this is not an EXPRESS YOUR OWN DAMN OPINION SITE NOR IS IT A SITE TO ATTACK OTHERS...IT IS A QUESTION AND ANSWER SITE...AND YOUR QUESTION IS CLEARLY JUST TO ATTACK OTHERS...GO AWAAAAAAAAYYY!!!!! grrrr....are you really that bored to just sit around thinking of ways to bug ppl with your damn opinions?
2006-10-05 16:40:14
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I am pregnant with my third child. I have never had an abortion, nor would I EVER have one, but that's me. I'm not going to look at someone who has had an abortion and say, 'you stupid slut'. I honestly think you would be a pretty strong person to be able to go through it. I can't imagine the stress of these women sitting and coming to a solution that requires them to give up their child, I think it would be too much for me to handle. To think that there are some people out there that have no solution better than an abortion. And until you are put into there exact situation, at that place and time in their life, you should not judge others. And since that can't be done, then quit asking these questions. On this forum there are a lot of pregnant emotional women, so how is this question, which gets them worked up, and puts stress on the baby make you any better than the people you look down on?
2006-10-05 23:51:29
answer #2
answered by tnmomof2as 3
abortion is a very controversial subject. and you should have more of an open mind, sometimes abortion can save the woman and keep the unborn baby from having to suffer a life of misery. but on the other hand women that get pregnant and just go in for abortions because they simply dont want the child, then thats not necessarily right. however it is not our right to judge
2006-10-06 00:30:42
answer #3
answered by tru_blu 5
I saw a question once on here about abortion and alot of the answers for it seemed to refer to the embryo or fetus not really being a baby until it has a noticable heart beat. Well I recently did a little invesigation on fetal development, and I found out that a babys heart starts beating 10 days after conception!
I would say that makes it a baby pretty darn quick, wouldn't you?
Addition: I don't care if I get a hundred thumbs down for this answer. Those who do are ignorant and have no respect for the laws of GOD. Justify it anyway you want to but it is murder. PERIOD. After seeing the photos on the site the other person above listed, and after composing myself, I can't believe anyone could justify doing that to a defenseless baby. It is murder, yet it is legal. Kill a baby 10 seconds after it is born, you get convicted, but kill it while the mother is still pregnant, it is called a womans choice. Well, one day those people will have to answer to GOD for what they have done. Thank goodness those poor beautiful babies are all protected now in the arms of our LORD, since their awful, selfish mothers couldn't be bothered with them. Pitiful!
2006-10-06 00:45:08
answer #4
answered by LittleMermaid 5
God is here and he is for abortion. For example, in the Bible he says nothing against abortion. He doesn't call abortion death, murder or killing. The only thing that you can surmise about God's treatment of abortion is that it is natural and a part of his kingdom. God himself uses abortion every day in the form of miscarriage to make his creation work properly. And when a woman prays to God about abortion and he instructs her to abort, we can only surmise that it is God's will.
There is another god out there. This god wills the murder of abortion doctors, the harassment of women, the bombing of clinics and the murder of fetuses. This god has no power to save a fetus. Many people such as yourself believe in this God.
My God saves the fetus in abortion and does not kill any living creature that he has plans to use. My God is a loving and all powerful God and will forgive those who are pro life for chosing to follow the wrong god. You may be forgiven for your sin of following a false god or you may believe in Christ the one true God. And Christ is a loving God and would never allow death in miscarriage or abortion.
2006-10-07 11:39:52
answer #5
answered by Give me Liberty 5
i totally agree, look at my other questions and u can see i am totally against abortion, i don't think it is even right if a woman gets raped, there are couples out there that want a baby and if u can't deal with taking care of a rapists child then give it up , don't kill it, thats doing nothing but adding insult to injury.
i don't even believe it when there is something wrong with a baby, birth defects and such is a part of life and when u have a child there is never a guranteed that it will be what is considered "normal" besides that being a parent is supposed to be unconditional love and when some1 has an abortion because of something being wrong with the child then they are putting a condition on love and they don't EVER need to be parents in the first place.
i have 3 kids and my 2 youngest ones are mentally behind and i wouldn't trade them for the world, they are perfect but they are the way God wanted them to be and i wouldn't have them any other way, that is called having unconditional love.
after reading some of the other ppls remarks i just wanted to add that: most of u say its none of our business, but we make it our business when a baby comes up dead at the hands of the parent, its all over the news and u can't say u don't sit there and watch it or discuss it , that is the way i personally feel like with abortion, it is murder no matter how u look at it, however i will say its worse in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters to have an abortion but its always bad to do, and u have a conscience for a reason and it tells u when u are doing something wrong, so if there is nothing wrong with an abortion then how come they feel guilty and get depressed and are having a hard time with it.
look at these links and tell me this isn't murder in the 1st
these are the truths about abortions, for more information on them and how various abortions are performed go here
2006-10-05 23:46:07
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
You know what? You are an ignorant person. My sister was pregnant and her unborn child had a disease that was incurable. it wouldve died at 5 and have had a painful death. The child would have had to spend his-her entire life (until 5 years old) in the hospital in pain. It took my sister 5 years to finally get over it. You are truely a stupid person. shame on YOU, moron.
Oh & for Regina, my sister did not have the money to pay the medical bills (over $100,000. Do YOU want to pay for them?) which is WORSE & even if she did, Y the hell would you want a baby to suffer and watch it suffer?? "Awe, hun sorry but youll be in horrible pain all your life, we love you but youre gonna die soon." Is that what you tell them?
2006-10-05 23:40:17
answer #7
answered by Baby Jack born 4/5/09 4
I am pro-choice...and I am pregnant..and I am not getting an abortion... I think you are the only disgusting and wrong person around here...why would you even ask that question....go to a forum to discuss your hatred for people..not yahoo answers...
Anyway..have a nice day!
2006-10-05 23:45:58
answer #8
answered by Tamara J 3
If you are not having one or are not in a situation with someone else having one then it is really not your concern and it is people like you who are disgusting and wrong, the woman or most women going through this is having a hard enough time without unwanted remarks
2006-10-05 23:42:01
answer #9
answered by Shadow Kat 6
ok im so sick and tired of pro-lifers on this board saying that pro-choicers are "for" abortion. thats just sick. no one is "for" abortion, rather "for" choice and yes there is a difference.. I'm sure in an ideal world pretty much all people would prefer that no abortions ever had to take place. when your little sister gets raped and pregnant at 14 yrs old tho, are you going to say shame on her too?
2006-10-05 23:40:35
answer #10
answered by Mina222 5
Clearly this is a woman's issue and I'm not really entitled to my opinion, BUT....
I think that any woman/girl who can't demonstrate to a court appointed authority that she is competent to raise a child (financially, physically, mentally and emotionally) should be forced to have an abortion so we can use the stem cells for medical research, but hey that's just me. Apparently I am in the minority because most people compare me to Dr. Mengele when they hear my opinion.
2006-10-05 23:45:19
answer #11
answered by eggman 7