You have computer access (obviously) so the possibilities are endless..You can look up anything online..I would suggest a bunch of beautiful flowers, gift certificate to a salon, a massage parlor, ect..What a lucky lady..I hope this helped!
2006-10-06 18:17:21
answer #1
answered by heandI 3
Get her a really special watch. Something that you can't get over in her place. Since you are overseas, it will be easier for you to buy her a watch that is special and cannot be found in her hometown. Sending the watch over to her would also be easy. You can also decide on how expensive you want to go.
All the best.
2006-10-07 01:17:48
answer #2
answered by caterpillar 2
So I assume that you can't make it on time for the lady birthday. I suggest that you send a email greeting card to her or alternatively you could send a video clip of yourself singing happy birthday to her and possible buy souvenoirs from the country you are and send it to her.
2006-10-07 11:14:32
answer #3
answered by Clown & Joker 5
may be you can enlist help of friends and get a gift certificate also you didnt say but are you on a ship? my old boyfriend once sent me some nice stuff from the gift shop on board
2006-10-07 01:57:16
answer #4
answered by myrtlemarie2001 2
Diamond are forever.
2006-10-07 11:03:01
answer #5
answered by wow 2
DRESS - if she is into fashion
LAPTOP - so you could communicate with her anytime hehe......
- anything, just make sure its from your heart......
Good luck...........
2006-10-07 01:21:50
answer #6
answered by Anonymous