I visited a Endocrinology and Metabolism MD. I really went to him because my primary (first time visit) physician referred me to him to check my diabetes. My main reason for visiting either of them was to get pregnant. They both knew this. I had been trying for 5 years. Anyway, I received a notice from Blue Cross Blue Shield the other day. There were several test charged, I have no idea what or why these test were done. The charges are over $300 that I owe this testing company. I owe the doctor's office about $60. I have never had a bill this high from anybody. I went to the gynecologist and never had a bill over $30. .
I know one thing, that doctor looked at my ankles that day and said that they looked swollen. Then he stated that he was going to check something. He used some kind of electrical device and shocked my ankles.My question is, HOW do I dispute these charges or request for the tests done by the doctor?????? I am pregnant and have bills coming soon for Gyne visits.
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Politics & Government
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I have called the insurance company already and they stated that the problem with this is that part of the charges for these test were not covered. The representative also stated that this company charges a lot for their services and to maybe ask the doctor not to use them. This doctor also wrote two prescriptions for me to try a med called Byetta and Fortamet for my diabetes. These were over $300 too. I couldn't afford that and couldn't get this filled.
03:27:47 ·
update #1