You do. Until they take it and put it in the truck. Then it becomes the citys garbage.
2006-10-06 18:51:41
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You and the trash or recycling company that owns the bin. At least in many parts of the USA. Sorry world, but we have poor that could use the pennies that recycling would give them, so they take what they can of people's cast offs. It's gotten bad enough that some places have laws because it was hurting the income of the recycling companies. Personally, I keep my cans and turn them in for cash at a recycling center. Every little bit helps.
2006-10-07 02:08:34
answer #2
answered by J Z 4
Does anyone remember the scene in the movie "Star Chamber," where the court determined that the defendent's garbage belonged to him until it was intermingled with the rest of the contents of the sanitation truck? Not sure if it applies to today's laws, but it was fascinating to think about.
I'm not sure I would make a big deal about someone taking the cans. However, I wouldn't want them perusing through my personal garbage. I shred all confidential material, but it would still be somewhat creepy.
2006-10-07 01:57:01
answer #3
answered by Joe D 6
In reality, your property line begins I believe 10 feet from the curb... so you don't own them... If you are upset someone is taking the cans - why not bag them separate, so there is no mess? just think the cans you were throwing away, are going to give someone a nice healthy meal (meals) and maybe a warm bed for the night...!
2006-10-07 01:53:53
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I think you have uncovered a real gray area in the law here. Give us some more details. Maybe we can help you out.
Please include the following information in your question when you get a chance. In your property torte, who holds mineral rights.
2006-10-07 01:50:48
answer #5
answered by imnogeniusbutt 4
I think anyone who wants to pick them out should have them. It is one of the few ways we support the homeless in our society.
In San Diego everything in the trash can on the curb belongs to the city.
2006-10-07 01:51:25
answer #6
answered by San Diego Art Nut 6
read the side of the bin,it should state it is unlawful to remove material from this (city owned) container at least thats what it said when I lived in LA
2006-10-07 01:55:06
answer #7
answered by stygianwolfe 7
Trash is public.
This doesn't give anyone the right to make a mess.
2006-10-07 01:56:33
answer #8
answered by novangelis 7
If a homeless person wants to take them, let her.
Is that why you're asking? What's it to you?
2006-10-07 01:48:53
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
if you throw it out its not yours. its probably not even on your property if its at the end of your driveway
2006-10-07 01:49:54
answer #10
answered by knowitall 3