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Are they are emboldened by the constant liberal media reports of a divided US??

Don't they know that Islam is the most anti-freedom, anti-womens rights, anti-human rights, anti-democracy religion on the planet?

Traditionally liberalism opposses ALL OF THAT.

Liberals, do you realize that you are selling out EVERY ONE of your core beliefs when you side with countries like Iran?

Do you really hate Bush that badly that you would sell out your beliefs to Islam?????

2006-10-07 07:01:18 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

Yeah Steve J.. here are your bretheren hating those Islamo Facsists..

2006-10-07 07:06:30 · update #1

Killing Idolaters
9.5: So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them; surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
Smite the neck and cut fingertips of unbelievers
8.12: When your Lord revealed to the angels: I am with you, therefore make firm those who believe. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.

Smite the neck of unbelievers
47.4: So when you meet in battle those who disbelieve, then smite the necks until when you have overcome them, then make (them) prisoners, and afterwards either set them free as a favor or let them ransom (themselves) until the war terminates. That (shall be so); and if Allah had pleased He would certainly have exacted what is due from the

2006-10-07 07:10:38 · update #2

Yeah Kent those Amish and Mennonites are always causing trouble in the world, flying planes into buildings, blowing up supermarkets, etc. etc...
you're pathetic..

2006-10-07 07:19:42 · update #3

Hey Kent all of these events happened before GWB..explain away all of them, piehole.
1972 Munich Olympics Sep-5,1972 (Black September)
1976 Entebbe Hostage Crisis, June 27, 1976
1979 Iran Hostage Crisis, Nov. 4, 1979 444 days
1979 Grand Mosque Seizure, Nov 20,1979
1981 Assassination of Egyptian President, Oct 6,1981
1981 Attempted Assassination of Pope John Paul the Second
1982 Assassination of Lebanese Prime Minister, Sept 14, 1982
1983 Bombing of US Embassy in Beirut, April 18,1983
1983 Bombing of Marine Barracks, Beirut, Oct 23,1983
1984 Hezbollah Restaurant Bombing, April 12,1984
1985 Egyptian Airliner Hijacking, Nov 23,1985
1985 Rome Airport murders
1985 TWA Flight 847 hijacked, U.S. Navy diver murdered
1985 Achille Lauro hijacking, Homicidal maniac lived in saddams Iraq
1986 Aircraft Bombing in Greece, March 30, 1986
1988 Pan Am 747 Flight 103 Bombing, Lockerbie, 100's murdered
1988 Berlin Discotheque Bombing, Dec 21,1988

2006-10-07 07:22:19 · update #4

and these:
1988 Berlin Discotheque Bombing, Dec 21,1988
1990 A Muslim Named El Sayyid Nosair Murders Israeli Political activist Meir Kahane. Nov 1990
1992 Bombing in Israeli Embassy in Argentina, March 17,1992
1993 Attempted Assassination of Pres. Bush Sr., April 14,1993
1993 First World Trade Center bombing, February 26th, 7 Killed, Hundreds injured, Billions
1994: A small bomb explodes on Philippine Airlines Flight 434, killing a Japanese businessman. It is later discovered that Ramzi Yousef planted a bomb on the aircraft to test a bomb for his terrorist plot.December 11, 1994
1994 Air France Hijacking, Dec 24,1994
1994 A Muslim Named Rashid Baz shoots at a van filled with Hasidic boys, on the Brooklyn bridge murdering one of them. FBI calls it "Road Rage". March 1, 1994
1995 Attack on US Diplomats in Pakistan, Mar 8,1995
1995 Saudi Military Installation Attack, Nov 13, 1995
1995 Kashmiri Hostage taking, July 4,1995
1996 Khobar Towers attack
1996 Sudanese Missionaries Ki

2006-10-07 07:23:00 · update #5

1996 Paris Subway Explosion, Dec 3,1996
1997 At Empire State Building; Ali Abu Kamal shoots at tourists, kills one and wounds six before killing himself, Mayor Giuliani informs the public "he had many enemies in his mind".Feb 24,1997
1997 Israeli Shopping Mall Bombing, Sept 4, 1997
1997 Yemeni Kidnappings, Oct 30,1997
1998 Somali Hostage taking crisis, April 15,1998
1998 U.S. Embassy Bombing in Peru, Jan 15, 1998
1998 U.S. Kenya Embassy blown up, 100's murdered
1998 U.S. Tanzania Embassy blown up, 100's murdered
1999 Egypt Air flight 990's co-pilot crashes plane killing all 217 people on board, officials post no link to terrorism, even though the co-pilot is heard on black box tape exclaiming "I rely on Allah" 11 times as he crashed the plane.- Oct 1999
1999 Plot to blow up Space Needle (thwarted)
2000 USS Cole attacked,17 U.S.Navy sailors were murdered and 39 others were injured- October
2000-2003 Intifada against Israel - 1000's dead and injured

2006-10-07 07:23:54 · update #6

2000 Manila Bombing, Dec 30,2000

2006-10-07 07:24:27 · update #7

17 answers

Yes, they do! They so hate the fact that republicans control the White house and congress, that they will say and do anything to change that..... even to the point of supporting Islamic views to the entire world. There WILL be a price that America has to pay for this in the future, regardless of who wins the next presidency. Just as we paid the price for allowing Bin Laden to grow stronger during the Clinton presidency.

2006-10-07 07:06:48 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 7

It's not that they love Islam, as much as they hate Western civilization.

You're right that today so-called "liberals" are not Liberal in the traditional sense. They are nothing that Thomas Jefferson would ever recognize as being Liberal.

Jefferson understood the need for the West to combat Islam. Read up on the history of the Barbary Coast.

2006-10-09 03:02:27 · answer #2 · answered by mo mosh 6 · 2 1

I'm sad to say there's a serious fault in your logic that defeats your proposition: liberals have no core beliefs.

Liberalism is an amorphous 'flavour du jour' ideology devoid of moral or ethic, or ideals or principle, yet is filled to brimming with well-practiced, high-sounding populist slogans and finger-waving dogma. Liberalism is for anything that isn't difficult. It proclaims 'Tolerance!', yet itself is intolerant.

The great paradox of liberalism is that it stands for everything and nothing at the same time. It is a philosophy held among the poorest and the richest, from the ne'er-do-well to the the smugly secure and obliviously complacent. Regrettably having lost much of its relevance in today's society, religion has been replaced by Liberalism as 'opiate of the masses'.

Now off my soap-box and back to your remarks about Islam...

People the world over have a belief that people who live in other places and don't think as they do are deprived or mistaken. Differences are largely cultural. Surprisingly, studies have shown that women in the Middle-East are far happier and satisfied in their lives than Western women; they feel safer and more protected. Roles are more rigidly defined, true, and the differences are great, but their culture, in concert with their religion, has created for them a stable societal equilibrium. All I say is: let each be the best judge of their own society.

Unfortunately, it is the desire among many (some?) who believe in Islam, to spread it by sword and fire. This is nothing new. Only when the Spanish crown sent the Moors packing from Spain in 1492 did they have the money to sponsor a fellow called Christopher Columbus to set off for the New World. On the other side of Europe, thirty years earlier, a king called Vlad 'the Impaler' (remember Dracula?) was honoured by the Pope as a great Christian Knight for defeating the Mussulman armies of Sultan Mehmed swarming from the south to overwhelm the Austrian Empire.

In conclusion: liberals don't embrace Islam, as you suggest, but are afraid of it rather. It is far easier to beat on your own kind with angry words, than on an adversary bent on your society's demise with real bombs in their pockets. And before I get totally flamed for being a religious bigot: I'm not. The problem lies not with Islam which is a religion that teaches tolerance, but with certain of its sadly misguided practitioners. I don't have any use for limp-wristed liberals, however.

2006-10-07 15:40:50 · answer #3 · answered by DBG 2 · 3 2

Do you hate the Amish and Mennonites as well. You are a bigot if you classify a whole group (a billion strong) as being morally inferior to your beer drinking, TV watching, and Burger King eating life style. I don't have any love for a violent person of any faith, and that included radical Christians. The violence of Islam is the flip side of the colonialism mentality and violence of the Christian right (GWB is a part of the Christian Right because he is their glorious leader).

2006-10-07 14:14:53 · answer #4 · answered by Ford Prefect 7 · 3 4

You have been propagandized to, my friend. Either that, or you have read one too many Ann Coulter books. Liberals are not "siding" with anybody, just with the truth. Read Woodward's "State of Denial" if you really care about learning the truth, instead of remaining in ignorance about how "liberals side with countries like Iran". You really need to get a clue.

2006-10-07 14:18:59 · answer #5 · answered by PrimeConcern 2 · 4 4

Where is your proof that Liberals are 'selling out' to Islam? You wrote 5 lines here, all of which are your personal thoughts. Don't make an accusation without sources.

2006-10-07 14:05:32 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 7 3

What are you talking about? I have bad news for you, FoxNews isn't a real news cast, it is part the GOP PR machine.

Don't you even know the true meaning of Liberal.

To talk about another persons religion in the manner you did is gross and beyond comment.

2006-10-07 14:12:35 · answer #7 · answered by tcmoosey 3 · 5 4

Here is the liberals theme song. It will tell you everything you need to know about their views. http://marklevinfan.com/DNCThemeSong.swf

2006-10-07 18:40:10 · answer #8 · answered by dwh320 2 · 1 2

They are not siding with Islam, they standing against the fascist onslaught that has taken over our country.

2006-10-07 14:04:01 · answer #9 · answered by courage 6 · 6 4

since US doesn't have a theocracy, Islam is not the enemy.

2006-10-07 14:21:51 · answer #10 · answered by Jose R 6 · 3 1

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