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24 answers


You're either for us or against us
This was a statement made by Bush shortly after the destruction of the World Trade Center in regard to the institution of the patriot act and the sending of US troops to Afghanistan. After the Nazi party was elected to power in Germany, were there any other political groups that were tolerated by the Nazi party? No. Thus the position of the Nazi party is that you are either for them or against them and always has been.

Operating above the law
By refusing to follow our agreements with the United Nations and the International War Crimes Act the United States under the leadership of George Bush violated these agreements which carry the weight of international law.

Use of torture
What is the difference between Abu Graib and Auschwitz aside from the lack of gas chambers and crematoria? When the time came to classify prisoners taken by our military action in Iraq the Bush regime strongly opposed classifying them as prisoners of war. The reason for this was to put those prisoners into classification limbo which would deny those prisoners the rights entitled to prisoners of war under the Geneva Convention and allow the US to do anything they wanted to them.

Fabrication of scapegoats
It is a well known fact that there was no link between Al Qaida and Iraq. Yet we sent our troops there anyway. Thus Iraq was made into a scapegoat for 911 just as the Jews were made a scapegoat for the Nazi party.

Shock and Awe
Another word for shock and awe is Blitzkrieg because the objective is the same. The demoralization of a people by confronting them with rapid overwhelming force, on such a scale that it eliminates their will to fight as a direct result of terror inflicted on them by that overwhelming force. It's quite effective. It's the same strategy used by Hitler to subdue half of Europe in a short period of time.

2006-10-07 04:01:48 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 5

well,the mentality of the two is different, as in the way they deal with the issues and politics, Right wingers like to talk about "Christianity" to feel superior to others just as Nazis used their "Aryan blood" in order to feel superior to others.(and frankly i think both are full of poop)

Right wings claim to support inequality while in reality they are selfish bigots, they will not openly say it though since the structure of the government limits them, Nazis did not have that as a problem though.

the hick of time over there can pretty much sum up the hatred in their hearts, so yeah, their hearts are on the same level.

2006-10-07 04:29:40 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

It's a different world today compared to what it was in the 30s/40s so its hard to make that link.

So no, its not true. If it were true, the US would have nuked most of the world by now, not to mention their own universities/colleges.

2006-10-07 03:58:41 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

i'm Roman Catholic, and that i'm American. i think of you ought to be extra modest on your assessment till you get a raffle to circulate to right here. maximum Christians at the instant are not the style you defined. perhaps the main obnoxious ones are those you bump into on the information superhighway using fact no one is keen to speak with them in individual. between the justifications us of a of america produces a surplus of human beings who're what you call "fake prophets" is using the fact we, as a us of a, place an exceedingly intense fee on freedom of communique. We enable human beings say and write the main outrageous nonsense with out throwing them in reformatory, and in many cases with out even making them pay an important social fee of being taken care of as outcasts. this is stable in many strategies, in spite of the fact that it encourages many human beings to act irresponsibly. i desire you do not think of we are all such as you defined. perhaps you will get to circulate to us of a of america some day. this is an incredible place to circulate to - and to stay. in case you come back to circulate to, attempt to return for a minimum of a month, and verify you hire or borrow somebody's vehicle. the excellent thank you to journey us of a of america is by making use of highway shuttle in my opinion. Peace be with you.

2016-10-18 23:32:55 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

rosi l, why do people have a lot of negative things to say about american christians?
apart from being able to remember the spanish inquisition, the crusades, the churches' support for hitler, we're very concerned about the here and now, too.

we homeschool and so we have to deal with lots of these self-proclaimed christians and the hatred they put out to anyone who is not in their sect and the way they exclude even the children who aren't in their sect is enough to sicken anyone.

beyond that, the right wing christians want to put their religion into law. they cannot accept that our founders put a clause in the constitution that says there shall be no religious test to hold office, that our founders abhorred state churches, that jefferson didn't even believe jesus was divine. (see his letter to benjamin rush.) they only know pilgrims came here to practice their religion and don't see all the settlers who came for other reasons, including penn who came specifically to allow all religions and the irreligious, too.

we don't want your religious beliefs, which are medieval, setting our laws on sexuality, reproduction, school prayer, forced participation in other people's religion, science texts. we don't want your pharmacists putting their morality on to others.

the last straw was that not only are you all trying to institute your religion into law, but you are willing to support the murder and torture of innocent people in iraq. you love spending billions of US dollars a month killing people and oppose using that money for universal health care in america. you support torturers and want to limit the speech of the good guys. in other words, you've sided with evil in your desire to have earthly power.
we're sick of it.

2006-10-07 04:20:11 · answer #5 · answered by t jefferson 3 · 2 1

No. Right (opposite of wrong) wing Americans think this country was built on the concepts of equal opportunity and personal responsibility. We think that brain dead leftists who think opportunity should be given on an uneven basis and believe the government should be responsible for everything should go somewhere else and start their own country, (try Cuba, Syria, Venezuela or Iran). If you don't agree then, yes, go die!

2006-10-07 04:02:10 · answer #6 · answered by the hick of time 2 · 3 4

sinclair lewis, who wrote, "it can't happen here" said fascism will come to america holding a cross and wrapped in a flag. as indeed it has.

(you can easily google images and see countless photos of churches and church leaders in germany hosting and embracing hitler. hitler himself said over and over he was acting for christ.)

the american right wingers like to pretend all kinds of things about themselves, but as we've watched them jettison all their values to keep supporting bush, the only consistent thing about these right-wingers is that the want to stop dissent or kill or jail or deport dissenters. They are, in other words, fascists.

2006-10-07 04:07:41 · answer #7 · answered by cassandra 6 · 2 1

Just as there are militant left wingers. yes, some of them may be. But no true follower of Christ's ways behaves that way to others.

2006-10-07 03:57:16 · answer #8 · answered by splitshell 3 · 3 1

Not true, or why are are left wing liberals still here?

2006-10-07 04:30:22 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

So, are you asking a question or making a statement? The two you mention are apples and oranges! Guess I'll go die now!

2006-10-07 03:58:45 · answer #10 · answered by Moxie Crimefighter 6 · 2 3

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