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I think I'm falling for this guy thats 10 yrs. older than me, he's real cute, and he's real cool,but he's married and I know I should turn away but I think I'm falling for him....what to do?, has anyone had a relationship with a married man? and how long did it last?

2006-10-06 11:27:14 · 19 answers · asked by brownsuga 1 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

I'm 20 and he's 30

2006-10-06 11:34:58 · update #1

19 answers

Never for long

2006-10-06 11:29:56 · answer #1 · answered by toietmoi 6 · 0 0

Naturally men who are taken seem more attractive. But why go through the hassle of being with one who is already taken? there are a lot of guys out there who are single and no baggage why bother with married ones? If they are married and mess around with you ... think of it this way.. if you end up marrying him will he do the same to you? and how will you take the news him seeing another woman while married to you?? please don't be a home wrecker and be the other woman.. Karma will get back at ya 10 folds... think about it carefully ...

2006-10-06 11:57:27 · answer #2 · answered by Soonie 3 · 0 0

Two strikes...he's married (big NO-NO), he's 10yrs older--it won't work, trust me...been there done that (w/the older part), have the scars!! Run far away...put him out of your mind, focus on something/someone else & as time passes this too will pass.

Since he is married, he will stay w/his wife & there will only be heartache in it for all parties involved.

2006-10-06 11:34:13 · answer #3 · answered by Sheryl R 4 · 0 0

I have had a relationship with a man who lied to me about being married, but when I found out I didn't break it off. He did nothing but lie to me and hurt me and eventually break every promise he ever made to me. It lasted for three years. Keep this thought in mind...if he's going to cheat on her now...he'll only cheat on you in the future with someone else...The married man that I dated is now going thru a divorce...he was not only cheating on her with me, but he was cheating on us both with yet another woman...you should not let him manipulate you into being in a relationship with him...even if he does get divorced - a tiger doesn't change it's stripes. Keep your dignity and your self-respect and toss him to the curb...

2006-10-06 11:37:59 · answer #4 · answered by ? 6 · 1 0

My advice is don't do it. Its not worth it, if he were the right man for you he wouldn't be married already. It messes up way too many lives when people do stuff like that.

2006-10-06 11:30:37 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

One he is married, two 10 years is a lot (especially if you aren't 18-that would make it illegal). He is married! He isn't going to leave his wife, best thing is to leave him alone. Try to find someone your own age.

2006-10-06 11:31:22 · answer #6 · answered by fin 3 · 0 0

Lots of people have. It NEVER works. He will use you, and stay married. Forget it. It will not work. Save yourself some pain and sorrow. Find someone single.

2006-10-06 11:29:19 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

gal you better run not walk away from that a marrried man he has wife all he wants from you is your youth and a booty call when ever he wants as fas has how long will it last well till the wife cathes ya

2006-10-06 11:31:51 · answer #8 · answered by just_me_1955 5 · 0 0

Run away very fast, if he even is considering having an affair with you , he is a no hoper. run while you still have some dignity left. he will use you and then continue happily with his own life

2006-10-06 11:31:42 · answer #9 · answered by sunirose2 2 · 0 0

STAY AWAY.....if he is serious about you he should leave his wife first..........if he doesnt want to do that then you will only ever be his bit on the side.......dont be a home wrecker and you should not want to be second fiddle to anyone.....find someone who can give you their undivided attention and put you on a pedal stool........you deserve that in life.....

2006-10-06 11:29:57 · answer #10 · answered by askaway 6 · 0 0

I can not help you, but I can say is that he's married. You are wasting his time and her's because you do not belong with him. You can also take chances, if you want. But be careful.

2006-10-06 11:30:45 · answer #11 · answered by shewolf2899 3 · 0 0

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