crate a personla budget. Include every little thing you usuall spend your moeny on. Incuded your gas, electricity bill, how much you spend on food each week, take out, "fun money," personal hyegine, credit cards, car payments. EVERYTHING!!!
Then- assume your house payment will be about $2500-$3,000 (average house payment here in California idon't know what state you live in) make the math with what you & husband (if any) make during the month and subtract everything you need to pay etc. Note- When you become a home owner you need to pay property taxes too. In CALI it's about $2-$6,000 every 6 months but in your state in ca be less. U would suggest to go to a bookeper and have them do it for you but- they charge alot for their services. If you can take 1-2 hours to sit down with your husband and get it all down in paper- you should be fine. i'm 23 and manage my money VERY VERY Well! I'm a sigle mom and really need to manage it well. If you and your husband don't over budget- you should be fine but if you do- you will be able to find out and will realize where you spend money on stupid things. Be smart!! remember- it's cool to be able to buy a house but the trick is in being able to KEEP IT!! IF you have a computer- create an excell spreadsheet it will help ALOT!!
2006-10-06 09:35:15
answer #1
answered by Ms.Budonkadonk 4
Start writing down all the money you spend. That will help you get rid of wasteful spending. Then you always need to put money into saving before most other things. You should give up all unnecessary spending like Starbucks coffees, DVDs and such.
2006-10-06 16:28:42
answer #2
answered by JustMe 6
Go online and find a local mortgage lender. They'll have someone you can contact who will be more than happy to help you put together a budget to save for buying a house!
2006-10-06 16:24:15
answer #3
answered by Zebra4 5
keep your wallet in your pocket
2006-10-06 16:28:00
answer #4
answered by rkilburn410 6