Be sure to call them! In case later on you meet up with them again you want to be sure that you haven't burned any bridges. Call them and just politely thank them for their time, you truly appriciate it, but you are looking into another oppertunity at this time, and you would like to decline their offer for a second interview. Be polite and thank them, just say that you have another oppertunity that seems to fit you better. Good luck!
2006-10-06 03:57:38
answer #1
answered by Melissa, That's me! 4
If you really don't want the 2nd interview, just call and say no thanks. I would be very courteous and diplomatic, because you never know, you may later end up doing business with that person or company, or even seeking a job from them, so don't burn your bridges. Just say something like, "thank you for your interest in a 2nd interview, but at this time I have decided to pursue other options."
If you really would be interested in working for them, except you want more money, first of all you need to talk to the right person who can make a decision about your salary. This is typically the hiring manager or the person who will be your direct supervisor. You could go to the 2nd interview and raise the issue of whether wages are negotiable, or you could call and say "thank you for your interest but at this time I am seeking a little bit higher salary that the amount you have mentioned in our previous discussions. I would be interested in pursuing this position if you are willing to be a little bit flexible about the compensation. What do you think?" If they are indeed flexible, remember that in salary negotiations, the first person to name a number loses, so be the first one to ask how much they are willing to offer, or if they ask you first, don't answer with a number. Also remember that you still have to convince them that you are the right person for the job, otherwise the issue of rate of pay is a moot point.
Since you have a lot of other interviews but not a firm offer of employment, you may as a tactical measure want to pursue the job anyway, even if you don't get the wages you want. That way, if none of your other interviews come through with a job offer, you can still pursue this job, not with the intention of keeping it as a long-term career, just take it at the lower pay and collect a paycheck while you keep looking elsewhere.
2006-10-06 04:10:15
answer #2
answered by Kevin E 2
If you're just out of school and interviewing, what's one extra interview going to hurt? Remember that the "average" is just that - some people make more, some people less. If you're arrogant enough to turn down a second interview, be up front with them. Tell them that you have many more interviews and that the pay offered was low and that you appreciate the opportunity to interview and their interest in you, and then move on
2006-10-06 04:03:20
answer #3
answered by Jan S 2
Don't forget to include the benefits package (days of vacation, insurance, etc) in calculating what they are paying you. They could have a package that more than makes up for the difference in the money. They might also offer better, faster advancement.
As has been mentioned before, during the second interview or if they offer you the job, you can bring up the fact that other companies pay more and that you would like a higher salary.
2006-10-06 04:05:22
answer #4
answered by eilishaa 6
Be direct. Call the interviewer and let them know you are no longer interested in pursuing the position. Thank them for their interest and time. If they ask why you don't want a second interview or are no longer interested in the position, be honest. Sometimes employers need constructive criticism to revamp hiring procedures. Attempt to not offend them, however, because you may need to apply to that company in the future.
2006-10-06 03:59:18
answer #5
answered by WAKE UP 3
My calendar says that's one million/thirteen/2013, so except you're whining some 2011 or earlier W-2, you're untimely. After 2/15, in case you nonetheless don't have it, then you truthfully call the IRS and that they deliver a letter on your behalf soliciting for it.
2016-12-16 03:15:25
answer #6
answered by ? 4
You could go to the interview anyway and just use it as practice for the other interviews you have scheduled.
If you really don't want to go, simply tell them that you don't think that the company is a right fit for you.
2006-10-06 03:55:27
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
If you have no interest in working for the company it shouldn't really matter how you say it. I'd just tell them honestly, thank them for the interview and their time and tell them that the salary is just too low for your expectations so you need to continue your search. They'll completely understand and who knows, if they really like you they may up the offer...
2006-10-06 03:56:04
answer #8
answered by bellagirl1414 2
don't go it will be a waste of your time and theirs. I interview people all the time and you can tell when they don't want to be there. Just tell them thank you for the consideration however you are exploring other options at this time. It is an honest and polite answer. They will respect you for it.
2006-10-06 03:58:04
answer #9
answered by Sara G 3
Why don't you go to the interview and when they offer you the job, tell them their offer is too low. You are not just stuck with what they offer, you can always counteroffer.
2006-10-06 03:57:07
answer #10
answered by Daddy of 5 4