Your first step would be to ground well and to center. Once you have done this, go into a meditative/trance state. (This can be as simple as closing your eyes and watching your breath.)
2nd: Ask your Spirit Guide to communicate his/her presence and name. Your Guide may respond immediately or it may take a few tries, but it will come. Just be patient and wait. Once a relationship has been established, you are good to go!
Blessings on you!
2006-10-06 05:56:22
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Try taking a pen and paper and write at the top "Dear Daisy (or you're real name, not your internet name)," as if you are someone else writing a letter to you.
wait for thoughts to pop into your head. Act as if you're making it up. You are most likely not. Just write no matter if you think it sounds rediculous, or whether you think your imagination is complimenting itself by saying that you're very loved and well watched over, ect.
Guides communicate telepathicly, and often they say lots of seemingly over flattering things. Remember that they are unconditional love and are bound to say things like that because they will tell you that you're perfect exactly how you are. Hard for us to get past that, but they honestly believe it - so it can seem as if they are laying it on pretty thick. But they aren't.
Try to keep the first few 'letters' short at first until you get used to them.
When you go back and reread them, it will be more noticeable than at the time, that it was not quite 'you' writing it. For one, the wording is different than something you would come up with, and you may even remember hearing a voice in your mind that didn't sound like your own. As different guides sometimes come in, the wording of thoughts and the voice in your mind will change also to accomodate the difference in personality that they have.
I've had 'letter' sessions in where I'll be talking to one guide and be formally introduced to someone different, or on some occasions actually a departed loved one wants to come in and say something. But the current guide will always tell you there is someone else who would like to speak to you.
My mother can have entire conversations in her head with her guides and 'hears' them easily - I guess that's clairaudience? For me I can't communicate that easily and I kind of 'found' on my own the letter technique. It works well for me. Just a suggestion, since I've been there and frustrated that I was only having seemingly one-sided conversations all the time and wanted some feedback from their side.
* Also, try reading the 'Angelspeake' books. They are very encouraging and go into detail how not to make it a big ordeal to get messages from the Other Side. That's it's a lot easier than most people think it should be. And anyone can get results.
2006-10-06 11:58:08
answer #2
answered by Cedar_2006 3
Ask a question and tune into your heart. If you feel a tightening, it's not a good choice. If you feel expansion, your spirit guide is communicating that it's the right choice.
2006-10-06 05:37:52
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
read any books that Doreen Virtue has written,she explains things all about that very well,although in some parts she makes out it's very easy but then says that for you to be in tune with your spirit guide and the angels better,you shouldn't smoke,drink alcohol,eat meat,and only eat organic veggies,but other than that,her books are worth a read.
2006-10-08 17:42:47
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
You do NOT want to literally HEAR your spirit guide, trust me. Just ask, and ask, and ask for signs, and you will know them when you see them, and you will learn how to interpret them.
2006-10-07 15:10:05
answer #5
answered by ? 5
Start with a Carlos Castaneda book.
2006-10-06 06:43:48
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
For me it's easiest when I'm in a trance state. I reach that state through drumming. Best to practice regularly- I joined a drumming circle that meets every week.
2006-10-06 05:39:24
answer #7
answered by ladders_to_fire 5
human beings have self belief in spirits classes like human beings have self belief in faith. there is not any authentic large difference between them. there is not any testable information of spirit classes, neither is there of angels or gods. human beings have self belief in both on faith and believers communicate authoritatively on both, even although believers regularly disagree among one yet another. case in factor, you've self belief that all of us have one education guide only, at the same time as others insist that we could have many classes. both can't be proper. you've self belief spirit classes placed on outfits, at the same time as others record their classes as no longer appearing in any actual sense, hence no outfits. So it truly is proper? One education guide vs many, outfits vs. no longer, Jesus vs Mohammed, Vishnu vs. Buddha, it really is all faith. i in my view do not placed inventory in any religions or non secular conception, hence i don't have self belief in spirit classes.
2016-11-26 21:10:16
answer #8
answered by mcnear 4
drink a fifth of vodka!
2006-10-09 14:53:26
answer #9
answered by curtis_lloyd2002 2
also...... saliva divinoram
2006-10-06 07:20:25
answer #10
answered by angel 6