I encountered this article dated June 15th, 2006:
"Learn to let your intuition/gut instinct tell you when the food, the relationship, the job isn't good for you (and conversely, when what you're doing is just right)." ~Oprah Winfrey
I guess we’ re all too familiar with the words, “ I KNEW I should have …or “I KNEW I shouldn’ t have… ”Hindsight does have 20/20 vision, which is why it can see well enough to kick us squarely in the butt each and every time.
It hurts the most when we did, in fact, KNOW better. We go against our intuitions so often it’ s a wonder they don’t abandon us. Somehow, that deep down, gut feeling is just about always right -but we’re far too smart to fall for that, aren’ t we? We want to drive the thought around in our mind for awhile, bounce it off of a few other ideas, and then when the thought’ s all worn out, leave it there to teach it a lesson.
lAnother quotation to live by..“Cease trying to work everything out with your minds. It will get you nowhere. Live by intuition and inspiration and let your whole life be a Revelation. " ~Eileen Caddy.
We just outthink ourselves too much. And often it’s our undoing. How many times have we heard a contestant on a gameshow say, “ I was going to say that! ” We would all do well to start trusting ourselves a little more and to go with our instincts more than we go against them.
“Intuition will tell the thinking mind where to look next. " ~Jonas Salk..
So the moral of the story. Learn to trust your intuition because it will dictate your mind and heart what to do next. Hope this helps. Goodluck!
2006-10-06 08:59:00
answer #1
answered by ~Charmed Flor~ 4
There is a really interesting psychology book that explores gut feelings. It refers to those feelings as "thin slicing." In other words, people really can tell a lot about other people or events with just with a few seconds of information. Like people can tell whether they will like somebody after just a few seconds of contact, or if a tennis serve or golf swing is going to go wrong before contact with the ball is even made. The puzzle is how do people do that? That is the elusive part, referred to as a "closed door" in the brain. People can't see behind that door and therefore they can't really rely on gut feelings. "I wouldn't bet my paycheck on it but . . ." is a common response.
Go with your gut feelings if the consequences of being wrong are not that bad. If it is critical, then get all the information you can before making a decision.
That said, as far as human interactions go, most times people get it wrong what they think other people are thinking or what motivates them. This is something to keep in mind when you make assumptions.
Hope that was of some help.
2006-10-06 07:31:05
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Not knowing what this is all about it is hard to answer. Really you should listen to both:
Prepare for the first feeling, but make sure that if you were wrong, any harm done preparing is minimized. This may interfere with being totally ready, but acceptable losses will give you experience in how to deal with this in the future.
Hope it turns out good for you either way.
2006-10-06 08:38:59
answer #3
answered by Don't look too close! 4
in the adventure that your gut feeling is regularly good, then bypass for it. if you're regularly about 50% suited or a lot less about your gut feeling, then i'd wait it out awhile to work out the end result.
2016-11-26 21:22:01
answer #4
answered by ? 4
I know what you mean. I have had this same thing happen. With me, it was because I really couldn't deal with what I was thinking so I tried to convince myself that I was wrong and just letting my imagination take over. I try to go with my first instincts. If given enough time anyone can talk themselves out of what they believe.
2006-10-06 07:24:45
answer #5
answered by Tammy G 4
GO WITH THE FIRST FEELING! If you are usually right and have a good track record! Listen you have a special GIFT FROM GOD! It is called discernment and you have prophetic gifts..ALL FROM GOD! Never listen to anything that brings confusion! It is ALWAYS A LIE(the confusion). BE BLESSED!
2006-10-06 12:02:32
answer #6
answered by Proud MOM 3
They're right about going with the first one...doubt and fear can cloud one's intuition. If I had gone with my first instict on not to use that chapstick years ago that my skanky roomate sabotged just to be evil, I wouldn't have this damned cold sore on my lip right now.
2006-10-07 15:06:31
answer #7
answered by ? 5
I do agree with preacher on this BUT if this kind of thing happens often than i would definitely consult your local mental hospital! You so CRAAAZZZYYY!!!!
By the Way this is libby's 19 year old brother C.R.
2006-10-06 07:30:13
answer #8
answered by Libby 1
think long think wrong go usually your first thought is right that is of course witha sober mind
2006-10-06 11:08:42
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
go with what your first thought is. that is usually the one that turns out right for me.
2006-10-06 07:19:41
answer #10
answered by Niki 2