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I just want some good pros & cons websites, or sites with good arguments for both sides of the death penalty! Thx!

2006-10-06 03:23:15 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

2 answers

you probably won't find sites with both sides of the arguement. Usually people are on one side. Some people call it the only way to control a depraved murderer, a crime deterrent, revenge or justice for a family, a last resort.

people against the death penalty will call it "Killing in my name," saying that state sanctioned murder is still murder. That the way they kill people via lethal injection isn't fit for animals(as they might still be awake)

The only reason I am against it is because it is so final. There have been enough people on death row who have been exonerated via new evidence(proven innocent), that the death penalty becomes ineffective, if it's being used on innocent people. When it comes to things like that, no one who MIGHT be innocent deserves to die. LIke in that movie the fugitive. Imagine if you walk in to a room where your brother, who you had a public fight with the night before, had just been murdered. They're probably going to accuse you, but you didn't do it. And you might get the death penalty. That's happened more than a few times. A lot of people who maintain their innocence up until the point of death aren't necessarily lying.

2006-10-06 03:40:44 · answer #1 · answered by Chit P 4 · 0 0

B- enthusiastic approximately it !! yet in basic terms in circumstances while they devote against the regulation against a newborn or for the dude who killed all of those women human beings in Tinley Park, IL on the lane bryant. in the beginning i understand that it's not a deterrent yet i do no longer care it quite is justice and that i do no longer understand why it costs lots, take them outdoors and shoot them that should be extra value-effective. i understand that many times each and every physique is wrongly convicted and that's unhappy and nerve-racking they could exhaust all possibilites first, yet while there's a confession or a number of lie detector exams or dna data and that they are of course a risk to society their is often available that they might get away. If somebody have been to harm or rape or kill my newborn i could have absolutley no be apologetic approximately in killing them i could prefer to do it myself. i'm hoping they do locate that mf who killed all of those women human beings somebody like it is obviously a risk to society. He quite merits the death penalty.

2016-10-15 21:52:01 · answer #2 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

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