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Forget about the damn terrorists,there's terrorists in every religion.and if you are going to answer angrily,or with answers like"Because islam is a false damn religion" or " Coz muslims are cowards" etc. don't waste your time answering please.

2006-10-07 01:38:40 · 25 answers · asked by GaBRiaNo 2 in Politics & Government Politics

25 answers

So you mean "ignoring all the main reasons why Christians hate Muslims, what other reasons have you got?"

You can't ask a question and tell everyone how to answer.

Rightly or wrongly most people (not just Christians) distrust Muslims because of their association (by that I mean religious association) with terrorism. This may seem unfair but I see plenty of non-terrorist Muslims who still refer to suicide bombers as "their Muslim brothers". I would disown any brother of mine who became a suicide bomber.

Many Christians dislike Muslims because Muslims dislike Christians. Calling Christians "infidels" and "unbelievers" is hardly likely to help matters and there is, in any event, a natural tendency to support your own religion against all others.

Perhaps you could comment on what I am told are direct quotes from the Koran in the context of hate:-

"Make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate"

"Believers, take neither the Jews nor the Christians for your friends"

2006-10-07 01:42:58 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

First of all, I don't hate Muslims or anyone for that matter. Further, any true Christian, would not hate Muslims: Christ made it clear to love ones neighbor.

People were told by the Bush Administration that Muslims attacked the U.S. They did this to developed hate in people for Muslims, this would make the job of killing Muslims easier. Now, it is getting clearer that the Bush administration attacked our country to have a reason to attack Iraq. So the best reason for the hate, would be because Muslims sit on a lot of oil and Americans want it so bad that they will convince themselves Muslims are the devil in order to have a chance to get at that oil. Also, Suddam was planning to exchange his dollars for Euros, this would have had a devaluation effect on the dollar. That would have hurt the U.S. especially the very wealthy that hold their savings in U.S. dollars.

Some Americans also hate Mexican Illegal aliens. They think they are a threat to their way of life. They like the cheap labor, but do not want to contribute anything that would help educate their young and have do deal with more Mexicans Americans in the U.S.: For fear of loss of power.

About one halve of Americans feel threatened. The believe they are being attacked from all sides from foreign forces. What they don't realize is that big business is the force that wants to bring the U.S.A. into a global environment; And have its people working for pennies as well as everyone else. People lash out at the symptoms of the globalization goal, since they can't see or understand the real cause.

If I had to put it simply, Americans hate because they are being maneuvered to hate and kill by their puppet masters. And right now the puppet masters want to take your oil. In their eyes, whomever controls the fuel, controls the world.

2006-10-07 03:09:24 · answer #2 · answered by Joe_Pardy 5 · 1 1

you want us to forget about terrorists?

that would be our first mistake

nope sorry terrorists and their acts 9/11
will never be forgotten

terrorist acts made in the past if forgotten and not learned from
will doom us to have those attacks repeated.

which I'm sure is exactly what the terrorists want

the people that attacked us (freedom fighters as Cindy Sheehan would say )

will continue to present themselves as a current and ever present threat, and as long as they do then they need to be
handled accordingly

When the Jihadists killed 3000 people on 9/11
they were hoping such a dastardly act would cause America to back way way off and go into a Democratic Party shell
Frozen in fear and wondering what or how they "looked"
by the International community.

Republicans are more concerned with protecting Americans in America and on Foreign soil.

TO answer your question, I don't hate Muslims
but I do Love my country, if I have to choose between
standing up for the USA or standing on the sideline and
sniping at President Bush (because he is a Republican President)

I stand up for my country, anything else borders on sedition

2006-10-07 02:00:56 · answer #3 · answered by tanner_1122 5 · 1 1

As a christian I dont hate. As you have said there are terrorists in all religion. I have noticed though that the Muslim community holds more extremist than most other religion. Also I have a hard time with the idea that God would condone killing you self with you enemy's as a "holy thing" To each his own I say so good for you for sticking to your beliefs. You will get no hate from me as long as you dont wrong me personally.

2006-10-07 01:43:37 · answer #4 · answered by bildymooner 6 · 1 0

Everyone thinks their religion is the right religion and only their religion will get you to heaven. Im a christian and I dont hate muslims. I think that alot of people not just christians hate what they dont understand.Also I believe their are alot of misconceptions about the muslim religion, that its weird and you pray alot and your women have no rights so that doesnt help the muslim religion any.Im not saying I believe that myself just people fear what they dont know and they turn that fear into hate.
You are right there are terrorists in every religion. The spanish inquisition was the doing of the catholic church, a bigger religion of hypocrites ive never seen in my life. The jewish faith uses the anti semitism fear to terrorize people, so all religions have their own form of terrorists

2006-10-07 02:11:44 · answer #5 · answered by stephaniemariewalksonwater 5 · 0 0

I don't hate anyone but I am wary of Muslims because I know the real purpose of Islam is world domination under Sharia Law which is barbaric and backward.

I will never convert to Islam and do not want to live as a second class citizen or slave under Dhimmitude.

2006-10-08 17:19:37 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

A true Christian does not hate Muslims or any other person of another religion. God is Love and he loves all of his children. A Christian is allowed to hate the sin, but not the Sinner. One of the greatest commandments given to Christians is: To love your neighbor as yourself. Muslims call Christians infidels, which is very hurtful, but hate is not in a true Christians make up.

2006-10-07 01:51:29 · answer #7 · answered by mimi 4 · 0 0

basically bear in mind, you started it. ("i do no longer recommend the those that declare they are Christian, and then pass act like an atheist." ... is it because of the fact we've values and morals?") You have been warned. i'm insulted, and feeling slightly degraded. you're saying THAT then ask your self why some human beings hate the very seen christians and christianity?? i'm an atheist, have been for some years, and that i'm no longer immoral. I even have values, thank you very lots. Say they are christian, then pass out and act like WHO?! What, precisely, are you implying? What, pray tell, do you think of atheists act like? Do you even understand what an atheist is? Kiddo, you pay interest, and you pay interest solid, because you're approximately to benefit an particularly useful existence lesson, besides as have your question spoke back. a lot of human beings despise the christian faith, and, by proxy, it quite is followers, because of the fact of rubbish like this, unadulterated, biased, biggoted, uneducated dirt that pours out from oh lots of christians at us atheists, or agnostics, or maybe those with faith in a diverse faith. you decide on that to alter? Then think of formerly you talk, for a metamorphosis, and look at that your faith isn't the only thank you to be a competent man or woman. you may start up by accepting that your way isn't the "one and in basic terms" way, it is largely and in basic terms your way. it quite is the way that works for YOU. It does not may be the way of the guy down the line, and, because of the fact he disagrees, it does not make him a lesser being than you. Pull your head out of even if orifice you presently have it shoved in, and positively look on the international, look on the church homes historic previous, look at your fellow christians, and, particularly, look interior of your self. You dare to assume and condemn ME for probably doing the suited component you're?

2016-10-15 22:44:10 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Because they don't understand you and are scared. I wish Muslims would make a greater effort to change that. If the Muslim community spoke out more against Muslim terrorist it would go a long way.

2006-10-07 02:59:54 · answer #9 · answered by rhymingron 6 · 1 0

Some Christians hate Muslims,some Muslims hate Christians and so on...There are people ,no matter the religion or race who hate other people...This is the world we are living in...no one can like everybody...

2006-10-07 01:45:11 · answer #10 · answered by Tinkerbell05 6 · 0 0

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