don't seek asylum in other muslim countries? If war broke out in my country, I wouldn't be knocking on Saudi-Arabia's door no matter how rich they are.

2006-10-07 08:45:58 · answer #1 · answered by Cold Bird 5 · 1 0

Who can they sell the oil too? The west wont buy it because they can just steal it from them anyway. Why do you think we went to war with Iraq? Millions of pounds worth of oil revenue has gone missing since the western occupation. And what about the war in Afghanistan? "But there's no oil there" I hear you say, that's true, but there has been a big oil pipeline built through Afghanistan linking the west to the far east, and the company that got the contract worth billions to build that pipeline? Is it a coincidence that the major shareholders happen to be influential members of the global elite, people like Dick Cheney? And look who's next, Iran, another nation with oil.

And as for terrorism. The west is the biggest financier of terrorism, because it's the western governments that most to gain from the presence of terrorism. It scares the population into giving up their freedom and giving more control to the government and they rake in the profits from oil prices going up, from weapons contracts for all the wars (all at the tax payers expense) and from contracts to rebuild the infrastructures in the countries they attacked in the first place.

If these Islamic countries benefit from terrorism so much, why are they're people forced to flee them? The only people I see benefiting from terrorists are the people who appear on our TVs saying they are fighting them.

2006-10-07 09:02:26 · answer #2 · answered by DJ Rizla 3 · 1 0

The problem is that so many of the asylum seekers want to live anywhere BUT the islamic nations. They want to live here, where they get free housing, healthcare, education and benefits handed to them on a plate. Oh, and they can insist that we not complain or say a thing about it because then we are racist too.
If they were made to settle in the Islamic countries they would have to work, and there would be no free ride. In fact there would be no free anything because they are not democratic countries for the most part, they are dictatorships and the quality of life is dreadful.
Why would the Islamic countries support them when they know we are soft enough to do it for them?

2006-10-07 08:55:19 · answer #3 · answered by Lynn S 3 · 3 0

DJ Rizla - my you are a simple being aren't you? Typical ill informed Muslim loving leftie!

People are not "forced" to flee lslamic countries at ALL! They leave them through choice. All the Islamic Immigrants I know came here because they knew that there was more money to be made here, plus NHS, free schools, council housing etc. In countries like Pakistan, you no work you no eat, its that simple.

And the police are corrupt. Noone gives a toss for you over there if you are poor. Villages are run by Headmen who are often involved in crime. People are beaten and murdered in honour killings and revenge attacks and women are raped and the police do nothing about it.

The reason Muslims leave these countries and come here is they KNOW they will have a better life - they are just taking advantage of our country's laws and institutions. Trouble is, they won't live alongside us, they want to shroud themselves in black and blow things up and rant about Infidels and Sharia Law.

Islamic countries SHOULD be forced to take care of their own people because we are bloody well SICK and TIRED of doing so, especially when 30% of British Muslims apparently support the 7/7 bombings!!!!

2006-10-08 07:23:25 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Wake up and smell the coffee.
The great USA always "supports" leaders if they do what the USA wants. The oil rich arab states are run by "families" who maintain a reign of terror over their people or anyone who gets in their way. These Arabs are muslims (I think Sunnis) and their wealth is unbelievable.
If they wanted to, they could create a paradise for their people but have chosen not too. What to do about it is up to the Arab peoples but GWB & Co may have something to say about it.
On that note, when there is a disaster in the world, where are the arab monies etc? Why is it always down to us to dig deep? We have enough people who need help in our own country.

2006-10-07 08:52:53 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Because Islam is founded on the belief that all non-believers(Infidels) must be wiped from the face of the earth. What better way to do that than to overrun non-Muslim countries with their refugees. Also, the West(Christian) are the only ones willing to take these people.

2006-10-08 12:12:44 · answer #6 · answered by 14Words 3 · 0 0

We are the land of FREE milk and honey. Why would anyone want to go and live in a muslim state when they can come here and get free health care, housing and cash benefits for just sitting on their arses. They all sit there harping on about being a Muslim but they don't want to live by their laws. Why do you think that they trek right across europe to get here? We are too bloody soft.

2006-10-07 20:17:19 · answer #7 · answered by Tabbyfur aka patchy puss 5 · 1 0

Because that would require a level of intellect not found in muslim nations. The average arab is brainwashed from birth that Islam is all they need, and as it is a religion based on oppression and violence they dare not question it. So you end up with a nation of poorly educated people who put all their trust in an ancient work of fiction, written by a violent, sadistic rapist, and then spend their lives trying to emulate him.

2006-10-07 09:20:02 · answer #8 · answered by John T 1 · 1 0

i agree with lynne s.
I am not racist and i do not mind muslims or any other culture or religion living in this or any country. My husband was nursed back to health and the surgeons, doctors, nurses and nearly everyone who played an important role in his recovery was of diffrent background and religion. They saved my husbands life and i will always be grateful to them regardless.
What annoys me is the arrogant muslim yobs. We have an area not far from us which is classed as a "muslim area" and i have to walk through this area to get to my fathers house. I hate walking through it with my children as i am always stared at and on some occassions shouted abused at such as "this is black mans land no white b*****s allowed" and i am 26 years old with three small children. It's very intimidating. But yet there have been numerous calls to the police who refuse to say that this is classed as racist to the white people. But yet i know of someone who shouted back "white mans country" the man got a beating and the police arrested him for racist activity. (he was later released and no charges made) but that really winds me up.
This country is supposed to be fair but it only applies to certain religions. I have friends who are muslim and they are no diffrent from anyone else but i just don't like the attitudes of the young men who believe that they are above everyone else. Whether its just an age thing or not i don't know.

But there are alot of white people who sit on their arses too and get loads of money handed out.

2006-10-08 00:11:25 · answer #9 · answered by 2plus3 3 · 3 0

You know what those countries should provide for their own people but the problem is that these rulers turn a blind eye to their people and that is where the problem lies,so if Europe doesn't help alot of innocent people will pay the price for incapable rulers.

2006-10-07 10:21:06 · answer #10 · answered by Betsy C 1 · 0 0

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