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Physical pain cannot be avoided, i hit my thumb with a hammer there is pain!
But why do we feel pain inside when someone says something about us?
What is it that gets hurt?
Is it real hurt or imagined?

2006-10-07 02:43:19 · 19 answers · asked by sotu 3 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

19 answers

it is real.
a person who has depression has a real problem for example,
and frankly its the worse kinds of pain, its harder to heal.

I don't know the mechanism, but I've always imagined it like this
pain is put into us to tell us when we are being damaged, a way to tell you you passed the limit.
so, mentally, its a way to say you are opperating outside the limits of how you are supposed to.

kinda like when your computer gets an error that locks it up

the computer wasn't physically harmed, but it was harmed none-the-less

2006-10-07 02:48:34 · answer #1 · answered by papeche 5 · 0 0

It is the shock value mostly. If it happened all the time we would get use to it. Things that happened as a child like something getting broke are a very painful experience, as an adult we have the tools to deal with it better.

The strangest thing to me though is that people carry the emotion of a childhood experience and still feel horrible about it. If the same thing happened to them as an adult, they would not think much of it but they carry the baggage of that emotion as if it still is a horrifying experience.

I had a relative tell me that if they have had a better childhood they would be sucessful now. I was astonished at the statement. I asked them that the reason they are being sabotaged today is because of how they feel about things long ago? Why dont they simply re-examine their memory of the event and put it in the right perspective, then they are no longer sabotaged in the present. Their response was that you cant manipulate memories like that. I told them that you dont remember things correctly anyway to the way they really happened so you have already manipulated yourself into still feeling bad about it.

So many people base their life and limitations presently on the past. So the pain of emotion is real, even more real than physical pain. It can be so real that people can burn or cut themselves and it not bother them physically. When emotion is driving their decision making process rather than the intellect, it becomes the real factor. It is not imagined but emotion when in charge will pull from imagination to enhance itself.

2006-10-07 02:55:39 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I did a wikipedia search and I found some interesting stuff. One theory that I like is Maslow's. He basically hypothesized that humans are innately attracted to positive values, like honesty and fairness. Those values actually trigger a positive psychological response. But we are also programmed to be repulsed by negative values - things like deceit and cruelty.

So the psychological phenomenon of being hurt could be a manifestation of what Maslow described. As a society, this innate tendency forms the basis of morality. And morality, of course, benefits the species as a whole. Cooperation, justice, kindness, and similar values promote the survival of the community, whereas chaos, death, and all those negative values have the opposite effect.

So when you experience meanness from someone else, and you react by feeling pain, maybe you are experiencing the phenomenon which Maslow was writing about.

2006-10-07 03:03:53 · answer #3 · answered by dark_phoenix 4 · 2 0

Everything about humanity is chemical based... biology dictates the rules. At some point it was useful to humans to associate emotional with an appropriate action. the good emotions came with the beneficial actions and the more difficult emotions came with the detrimental actions. it is far from simple, but only because of the vastness of experience. the hurt is "real" and has a physical impact, too.

2006-10-07 05:41:45 · answer #4 · answered by same here 2 · 0 0

Humans are bio-mechanical beings. Survival can be threatened many ways ( smashing your thumb ) or damaging your chances at socialization. Your feelings about needing partners, friends and community are also necessary for survival and that damage can me more severe than a smashed thumb, and harder to analyze.
The hurt is real, even if the threat was not perceived correctly.

2006-10-07 02:58:59 · answer #5 · answered by kate 7 · 2 0

the mind and the soul are the most powerful' st items in the universe.i personally think a human hasn't.t got the right to own such items . has they do not understand how to use them . every emotion we take in sound or vision is a billion times stronger than a cut or a scar.. a broken bone will mend and be stronger .and so will a broken heart .if you laugh it of and listen to the right music .don't read newspapers dint watch TV . unless it makes you laugh . buy a Buddhist book and find out about yourself .then see how you adapt to the hurtful society of the human race...

2006-10-07 09:23:34 · answer #6 · answered by clare p 3 · 0 0

Physical pain is an indication that the body needs attention, to rejuvenate .
The 'inside pain ' is also a sort of subtle body, which needs attention , perhaps of different 'kind'... of being kind to it !
If this kindness does not come from others, wisdom lies in accepting the situation, and seeking consolation from within, the very same way as our body too tries to heal itself when we do not pay attention to the pain signals/sensation it sends to 'our inside' !

2006-10-07 02:51:34 · answer #7 · answered by Spiritualseeker 7 · 1 0

I should leave this to the female - since they know better how to inflict that other pain !!

Physical pain is due to damage to the body. What you call psychological pain is damage inflicted on the self or ego. Indeed, this one hurts more since this is a direct attack on you, and not through your body.
And sure enough, what hurts the most is when the damage to ego is inflicted by self e.g. in remorse.

2006-10-07 03:16:57 · answer #8 · answered by small 7 · 0 1

We are the physical expression of our supreme mind, or our consciousness. Once into physical our existence, we develop further aspects of the mind round our energy centre. Our mind stays illuminated by the fact that we are essentially a high form of energy composed as an intelligent creation. This new physical mind that represents spiritual in a physical world physical works as an interface between our essential self and the world around us. Our absorption into physical world is so deep and fundamental that we seldom remember ourselves without our referential know extracted from the world we experience through our senses. We enjoy life because we celebrate who we are. This is our ego. If well trained, educated and nurtured force of ego can work wonders for us in our lives. It is powerful and can equally powerfully be hurt.

Ego must not only be understood in term of Freudian psychoanalysis, a person’s ego must be known directly by a person as an entity as unique as a person himself or herself could be. Normally, ego is a very useful thing. We need to know how an ego can be useful. An ego can also be a mere inflation of attitudes caused by when we are wrongly or mistakenly touched by the outside world. Physical hurts are visible but physiological injuries hurt hundred times more. They can assume subtle forms and can stay with us for log time, even an entire life.

What really is an ego? Ego basically is an interface between the world outside and our inner self. We often blame our ego, or other for their ego, for unpleasant situations that in reality can be caused by numerous elements residing in one personality. There can emotional causes, situations of ignorance, or even physical issues that could be behind an aggressive or over protective attitude in life. We can refine our egotistical selves to make it presentable and useful in our world. We can do this by means of proper upbringing, education, study and experiences of life. Once an ego is presentable, it can be a very powerful and effective thing for progress in life. A life without a certain amount of ego involved is almost impossible. The hurts therefore are unavoidable in life but one can learn to cope with them better.

2006-10-07 04:37:38 · answer #9 · answered by Shahid 7 · 0 0

If you have done something that "I" don't like, especially to what I cherished, something that "I" cultivated or nurtured with care and affection. ex. my personalities,my knowledge, my title, my refutation, my name, status, my god, belief, faith, country, race, family, achievements,being etc.If something happen to these accumulations of "me", "I" am in pain, get hurt, anger, jealous, very lonely.Who is this "me" or "I" that gets hurt? It seems that these acquired materials are coverings of this "I". Can this "I" still be hurt if there are no achievements or coverings? I think we have to find out the reality of "I" beyond reasonable doubt. I think this is the real answer why our world is in chaos.

2006-10-07 17:23:28 · answer #10 · answered by ol's one 3 · 0 0

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