I asked a question like this earlier, I got a lot of thumbs down and some angry answers, but none of them had an experience with discrimination involved. Some said "if black people don't like white people because their white, thats discrimiation" That is not discrimination. That's bigotry. Kind of different, since these people have no power to deny them anything to white people except their friendships. Should I conclude that it's because it never happens?
17 answers
asked by
Society & Culture
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And I'm not talking about affimative action. The minorities are not the ones doing this.
19:01:23 ·
update #1
So the black people "whining about whitey keepin him down" makes it ok for you to say you are discrimated against when in fact, you aren't? That's immature.
19:06:34 ·
update #2
Just in case you wern' t clear on what my qestion was, I was talking about racial discrimination, not language barriers, or hatred for foreigners.
19:15:44 ·
update #3
I am white and my bf is Mexican, I only mention that because there have been plenty of times he has been treated better than me. One example, a couple of years ago we were going to Starbucks almost every day. When he would go they would say "your usual", but never to me. There are so many examples, truly I don't think it has to do with race I think it has to do with him being a male. We always joke about things like this.
As for me being white and have I ever been discriminated against because I was white, I have to say YES! For one, I lived in a predominantly black neighborhood when I was a teenager and plenty of times I was discriminated against because I was the "minority". Another, I think that affirmative action is discrimination against White people!! (My BF agrees with me!!) Reversing the discrimination does nothing more then cause more discrimination and more problems! I could go on and on why affirmative action is sooooo wrong....
2006-10-06 19:36:03
answer #1
answered by Stephanie 1
I think this is a serious question, & deserves a serious answer.
Just ignore the nonsense & "consider the source." Frankly, I'd be curious WHY a black person would ask this of me. The best I could recall would be when I was a child, & lived in a neighborhood of ALL Germans but for two Croatian families, & I was so young I couldn't understand why kids came by our house & called my dad nasty names....it definitely hurt me, but I don't remember either of my parents explaining it to me. My sister & I were both "discrimated" against at school, as well as the kids of the other Croatian family. I think that question could be provacative because it intimates--an assumption that white people have NEVER been discriminated against, MAKING A DISTINCTION RIGHT THERE--& so, where does one go from there? I know I wouldn't get angry, but I'd be curious about the reason for the question, & what were the expectations? Yes--it does happen. There are many kinds of discrimiation. My faith, or lack of it. My gender. I didn't know you could get thumbs down on a QUESTION! (Now I'll be bashed for stupidity.) But I'm not surprised that you got angry answers; so very many angry people out there! Awesome.
2006-10-06 19:38:29
answer #2
answered by Valac Gypsy 6
Sorry! It happens. But I'm sure it is the way your ? is stated that angers folks. Some people simply have an inability to communicate, period. I have been discriminated against several times for a variety of reasons, like in the garment district in L.A. because I didn't speak Spanish, I couldn't find out the price of a dress, when I gave up and walked away, a co-worker asked in English what I had wanted, and the girl laughingly said in English," Oh, she wanted the price!"
2006-10-06 19:07:35
answer #3
answered by naughty toddy 2
Many races have been discriminated against....The Irish were when they came to America. I mean we could take it a step further and talk about many races. I don't know I don't sit back and think when someone is mean to me or says something rude that they are thinking. Hey that's renee she's native American,black and Irish that's the reason I'm being mean to her. I don't think that so it's hard for me to sit here and think of a time I had been discriminated. I would just think someone was being rude to me because they are rude. I don't and most put that much thought into things. I just get over it and let go. Many people are made up of many races so it's hard to judge somethings. How would one tell.
But I didn't see your other question I'll go look
2006-10-06 19:09:06
answer #4
answered by ▒Яenée▒ 7
discrimination stirs up anger, even the discussion of it. When I was a new employee at a certain place I had a very important question about my duties. The other 2 employees were black and never looked at me or acknowledged my question except to laugh at me.for 8 hours. I was at a loss until the next work day when a white person answered my question. The job involved caring for very sick patients.
2006-10-06 19:10:14
answer #5
answered by winkcat 7
I spent a little time in Trinidad about 20 years ago. I was by far a minority as a white man and among a culture of angry, white-hating blacks. I had a machete waved in my face, shop keepers refused to serve me, one young man spit a toothpick at me. Is that discrimination? I've never been racist, but no kindness or respect changed how I was treated there. But the way I feel about it is that I don't know enough about how they had been treated to judge them for how they treated me.
I'm not angry with your question. Hope you're not angry with my answer.
2006-10-06 19:10:47
answer #6
answered by dave 5
No idea. I am white and can't say I have been 'discriminated' against. I once read a survey of African-Americans that quoted a statistic of 83 percent. The question asked referred to any incidents of racial discrimination.
2006-10-06 19:02:06
answer #7
answered by Desert Sienna 4
As a male, I've been descriminated against. Women are under represented in my area of expertise and it is much easier for them to get interviews.
As a white person, I cannot recall a moment where I have been discriminated against.
As a human being, I can recall many instances where I have been woefully disrespected for no apparent reason while the person next to me is treated like royalty.
I think it would be difficult being a person of color, because you never know if the the reason you are treated poorly is because your color. I think the natural tendancy would be to think it is color.
The hard part is figuring out what discrimination is based on race, on gender etc.
I don't know many people who would like to be African American. I think you have a tougher time. In my line of work, it's especially difficult for male African American's.
I work in female reproduction. I have seen nurses and doctors reluctant to let male African Americans to examine their white patients.
In my area, African American males get the double whammy. Male and Black.
It sucks and it pisses me off.
One of my best friends is Black. He's the smartest guy I know. Funny as hell. Self made. And he still can't hail a cab in NYC.
Anyone who denies that racism does not occur today is in denial.
But I caution you, as I caution myself: just because you're treated poorly doesn't mean it's based on race or gender.
The only thing you can control is how you react to it. I don't react in anger. I try to recruit them to my side. And you know what, it usually works.
I hope you find peace.
2006-10-06 19:24:20
answer #8
answered by Ignoramus 3
You can conclude anything you want. White people are simply tired of blacks whining that 'whitey' is keeping them down when everything doesn't go their way. You even hear successful black multi-millionaires whing about this. Its just freakin' old.
Grow up. Get over it. Realize that life isn't one big party where everyone is there to make you happy.
2006-10-06 19:04:18
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Why don't you ask the ones that do get angry instead of asking on here. That makes no sense. You definately have some issues with the whole black and white thing. Get over it and move on.
2006-10-06 19:06:31
answer #10
answered by Obsidian © 5