I agree with angelkidz...I was trying to conceive for a long time too...and every month when I would find out I wasn't pregnant, it would be so sad for me. Finally, I gave up my plans of having a baby and decided to get a job, travel the world, become a rock star, etc, etc...that month I got pregnant. Bye-bye job, hello baby! He's now seven months old. I think if you stop trying so hard and just relax, it will happen in time. I don't think there's anything to back this up, but judging from my experience and what I've heard from others, if you try really hard, it just doesn't happen. Try to forget about it and just have fun with your husband! Believe me, you should get as much time together as you can before your new little one arrives! Good luck!
2006-10-06 01:10:40
answer #1
answered by MJ 3
Well, you don't need to go to a fertility specialist to get help conceiving. You can start with your OBGYN. They can run some routine tests, examine you and do a medical history on both you and your partner to see if there is something simple interfering with conception. Even if you don't want to get help conceiving, it's still a good idea to get a check up before ttc.
Also, my insurance doesn't cover infertility treatments, so I get my prescriptions at Costco. You don't have to be a member to get prescriptions filled there. They have the best prices I've found. I've seen a lot of questions asking about herbal remedies for infertility. There aren't any. There are several hormones that are crucial in conception. Science has been able to reproduce these hormones to help many (including myself) conceive. If you are totally against meds, then at least take pre-natal vitamins while ttc. Folic acid is very important in early fetal development.
The only other advice I can give would be to chart your daily basal body temperature. You can learn all about this at fertilityfriend.com. This site is wonderful. You can chart your temps for free and get other valuable information regarding ovulation and conception. I have also heard of a book called "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" by Toni Weschler. I haven't read it, but it gets great reviews on Amazon.com.
Good luck!
2006-10-06 02:04:49
answer #2
answered by Melissa B 5
It may be hard to accept the fact that some people just will not be able to have biological children. And, if you and your significant other do not want invasive/excessive meds, then consider adoption. Otherwise, what might be the kick for the two of you is to first buy a ovulation kit to tell when you are most fertile, and then during that "most fertile time" go on a relaxing vacation far far away. I know it sounds like a myth, but I have heard to two couples with a similar problem and a soothing vacation did it for them.
2006-10-06 04:29:58
answer #3
answered by asha t 1
Some other people have already said the same thing...sorry for repeating but I really believe that if you stop trying too hard and just relax, it will happen...unless there are medical reasons. Many people get pregant while they are on holiday. Take a break and go away somewhere together but don't stress about having to conceive. Make sure its when you're ovulating though! Good luck!
2006-10-06 01:34:17
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
You both should try to start using colon cleanse pills, it will start cleansing the body of any toxins and all that old waste from whatever meds and other things thats been in there. Even get the colonics, they will only improve things, clear up your eyesight, help U to lose weight and most of all cleanse the body.
This is a true story: A friend of mines was told she couldnt have kids and she started going to get her colon cleansed and taking the colon cleanse pills and the Holistic doctor told her that by cleansing her body, it could remove all the toxins and she could possibly get pregnant. Sure enough, she went thru a couple of months of the cleansing, just to cleanse her body and she ended up pregnant.
Another true story: this friend of mines had 9 fibroid tumors the size of grapefruits and the doc told her she needed to have surgery to remove them. She didnt want surgery so she started getting her colon cleansed which she did for 6 mos and she went back to the doc and he said, I see you took my advice and got the surgery, I see 6 are gone and 3 had shrunk to the size of peas. She said no, I have been getting colonics for the past 6 mos, he told her dont tell anyone because that would make him lose so much money.
I am only telling you things that are true. I know when I started getting colonics, I wasnt ready for a baby and the Holistic doc told me if I wasnt ready for a baby I should really take extra precaustions bcuz my body was getting cleansed and it would be really easy to get pregnant.
I hope this offers you some help.
2006-10-06 01:05:56
answer #5
answered by Teddie Gramz 2
If you really want to have a baby and haven't been able to get pregnant, you can either keep practicing or go to a Dr. Usually the conditions you have won't interfere with having a baby. It might be some simple medical condition one of you has with regards to the reproductive system that can be resolved. I know of couples that gave up trying to have their own and adopted, then got pregnant.
2006-10-06 01:02:37
answer #6
answered by Candi S 3
i am sorry to hear that nothing has happended yet. my husbend and i are in the same boat. we can not afford the doctors or the meds. The best advise i was given was sex every 2 days, use a fertility monitor, lye in bed after sex 30-40 min., eat right, take multi vitiamims, and don't try to hard it will happen good luck.
2006-10-06 03:43:14
answer #7
answered by stacydeets 2
Just a little tip.... We used Clomid, but in addition we took Robitussin (Guaifenesin) every 4 hours on the days that we were going to try... it loosens up the mucas and helps the sperm travel faster to the egg... per my OBGYN...... it worked both times for us!! We were pregnant within 3 months the first time and 6 months the second time! Good Luck!!
2006-10-06 02:47:13
answer #8
answered by austinice428 1
Okay, non rude: have you tried making love every day for two weeks. I was told by my Doctor to not even consider any sort of outside treatment until we tried that and it worked.
By the way, COLONICS is bs. YES, they can make you feel free and lighter, but the effect it has on health is MORE due to the fact that people who get them are often inspired, if for a short amount of time, to eat better and thus, they feel better, but its not the colonic. so ignore that crazy poster.
HOLISTIC really should be termed AhSS- Holistic
2006-10-06 01:06:57
answer #9
answered by mark r 3
To get pregnant you must have sex on a day that your eggs are being released.
After the 3rd day from the day that menses started put a thermometer into your mouth and check your body temperature every morning before you start turning in bed. The best time is at about 4 a.m. Maintain a chart. You will find that on one day the body temperature drops from 1/2 degree to one degree. This is the day that your eggs are being released. If you want to get pregnant this is the day that you must have sex. Tell your husband to ejaculate on his inward thrust so that the sperms will shoot deep inside.
After having sex you must stay in bed for about 30 mins with your knees bent up with a pillow under your buttocks so that the sperms will not pour out - to enable them to travel up.
Get your husband to save his sperms in the testacles for at least 3 days before sex to enable them to mature well to do their job.
2006-10-06 00:58:55
answer #10
answered by donp 6