Actually no. Check with your local community colleges and with the state department of health. In Maryland you can do drug counseling with a certificate / AA degree from a community college. There are only a couple of colleges that offer it. Some programs require that you have completed the program and get some training to help others. Some alcoholics, drug, and anxiety groups do this. It is more of a mentoring system than a career. Most psychiatric hospitals do hire people as mental health counselors to work on the wards. Mental health counselors typically do not offer counseling but do work with the psychiatrists in maintaining behavior modification programs, medicine, and other programs. Typically, they look for people studying to be in the mental health field. Any of these options are very limited as to how far you can go with your career. I would suggest using this a starting point and continue your education in psychology if you want to become a licensed counselor (Master's level minimum). Good luck.
2006-10-05 06:24:26
answer #1
answered by Stacy 4
absolutely...four year plus graduate school. Unless you set out a tent in your front yard and put out a sign and get people to come to you, but that would be a little scary.
2006-10-05 13:21:55
answer #2
answered by obuprincess 5
actually, you will have to go to grad school to officially be a counselor. so to answer your question...yes, a four year school and then grad school after that.
2006-10-05 13:19:22
answer #3
answered by rentdiesel 2
he is correct
2006-10-05 13:22:03
answer #4
answered by MiaDiva28 6