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death ,remember the guy on the New York subway who shot the muggers more than once and he was convivted as being a racist, this happen several yrs ago ???

2006-10-06 03:57:35 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

5 answers

there shouldn't be, but there is a thing called excessive force. I personally think it's bullshit. If someone attacks someone I care about they should be punished to the fullest extent of my wrath. If you shoot someone in the head it's considered premiditated, again bullshit! What if their head's the only target you have?

2006-10-06 04:03:57 · answer #1 · answered by shooter77 2 · 1 0

First of all, he wasn't convicted of being a racist, he was convicted of violating existing New York laws on the use of firearms and manslaughter.The use of deadly force is considered on a case by case basis, and determined by the individual state laws.

2006-10-06 11:03:55 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I don't even know why I am bothering y'all with my two cents worth but it seems to me that this world we live in and the United States included, are in a heap of ****. They protect the criminals and put the victims in jail. I am NOT a racist, but it does not seem that we all can live together in a peaceful manner. I like all colors; red, yellow, black, or white..., but can we all live peacefully together? What do you do when someone breaks in your house and threatens your family? They have to be inside, not outside., before you actually can do something about it. They have to have an illegal weapon on them in their hands, and saying they are going to kill you before you can pick up something to keep them from harming you or your loved ones. Then, he or she has to be on the inside before you can do something about it. Police cannot shoot anyone unless they have a gun or knife drawn (shooting), before they can protect themselves. They have to chase them at high speeds, endangering everyone including your neighbors, mine, and theirs. They can not shoot them until they can see a weapon drawn, etc! Its crazy. I have seen this both on TV and in real life! I used to work in a bank where we were held up by a guy with a play gun in his pocket, and a note, saying I want 5,000 dollars in twenties, please..... I am not kidding! No-one knew at the time. He dropped the bag and play weapon about a block from the bank. Someone was in a car waiting. It was the most intense fear I have ever faced. But he got away with it because he had a mask on. He's still loose. We had cameras on him, but we couldn't tell who it was, except he was a white man. A nursery school of children were in the bank trick or treating and they were all upset, scared, and now the school itself is in a lawsuit against the bank for not doing their job. (What job?) Its stupid, dumb an ignorant on our so-called justice system. I voted for the man that I thought would do the best job..., and now he is asking for 20 billion dollars for our guys in the service ( which is allright), but at the same time...., are we doing any good over in Iran or Iraq? Oh well, sorry I got on my soapbox.

2006-10-06 11:51:21 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

here is the deal

you can only use deadly force to defend against deadly force or SERIOUS bodilly injury. Before using deadly force you have a duty to retreat if possible, but you do not have to retreat in your own home.

basically, you can't shoot someone who is throwing paperclips at you

2006-10-06 12:36:07 · answer #4 · answered by BigD 6 · 0 0

Generally, using excessive force is a crime in all fifty states & federal territories.

You cannot murder someone simply because he grabs your arm or slaps your face (etc.).

2006-10-06 11:08:13 · answer #5 · answered by None 2 · 1 0

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