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Actual solutions, please.

2006-10-07 07:45:46 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Government

14 answers

- Remove Bush from office before he does any more damage.

- Remove our troops from Iraq and let it be known that we pledge never to invade a country again unless we are in actual danger, are protecting an ally or have been attacked.

- Improve the standards of our education system by removing multiple choice testing, reducing the over emphasis on sport in schools, paying teachers more, reducing home work and other pointless busy work, and reducing meaningless tests that are merely used to pretend the education system is in great shape.

- Provide a free education system including college.

- Spend less on the military, in terms of unnecessary equipment, not in terms of less money for the people in it.

- Stop lobby groups and companies from funding politicians election campaigns. Have election campaigns on a small budget paid for by the party. Get the corruption and vote buying out of politics.

- Change the election system to popular vote, and stop using stupid complicated machines that don't work. Using a pencil put a cross in a box next to the name of the person you want to vote for. Keep using this system until a fool proof better system is invented.

- Stop politicians from adding irrelevent laws or riders to bills. Frist just practically outlawed online gambling, a move supported by only 18% of Americans, simply by adding it to a anti-terror port safety bill. This is BS. You can't just add a law you like to some legislation just to get it through without debate or discussion.

- Start looking at ways to cut back on gun ownership and ensure that only the right people have access to them. One man does not need 50 guns in his home.

- Improve public transportation in rural areas.

- Take better care of the elderly.

- Overhaul the health care system and take the greed and corruption out of it that currently costs America double what most European countries pay per capita for superior service and better access for all.

- Tax lottery tickets at point of sale, so that the prize advertised is the actual prize you win, not some BS amount that is double the real prize after you take a lump sum and pay your taxes. Make it more likely to win, 115,000,000-1 is a little silly. Try 20,000,000 to 1.

- Stop censoring bad language and sex content, while allowing obscene acts of violence get shown. In fact reduce censorship period, it is not the government's job to police what your kid watches on TV, nor should everything be sanitized just in case a kid sees it.

- Legalize online gambling and gambling in all states.

- Legalize pot.

- Decriminalize prostitution, but crack down on pimping.

- Have vehicle inspections in every state.

- Create a standards for licensed professionals. If you qualify as say, a hairdresser in one state, you should be allowed to work in any state.

- Increase minimum wage to $8 per hour, to include waitresses.

- Offer a massive tax break for the first company that produces a mass production vehicle that runs on renewable energy sources.

- Place a cap on the profits gas companies can make, any excess profit must be disposed of by lowering prices.

- Make the maximum benefits package for a CEO or board members to be no more than 20 times the mean average of the company they work for.

I think these changes would help.

2006-10-07 09:28:58 · answer #1 · answered by ZCT 7 · 0 0

Vote libertarian.
Greatly reduce taxes and government spending.
Make it so people don't need the government for help in education, medical care, and other thrival rights.
Make it so families don't need two breadwinners in the household to take care of financial needs. That way there's at least one parent there to raise children. Most of these gang problems, youth violence, promiscous sex, and drug related issues we have in society today are caused by a lack of perental presence in our youths lives.
Greatly reduce U.S military spending by removing all soldiers from our worldwide bases in over 100 countries, and keep what we need for OUR security in our country. People tend to not want to fight wars against countries that have zero military presence in their homelands.
Kick the UN out of New York.
Legalize marijuana and tax it, thus reducing gang violence (there aren't any gangs fighting over aspirin territory) and increasing revenue to replace the income tax. While we're at it, legalize some other drugs, too. Stuff made in a lab by a chemist is much safer than the stuff in the streets and most teens only do it to be rebellious against authority.
Privitize the education system, and let the parents who saved the money off the repealed income tax use THEIR money to send THEIR children where THEY see is best.
Change the welfare system to see to it that those in need have a warm bed, an opportunity for a job, a hot meal, and a shower and shave. Stop giving em cash to spend on booze.
And that's just the beginning of what should be done.

2006-10-07 15:03:56 · answer #2 · answered by chris 4 · 1 0

The voters need to take action with political opportunists and others who have no plan of action and just throw "bombs" to divert attention from their lack of any plan.
The government need to unite to focus on the war and provide the president the tools needed to completely overwhelm the enemy, whether it is weapons, rules of engagement, interrogation and monitoring or spying.
We government needs to address tax reform and go to a flat tax and eliminate much of the IRS.

We just need the people we elect to do their jobs and do what we want them to do and behave in a professional statesman manor.

we are in a sad state of affairs when the only motivation our congress has is to re-elected and to take whatever steps necessary to assist other party-mates in becoming elected. The negativity and hate that has become the modus operandi in accomplishing this task has allowed a festering of what is wrong and bad to be the norm in the United States. Much of this has been created and promulgated with the appointment of Howard Dean as the Chairman of the DNC, but the Republicans live in a glass house as well.

Who's managing the country? Who is guiding the direction of our government? Where are our decency standards? What about checks and balances for the right reasons? Unfortunately, we will be all done with this when the most negative, most hateful and most anti-God politicians are elected to office. Then we can begin the true destruction of this Republic from the inside out.

As you said, and I paraphrase, "if you always do right, it may not be easy. . . but it will always be right". Please note that in that quote there is no reference to doing what is popular, doing what will get one elected again (and again), doing what is expedient, or doing what is innocuous.

We are headed into a maelstrom of misery and a society of hateful paranoia, and we let it happen. We have asked that God be removed from schools and the lesson plans of most of our children. We have seen a society of permissive idiots operate under the guise of personal freedoms. Now we have children that are not shocked by murder, not infuriated at indecency, not embarrassed by immorality and not in awe of a supreme being.

Once these permissive types with this attitude of superiority and smug sincerity (i.e. Pelosi, Kerry, Kennedy, Clinton(s) and even Hastert, Shimkus, et al.) have their way we will realize that we have done little more than rip the fabric of morality, lose the guidance common sense and burn the pride of being decent human beings. And for what?

The failure of our republic will come and be in our faces for a long time. We need to gather back the pride of being a God-fearing, decent, giving, prudent, protective, free and solidly founded decent people. The bill of right does not and should not cover the likes of foreign leaders coming to our soil to speak ill of our leaders for their own self-serving and anarchist agendas. Nor should we have to find blame for the ills and aberrations of our society. The rash of school shootings is not a result of no gun control. Hell, any criminal who wants a gun can find a gun, regardless of what Rosie O'Donnell or Sean Penn say or think. Take the press out of the war and press the war!

Realize our strengths and identify our weaknesses -- they are often one and the same. The Bill of Rights contains some strong examples, especially with convenient interpretations. The ACLU is now a threat to the very basis of our republic. When we allow this crowd to interpret the constitution and selectively lobby for it's own liberal and permissive reasons we confuse and bastardize the tenets that set our country apart from others. . .

"Locks only keep honest people honest, and do not even break the stride of a real thief", is a quote I heard years ago, and it is perfectly apropos regarding over governing, gun control; and other knee-jerk reactions to creating big government to stop the ills of society.

2006-10-07 14:51:27 · answer #3 · answered by missourim43 6 · 2 0

Send all the Liberals to California.
Nuke the San Andreas Fault.
Make the Peoples Republic of California an autonomous state.
Cut diplomatic ties after Hilary is acclaimed as Supreme Ruler of the Peoples Republic of CA.

2006-10-07 14:55:57 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I don't know if it can be done. Bush has divided the US so bad that no one respects anyones views or ideas without that a solution is hard to come to.I hope someone has a good idea but they will probably be called a liberal/ commie by some right winger.

1. Respect other American views
2. New Government
3. Stronger accountablity laws for the government
Good luck Good question

Hey up420oz


2006-10-07 14:51:41 · answer #5 · answered by withoutaname 2 · 2 2

Bring our Troops home and never use them again. We have weapons to use we do not need Man power. We need Man Power at Home ,especially our National Guard, What a farce , you will here Republicans talk of the Jobless rate going down, Great, so what happens when our solders come home. will they have a Job? Or is it in there best interest to let them keep fighting just so they have a Job? I wander?

2006-10-07 15:21:06 · answer #6 · answered by kritikos43 5 · 0 1

The first is to get back to a simpler government, like the framers of the constitution envisioned. The government, on all levels control far too much and ignore its basic mandates.

The next is to get rid of the political party system. Make all representatives direct representatives, not party officials who follow their party first, often ignoring the will of their constituents. This will make representatives beholden to their constituents, not to the specials interests and corporate sponsors they answer to now.

2006-10-07 14:53:33 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

First you have to define how the US isn't on a proper track, in what areas it is wrong, and where it might improve. The question is to generic to be answered properly as answers that are 180 degrees apart could be equally correct.

2006-10-07 14:49:17 · answer #8 · answered by lordkelvin 7 · 1 2

Get the heck out of Iraq, strengthen our borders, raise interest rates to get the housing bubble under control and start spending money on improving our infrastructure. Also, prosecute the entire Bush administration for war crimes and crimes against the US Constituion.

2006-10-07 14:48:40 · answer #9 · answered by spongeworthy_us 6 · 2 2

The Bible has the ONLY solution. Repent, fast, and pray for the country so that God will hear from Heaven and HEAL OUR LAND! Bush WANTS Americans to revol and riot so that he can institute martial law and implement THESE plans utilizing foreign troops already on U.S. soil!...

2006-10-07 15:45:35 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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