The answer is NO NO NO.
That is cheating! physical contact is not the deciding factor, it is more physcological and anyways, who says that this text relationship will not someday become physical?!!
Dump her
2006-10-06 11:45:19
answer #1
answered by fozio 6
Okay? It's okay if you are okay with what happened. If you aren't or can't be sure that it won't happen again, then you won't be happy with that person.
If you were okay with this, you wouldn't be asking the question. Yes, it is a betrayal, if you're in a committed relationship, to be having "text sex" with someone else. There's an intimacy to a committed relationship, and trust, and since I'm guessing you weren't consulted about this beforehand, for your gf/bf to go behind your back is a betrayal of trust.
Does the other person know s/he did something wrong? Is s/he contrite and determined to respect you and not repeat the mistake? Is s/he determined to avoid the other person? If not, it doesn't matter if the texter is in the same city or on another continent - you still have a trust issue right there at home.
Only you can decide if you're okay with how things are, whap happened, and how it was handled. Good luck!
2006-10-06 19:02:07
answer #2
answered by peculiarpup 5
technically it's not real sex although it is a form of betrayal. it is up to you if you want to stay with the person. do you have a long history and a otherwise good relationship? if the relationship is great except for that minor discrepancy then it's good to find out why the person feel the need to get explicit via cell phone. is something lacking in the relationship? could be. The fact that they didn't physically step out (i hope) suggests that the love is there but some play full foreplay and intimacy is missing. deal with those issues and find out whats going on. if the relationship was already doomed then let the person be. maybe they found someone they are more sexually compatible with. it's worth talking about it first.
2006-10-06 18:46:53
answer #3
answered by sexylousleo 2
No!!!!!!!!! Honey if she cared anything about you , she would be offended by that person even attempting text sex. Even joking around , that's no respect for yall's relationship.Kick her to the curb cause next will be phone sex , which will probably lead to meeting in person. Pray about it. The Lord will open your eyes and heart. Good luck P.S. You are the only one that can answer this Question... Is It alright wiithyou that she does this.... I hope not
2006-10-06 18:51:01
answer #4
answered by mamagirl65 2
Whats text sex?
2006-10-06 18:41:42
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
text sex?? that is a new one...but i would not be comfortable in knowing the person I am with is having text sex with some that lives near by... when is it going to turn into real sex??? if it has not already... and if you found out about it... obviously it was trying to be hidden from you... so what else is being hidden?
2006-10-06 18:44:41
answer #6
answered by oracle 3
I have never heard of text sex but for me I would not be happy if my husband was having ANY kind of sex unless it was with me.I'd be waiting for it to go further and with many couples I'm sure it does.
2006-10-06 18:53:14
answer #7
answered by tea cup 5
I would say no it wouldn't be a good idea. Because if she's able to do that on text what makes you think she won't do it physically!
2006-10-06 18:45:48
answer #8
answered by babieshay27 3
well it sure would make you fill unloved dont belive i could stay
2006-10-06 18:42:31
answer #9
answered by just_me_1955 5
Only if you have no self respect!!
2006-10-06 18:41:54
answer #10
answered by Anonymous