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Do you believe in Evolution or in Bible? Why? Why?

2006-10-07 06:04:29 · 36 answers · asked by sweet_candy 2 in Arts & Humanities History

36 answers

evolution of course. Science has evidence!

2006-10-07 06:06:16 · answer #1 · answered by kermit 6 · 1 3

One does not have to cancel out the other. Evolution is backed by a great deal of evidence. However, I am a believer in the BIble. I beileve that the Bible is not literal. Yes, there is a creation story in the Bible.....consider reading it with the idea, "What does God want me to get from this story?" Is God simply saying, "Hey guys, this is what literally happened." Or Is God using a story to make a point about something else? I believe that if the Bible were meant to be proof that God is real and that it tells us exactly what we should think and do, then Faith would be moot.

2006-10-07 09:06:10 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hey bramblyspam I've got an education too, buddy.
And how is creationism laugh-out-loud hilarious? I make tile samples for a living. I wouldn't see anything funny about it if I happened by the store of one of my customers and said, "Hey, I made that."

I believe the Bible is God's word because there is indisputable evidence, archaeological and otherwise, that this is true. The arrogance apparent in the answers of some of those who don't believe so seems to be part of the reason why they haven't looked and seen that this is so. I'd suggest that you do. You can contact me if you want to.
Evolution is a theory. There is NO proof for evolution. We have fossils of two things that look alike. One is older than the other. That is like saying 200 years from now, someone stumbles across the remains of a Ford Model T. They also find the remains of a 2006 Mustang. The descendants of Henry Ford would be insulted if that person were to say, "Well it's obvious that these two things came about by chance. Over time, the newer one formed with more features, horsepower,. etc..." when it is quite obvious that someone had to build those complex things. The Fords would say, "that is preposterous! You are slandering our forefather's good name!"
The same is true of life. We are physically vastly more complex than cars, and inside we have free will, emotions, likes, dislikes, etc. that animals don't posess. Just one piece of evidence that we were created. It is an insult to God, the creator of all things, my Father and yours, to say, "hey, we have two things that are similar, but the newer one is more complex...it is obvious this happened by accident!" This is Satan's world, and that is just one way he drives people away from their Father.
The Bible says that God's creations would produce "according to it's kind." So we wouldn't have become whole different creatures. But, that is not to say that Jehovah has never made changes in us. That is a possibility. For example, the offspring of Noah's three sons look different according to the region they lived in. So there is nothing to say that God never said, "OK, so Ham's family lives in Africa where it is hotter, so I'll add a little pigment to the skin of the offspring for them to better cope," and so on and so forth. That is something I sometimes think about; but it is only a possibility, not something I view as a definite fact.

2006-10-10 10:01:46 · answer #3 · answered by Nothin wrong 1 · 0 0

The people that are pro-evolution will often cite science and logic but what they are saying is they have faith in a human process that will eventually reveal truth. Scientific "truth" is always temporary as the process usually lead to a discovery that proves a previous "truth" was in error - truth is dictated by the empircial evidence of the moment and the ability to interpret it.
As for the Bible, the people of those times wrote about things in the context of their own understanding and information available to them.
Creation and Evolution are compatible, what is not compatible are the people who put too much faith in the infallibility of science, and the religious who interpret ancient observations as valid evidence despite new information.
I believe in Creation, and I also believe in a degree of Evolution, what is in disagreement is the timeline and the starting point.
The main problem with evolution is, if you look at mutation rates and natural selection cycles, there is not enough time or fossil evidence to support hypothesis that we came from fish (think about each feature of our biology - any eye with rods, cones, retina, nerves, eyelashes, Iris, etc. - when would the body make a change according to its environment, decide it was good, and transmute all generations after that. If we came from monkeys, and we are better, why are there still monkeys?

2006-10-07 06:34:10 · answer #4 · answered by profitmessenger 2 · 0 0

There is no scientific evidence for evolution....at all.

Now, the two have absolutely nothing to do with each other. Anything known about one does not influence the other in any way. The people who try to make this a debate are manipulating others in an attempt to strip them of their faith in religion toward a sinister purpose. The manipulation is one where science is elevated to a status it doesn't warrant and then faith is found wanting for not being scientific. Where, in reality, the two have seperate and limited spheres of influence that don't overlap much.

However, if forced to choose. Of the two, evolution has been proven false from within its own system. Evolution is a scientic theory. Science is objective and has a specific procedure of proofs. Evolution has failed every single test of this. There is no scientific evidence to support evolution across all fields of science and all attempts to validate it. In fact, by the sheer lack of evidence where it would be overwhelmingly expected to be present (example, total lack of intermediate forms in the fossil record), this is very strong proof that evolution is not a viable theory. It's scientific alright. Scientifically proven false.

You may disagree. However, because of the objective and standardized methods of the scientific method, you would be objectively wrong. That is the point of science. Everyone agrees to a set of rules for sake of consensus. Those who disagree after the fact....are wrong. More than any other major theory, evolution has been discredited. Adherents are simply wrong. When they say evolution is scientifically valid, they are lying. Period.

Or put another way. Put up or shut up. If you think evolution is scientifically true, provide the evidence. This is an issue of such monumental importance that it would immediately earn you a Nobel Peace Prize if you could do it. But you can't.

As for the bible? Who can tell. Ask your local priest.

2006-10-07 06:24:11 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

To quote Lewis Black, "We have the fossils. We win."

Here's the thing... there's support for the theory of evolution, whereas there is not even the tiniest scrap of support for "Creationism".

So. Let's all embrace the Scientific Method and reality and put creationism where it belongs... in the idiot bucket.

Will there ever be reconciliation?... science vs. religion, fact vs. faith, vision vs. reality.

And why did our benevolent Creator create predation, the disease, the birth defects, the evil in the world, and the parasites? Are these examples of his beneficient and intelligent design? Also, if the design was so intelligent, why did he have to keep coming out with new & improved models? (the best example are the extinction of the Neanderthals, but there were over 15 other hominid species that didn't make it).

And there's always the question of why did Jehovah let Hitler incinerate 6 million of his chosen people, why did Budha allow Truman to vaporize 200,000 Japanese men, women and children, or how did the christian god let Stalin butcher 30 million christians. God must not be benevolent or these treacheries wouldn't have happened. Or he was not omnipotent, and couldn't stop the treacheries. Either way, he could not have been both...

The irrationality of religion has a scientific basis. It goes back to our cave man days when man was very insecure living in a hostile environment. The cerebral cortex of our brain (the complex thinking apparatus) is a relatively recent addition.

The more primitive underlying limbic system, the seat of our ancient emotions or innate temperaments, is in all of us. Humans use both systems. In times of trouble, people still pray for intervention by the god(s). Prayers are requests by persons to have the laws of the universe repealed in their favor.

People who are rational, relying on their cerebral cortex, look at all the absurdities in religion. Christian dogma expects people to believe the fairy tale of Noah's ark, although it is patently impossible to squeeze even samples of billions of the world's animals into one small ark. Rational persons consider such stories ludicrous.

The bible account of the creation of man and the universe is in such contradiction to irrefutable facts that a rational person cannot help but laugh about such fantasies.

Have you heard the saying "there's no atheists in foxholes?" Its because in times of danger, humans revert to the primitive part of their brain for security. We needed religion to survive in a hostile universe back in the cave man days.

2006-10-07 08:08:56 · answer #6 · answered by Its not me Its u 7 · 0 0

God created evolution. God was the originator of all things. He experimented around with various animals, etc, over millions of years to come up with the ones that worked the best.
With God creating everything in six days, ( I won't tell you where it is because I you to look it up in the Bible), the Bible says that one day to God is like a thousand years to man, so, to me, it appears that God took longer than 6 man days to create everything.
I don't believe that the various species of animals, plants, etc. happened out of mere chance. I believe there was some intelligent guiding behind it.
Look at cattle, for example. In my life, there has been cross-breeding that has produced new breeds that propagate the new breed.
Mules are the result of cross-breeding horses and donkeys - male donkey, female horse. Hineys are rare as they are the result of a union between a male horse and female donkey. (There is also artificial insemination.) Horses and donkeys have a different number of chromosomes so they should not be able to interbreed, but they do. Mules and hineys are usually sterile, but every great once in a while, one is fertile.
On the other hand, chimpanzees share 98% of human DNA, but don't crossbreed with humans. Humans have 46 chromosomes and chimpanzees have 48.

2006-10-07 07:05:21 · answer #7 · answered by expatmt 5 · 0 0

You can believe in both. The Bible says Adam and Eve were the first people made in the image of God. When Cain killed Abel he was driven from the land and was afraid that anyone that found him would kill him. He was afraid of the people he would meet. The Bible hasn't changed, but the interpretation needs to be updated. God put a mark on him and he went out and built a city.
Read it for yourself, gensis 4, 1-17

2006-10-07 06:29:21 · answer #8 · answered by jackie 6 · 0 0

Evolution is not against the Bible, or had anybody seen a picture of Adam and Eve.

2006-10-08 01:44:48 · answer #9 · answered by pelancha 6 · 0 0

the bible was writen by man and man writes what good for him/her not always the truth but his ideas and beliefs

so its evolution to me
proven facts no matter how little facts there are that prove the theory of evolution is true they totally win against no proven facts about the bible

2006-10-09 14:48:54 · answer #10 · answered by artemis M! 2 · 0 0

Evolution isn't a belief. It's supported by observation and scientific measurement. It's like saying do you believe the Earth revolves around the Sun? It just does happens.

The Bible deals with the soul, and happiness. Science deals with measurements and the understanding of how the universe works. They are mutually exclusive of one another. One does not trump the other.

2006-10-07 06:16:05 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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