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...My next-door neighbor keeps his yard like a jungle. Is there something I can do to make him clean it up, For God's sake I'll even help him!!
Reason why I wish him to clean up, is that we live in a tropical area and I am just concerned that we might get snakes or such because of that mess!

No, we don't have Homeowner Association

2006-10-06 13:12:10 · 10 answers · asked by d m 1 in Home & Garden Garden & Landscape

No, they are not elderly or disabled. The man is about 40 and his wife is younger, they have one daughter...Yes we are talking but we don't socialize, I mean, going out together or visit each other...Now, this is funny, he keeps his front yard spotless!!!!!

2006-10-06 13:51:01 · update #1

10 answers

I recently changed my fence, and I also was shocked to see how my surrounding neighbors keep their yard...One of them had an old range and an old fridge in his back yard all rusted and dirty, was not a pretty picture, now what can you do..I don't know..did you try to talk to them? Offer them your help, just make sure that you know if there is a reason why they don't clean?
Disabled or sick, they might be elderly?

2006-10-06 13:19:36 · answer #1 · answered by Jax4all 4 · 1 0

The city may very well have some ordinances against allowing the yard to be out of control. A quick call to City Hall will get you the answer. You have a good idea with helping your neighbor, but he might become dependent on your help in the future. How old is your neighbor, is he handicapped, or poor? Things to take into consideration.

2006-10-06 20:18:32 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

In a nice way try and talk to him, and tell him how you feel about snakes, etc. and offer at that time to help, or maybe you can chip in and get someone to do it all for you. Depends on what kind of a person you are dealing with, these days you have to be careful not of offend anyone.

2006-10-06 20:22:48 · answer #3 · answered by Dotties 3 · 1 0

Even though You dont have a homeowner association if you live within the city limits you may have some city ordinaces that will help you. You also said that you would help have you offered?

2006-10-06 21:55:08 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

That totally stinks...and it brings down the value of your property. I feel for you. You didnt say if you were on talking terms...if you are maybe you could bring up the the snake issue...maybe you've seen one in your yard and wondering if he had the same problem since he has plenty of places for them to hide. You can also call someone in the city and ask who to complain to as well...
Good luck

2006-10-06 20:43:55 · answer #5 · answered by Trish 3 · 1 0

If you live in a city and it has a city code compliance office, they can help.
If you're in the county with no restrictions good luck. Ask him if you can help -
if you can afford, even offer to pay to have it hauled off.

2006-10-06 20:19:02 · answer #6 · answered by wallyinsa 3 · 1 0

we must have the same neighbor .every one in the neighborhood ,keeps it nice /clean /neat. and yes i have a jungle next door .you can try to call the court house in your county .they might help you . but its not worked for me .

2006-10-07 02:38:35 · answer #7 · answered by tia c 4 · 0 0

Ask your neighbor will he pay u if u clean his yard....usually works.

2006-10-06 22:23:42 · answer #8 · answered by sunflare63 7 · 0 0

call the health department or something im sure they van help or the city they should beable to do something about that for you

2006-10-06 20:25:02 · answer #9 · answered by gottobetheone2003 2 · 2 0

call your mayor or alderman and snitch on him.

2006-10-06 20:23:57 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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