I would introduce her to some sort of place with games that is from a kids tv station... i'm sure pbs or whatever has a website...
2006-10-06 11:15:03
answer #1
answered by answer-seeker 2
I'm not sure of websites for young children. But on Yahoo, there is "yahooligans" you can click on. They have lots of cute things to do and learn from. You can also 'google' and type in Sesame Street, Hello Kitty, Barbie, Tellie Tubbies, and such. Then the links with show up. If you have time tonight, if she is coming tomorrow, go to the library and check it out yourself and write the good ones down. Keep that list for each time you take her there. If you have a VCR or DVD player, you can check out movies for her. There are sing-alongs and cartoons and such. Or let her look through the books and let her check 2 or 3 out.
Good luck and have fun with your daughter!
P.S. My neighbor has his daughter twice a month. He has shoulder long hair and he lets her comb it and braid it and do all different hairdos. Then he'll do her hair and they take pictures of each other. She's 6. She has a blast doing that.
2006-10-06 11:22:38
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Jenny, i think of you're already on the desirable song and function responded your person question. permit your b/f go with while it is desirable to introduce you to his daughter. in simple terms by way of fact the ex has completed so, it does not inevitably mean it is desirable. toddlers prefer stability, exceptionally while they have seen the international as they understand it and their family individuals unit cave in genuine in front of their harmless eyes. The worst element any confirm can do is have diverse adult men and or females come out and in of their existence and show this to the youngsters. it is very complicated exceptionally to a 7 year previous. while the timing is right and your boyfriend is delicate which you would be a piece of his existence long term (you should remember that he's therapeutic as properly from the tragedy of divorce) he will come around and introduce you to his newborn. Being affected person and not putting a "timeframe" on it is the superb element which you're able to do for this courting. wish this facilitates.
2016-11-26 21:48:34
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
As a father of three daughters who received visitation twice a week and every other weekend... To me it wasn't enough.
Each afternoon when I picked them up after school (for visitation) I sat down with all three and helped them with their homework (ages 5, 7 & 9.) They're great grades gave them PRIDE!
When they had no homework I had them pick out books for us to read... Me reading to them.
As I said, the time wasn't enough. As a bonus I was an active Girl Scout Leader in each of their Troops, so I went to Court to increase my visitation to cover and include all our activities. That included weekly Troop meetings and weekend activities (which included weekends when I normally didn't have visitation.) In short order I was seeing them five nights a week and every other weekend! WOOHOO!!!
Now they're 12, 14 & 16. They remember every moment I spent with them doing that, FAR MORE...
...Then sitting in front of the computer letting them give all their attention to a machine instead of a loving father.
Best of luck!
2006-10-06 11:37:35
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
oh definitely www.Neopets.com, www.postopia.com, www.kiddonet.com, or www.candystand.com are good sites to go to
They each have good games that she could play and most of them are there for learning too. Especially the games on neopets normally have some educational theme with each game. Kiddonet is really good for younger kids because it's a very safe website but you can create your own homepage, play games, ect.
2006-10-06 11:19:03
answer #5
answered by MISSDANIELLE™ 1
you're always safe with Disney: www.disney.com or www.godisney.com
Also a nice site for young girls: www.americangirls.com Lots of activities, books, and happy stuff for girls. Features the American Girl doll series - unlike Barbie or Bratz, these dolls offer a normal healthy body style and promote a good self-image. Each doll has a "character" and story, so encourages reading.
2006-10-06 11:18:20
answer #6
answered by teresathegreat 7
I would say buy her a cd rom that introduces them into computers. I don't know of any names but i'm sure if you go to a best buys or something like that they can help you out.
2006-10-06 11:15:50
answer #7
answered by Wondering 4
Ask the Librarian for related links for children your daughter's age and interests......and be sure and supervise her always.
At home, utilize parental controls.
2006-10-06 11:19:20
answer #8
answered by Mr. US of A, Baby! 5
www.yahooligans.yahoo.com (kids version of yahoo)
Pick her favorite PBS show.. www.pbskids.org
These are two that my kids (ages 3, 5, and 11) like.
Oh, www.askforkids.com is a fun one where you can ask questions/ research kind of stuff.
Have fun.
2006-10-06 11:19:14
answer #9
answered by sandysstyles 2
Disney ,com is really good and there is loads of links from there for kids
2006-10-06 11:15:22
answer #10
answered by just_me_1955 5