I need help with convincing my mother to let me go on a date with my boyfriend. I am 14 years old and she says that I am too young, am I too young? I have friends that are 12 and 13 years old and they are already dating so how can I be too young? Please give your advice anyone, thanks!
13 answers
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Family & Relationships
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But everyone the thing is I'll be 15 in December so really I'm 15 years old.
11:37:21 ·
update #1
try group dating
2006-10-06 11:48:20
answer #1
answered by missyhardt 4
When you are about 25 or 30 with your own heathens, you will understand. YOU HAVE A GREAT MOTHER!!! Now go in the other room, give her a hug and tell her THANK YOU FOR PROTECTING ME. Don't rush your life. Enjoy being a kid for a while. You will have plenty of time to deal with all of us stupid men. You will look back on being 14 and always wish that you were 14 again.
2006-10-06 18:16:03
answer #2
answered by Mark C 2
Sorry, I agree with your mom. 14 is way too young to go on a date. I would not allow my daughter to date one-on-one until she was 16. She was allowed to go with a group of people at 14, but not on actual dates.
2006-10-06 18:12:41
answer #3
answered by physandchemteach 7
yes, u are too young. your mother only wants the best for you. it might be hard for you to understand now; but you will thank her for it later. take your time growing up. there is no reason, to rush into dating. are you active in school? if so, focus on your education and school activities. also, thank God you have a mother that cares about your well being
2006-10-06 18:20:32
answer #4
answered by Niecy 2
I think 14 is too young for a date by yourselves.However I think it would be fine to invite friends over for a party!
2006-10-06 18:11:58
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Go as a group, parents are more likely to let group activities happen then one on one. Try it for the first couple of dates and then see if your parents have gained enough trust to let you go alone.
2006-10-06 18:16:51
answer #6
answered by Jul M 2
You are too young. You younger friends will probably be raped or pregnant soon. This proves that you Mother cares about you. The boy will just have to wait. o will you.
P.S. It's not the end of your life.
2006-10-06 18:13:53
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
date him but its usual 4 ur parents 2 b concerned at the end of the day ur still a kid and dont think youre grown up u got years 2 go remain a lady
2006-10-06 18:17:46
answer #8
answered by bilbo 1
Im grateful my mom did not let me go out before I was 16. Crazy things happen to young girls. You are to young!
2006-10-06 18:12:07
answer #9
answered by SavvyGrl 5
yeah i know this one my mum was the same! they expect you will be deluded into marrage and you end up pregnant all sorts of awful thing like that it will get easier in the end
2006-10-06 18:12:40
answer #10
answered by crunchymonkey 6